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Status Updates posted by ExtraterrestrialGuy

  1. A random thought, but is your favourite superhero Captain America?

  2. I haven't played the first one but I read the full plot and watched the cutscenes, so yeah. :D

  3. Wow, your Bieber topic was so funny. I wish I could've posted in there.

  4. I probably like 3 because I played it before 2, though I think 3 would have been better if it had the basis of 2 such as non-linear gameplay.

    The fact that it just has a level one, level two, level three etc. instead of portals to different worlds which you can revisit without having to see the cutscenes.

    Have you ever played the GBA version of R3? It's got virtually the

  5. I didn't know it was avatar and signature combined.

  6. Rayman's cool. I have all of them! Except for the Raving Rabbids ones as they don't really have much of a story to them.

    Number 3 was my favourite.

  7. Thanks for linking my story in your sig.

  8. I know. I haven't sent you a PM yet.

  9. Fruit and vegetables are good for you, you know.

  10. Well, then it's a realistic black hole if it's similar to the ones shown on The Universe.

  11. Isn't the picture in your sig from The Universe, a doc series?

  12. Thanks, but the file size is too big so I'll have to change it.

  13. True, but not as much as metal ones.

  14. I like your avatar.

    Beyblade is awesome.

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