After the collapse of Matoran civilization and a great climate catastrophe, nearly all of life is eliminated from the Comic Land.You start off as an insignificant, primitive bacteria simply trying to survive.With time, you adapt to new conditions, speciate, diversify and evolve.This is Anima.The way this works is that each generation has several adaptions that they can evolve.Simply PM your vote, and after a while I count them, and whichever adaption that has the most votes is added.This goes on and on and on, as the organism becomes more and more complex.I may also start different strains, but for now there is only one.-={The Nolite Strain}=--{Generation 0001: Tidepool}=- Begin--{Generation 0002: Tidepool}=- Defensive Spikes Evolved-This series is run by the Cosmological Complexity Conception (C3),a group founded by Vigor Mortis with the goal of spreadingscientific ideas and sparking interest of it in the community.