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Posts posted by Legolover-361

  1. 4/5. Nice build-up, solid arrangement, consistently interesting melodies. The song's content to let its composition speak for it instead of volume--which is great, because it gives all the instruments space to breathe. Overall, it's a very enjoyable song in a style I normally don't listen to.


    "Choose the One Who Loves You More" by Copeland.

  2. I accept. I just won't watch any short media to ensure that watching those one-minute ads is worth it.


    You get a million dollars with the condition that you have to pass an advanced math course, one you've never taken before, at a difficult college, like MIT or Princeton.

  3. I could introduce a couple characters if you need a good guy or bad(-ish) guy to add conflict to the quest.


    Speaking of quests and events... The first couple posts in this topic mention antidermis and baddies and other islands, but I don't know if anything important happened since then. In what state is the island of Mata Nui now, and are there any big events that my characters should know about if they weren't living under a rock?

  4. The Skull Spiders realize they're underemployed and go on strike, beating you up. In the commotion, I sneak through holding a picket sign ("Justice for Skull Spiders!"), grab the mask, and run.


    My mask.

  5. Wait you aren't dead?


    And after such a lovely eulogy.

    Maybe I'm just a glitch in the matrix that caused a digital consciousness to develop and take this online handle as its home. You'll never know...


    (Also hiiii)



    k-ky when

    When I figure out what to do with Ky, she might return. Either her or Nova, anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hi, all. I'm skimming a couple of the BZPRPG topics, and they don't look crazy active (like, thirty-posts-a-day active), so I was wondering how difficult y'all think it would be to get involved in the RPG now. Is there a lot going on that I should know about, or would I be jumping in during a lull in action?

  7. The radiation caused a bacterium on the mask to enlarge, grow legs, and scuttle away with the mask on its back.


    Walking by idly, I see the mask and pick it up. The mutated bacterium runs elsewhere, presumably to find another mask to use as a shell.


    My mask.

  8. I've only watched the first episode, but I think I'll like this show. I enjoyed the old Cosmos -- Carl Sagan was a great host -- and Neil DeGrasse Tyson seems to be performing well as Sagan's successor. The show's CGI is great, and I love the new Ship of the Imagination... even if it reminds me of Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet.


    One issue I had with the first episode was that it never mentioned that (as I read after the episode aired) Giordano Bruno was not just killed for believing that the sun was just one of many stars but for committing religious heresy. Of course Bruno's death was still horrid, but apparently scholars tend to believe that he was not just (if at all) a "martyr of science" as the show's pilot indicated.


    Another, potential issue is the long sequences of 2D animation. I don't know if later episodes trim the amount of animation, but I didn't much enjoy how much focus it was afforded in the pilot. It's not bad; I'd just rather see more gorgeous 3D animation like that in the space calendar sequence.


    Nevertheless, I look forward to watching the other episodes in the series.

  9. INTJ

    Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(25%) Judging(22%)


    You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)

    You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)

    You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)

    You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

    I've taken this test a few times and received slightly varied results. I doubt INTJ fits me to a T (pun unintentional), but there are many qualities of INTJs that I share, so the test isn't very if at all off-base.


    Also, dang, there's an INTJ bandwagon in this topic.

  10. I've been on a pay-what-you-want digital music spree of late, especially after finding out that Deep Elm Records has their entire digital catalogue set to pay-what-you-want.

    • The Appleseed Cast: The End of the Ring Wars, Mare Vitalis, Low Level Owl, Vol. 1, Low Level Owl, Vol. 2, and Lost Songs
    • Athletics: Why Aren't I Home?, Stop Torturing Yourself, and Who You Are Is Not Enough
    • Cari Clara: Miniature American Model Society and It's Our Hearts They're After
    • Clair De Lune: Marionettes
    • Desoto Jones: Aurora and Shapeshifter
    • Les Sages: Share This and Blood Harmony
    • Lewis: Even So
    • Lights & Motion: Reanimation, Save Your Heart, and Unreleased
    • Our Lost Infantry: The New Art History
    • Papermoons: No Love
    • Pop Unknown: If Arsenic Fails, Try Algebra
    • Public Radio: "Forgot Love"
    • The Sky Life: Dimes & Discourses, Lights and Electricity, Roots and Wings, and Caves
    • The World Is a Beautiful Place...: Whenever, If Ever (apparently this is now pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp; I don't know when the change happened, but it did, and I am stoked)
  11. Just listened to the album. There were parts where I felt the music wasn't as interesting as it could be, and some of the quiet sections could have been a smidgen louder, but otherwise you've done a great job.


    Compared to the compositions of your previous 62 album, those of Respice Iterum are more complex and utilize more dynamics. This is a boon for the album, but despite the more adroit compositions, I could tell that the tracks were made to contribute to a whole rather than stand on their own. Granted, I like the effect -- it works well -- but it means the tracks are a bit less enjoyable out of context. Not a problem, just a remark.


    Again, great job. It's nice to hear more work from you.

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