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Omega Kardas

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Status Updates posted by Omega Kardas

  1. ..The American Godzilla.

  2. A me invece ricorda un incrocio fra uno scorpione e una qualche sorta di rettile :P

  3. And I didn't wish it to you too! :(

  4. Classic High School, Greek is Epic ^^

  5. Do you like the american one too? :D

  6. Grammar Hammer? ._o

  7. Great! [but Canada is sometimes better than Italy :P]

  8. Haha, e Io quando mi son registrato pensavo d'essere il solo qua in Italia O.o

  9. Haha! VampireBohrok has returned... and now in Kal form! B)

  10. Happy (Late) Birthday. ;)

  11. Happy Birthday! Waiting for Trials of Terror ^_^

  12. Happy to know that ^^ Wanna be friends?

  13. Here in italy no home school, unfortunately :(

  14. Hey, happy *late* birthday! :)

  15. Hi Megan, are there some news about Transformers 3? ;P

  16. How stupid I am, only now I discover you have a blog! :P

    I'll follow it, I added it to my favourites. :)

  17. I'm glad to see other italian fans!

    Sweet nickname! ^^

  18. I'm surprised of that too, considering I'm unfortunately not visiting BZP these times.

  19. If you think VB's avatar is scary then you must see his blog... lol

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