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Flickr album My entry to TTV's BIONICLE Canon Contest 1: The First, in which participants build Helryx. As the first ever Toa, Helryx may lack polish, but she's built to get the job done. I imagine early Toa, such as the Toa Mata, were designed with a particular fighting style in mind. Later Toa have more refined frames well suited to a variety of fighting styles. Going with this idea, I made Helryx asymmetrical to fit her equipment. Helryx's large weapon arm lets her deal strong blows with her mace. The shoulder and knee armor on her mace side protect her when she swings. Helryx's other side features lighter armor since her large shield covers it. Even her shield is asymmetrical for a reason; it tapers toward the bottom, exposing Helryx's leg so she can quickly advance with her shield up. Feedback much appreciated!
Flickr album What the Toa Nala of Fire lacks in commanding presence he makes up for in cool. Can this engineer smolder his way to victory with thought and grit alone, or will destiny demand a blaze of glory? I wasn't planning on making this character a Metru build. I tried the torso out of idle curiosity, and since it fit the character I stuck with it. One year late for Metru March. The name Avongu was made using Tolkien's Matoran Language: [avongu "dusk" < avo-ngu, from avo "elemental light" and ngu "last, final; alone"]
Flickr album Waamehi-Nui are gorilla-like Rahi that reside in forests throughout the universe. These creatures are more physically imposing than their Lava Ape cousins, but they are also friendlier and more social. Rumor even has it that a troop on the Southern Continent accepted several Bo-Matoran into their ranks. Good-natured these Rahi may be, but provoke a Waamehi-Nui and it will use its strength and horns to wreak the sort of havoc that gives Skakdi nightmares. The term Waamehi-Nui was made using Tolkien's Matoran Language: [wāmehi "(Rahi) possessing hands" < wai-amehi, from the possessive particle wai (originally denoting possession of the object) and amehi "hand"] (Alternate backstory: Good Guy Hordika :P) Thanks for taking a look. I'd appreciate your thoughts!
Legend tells us that Failure came to Nala Nui long ago. He swept across the Silver Sea and reached a fishing village. There he told stories of a distant Ring-Land and promised to bless the Matoran with a great gift. But Failure lied, for his gift was not great. He drained away their Water until all that remained was Sand. Flickr album Zemahri was one of the mysterious Matoran of Sand who roam the wastes of Po-Wahi on Nala Nui. Transformed into a Toa, she now protects her tribe and the larger settlement of Po-Koro. Zemahri has found it difficult transitioning into Po-Koro's less nomadic life, and she spends no more time there than she needs to. Zemahri wields a staff topped with a bleached Mahi skull she found in the dunes. The name Zemahri was made using Tolkien's Matoran Language: [zemahri < ze-mahri, from ze "empty, drained out, drained" and mahri "ocean, depths; descent/ascent"] Thanks for taking a look, and please let me know what you think! (And what's up with the backstory?)
Searching for Ekimu's tomb, the Toa journey deep beneath the City of the Mask Makers. There they wind through ancient catacombs, battling Skull Scorpios at every turn. In time they push their way—or are they themselves pushed?—into a vast chamber. In its center swirls a vortex of debris, all that remains of the vanquished Lord of the Skull Spiders. In the darkness, Onua can make out a lone figure. Have the Toa found their quarry at last? "Ekimu!" he calls. "We are here to rescue you!" The six gasp as an islander steps out of the shadows… Flickr Here is my entry to The Legend Continues contest! Participants create entries reflecting things they would have liked to see in G2 Bionicle. I recreated the MNOG confrontation with Makuta in the style of the 2015 animations. Please let me know what you think!
To download just this Okoto font (okoto2016): visit the okoto2016 directory, click the font file you want to download (the TTF is a good bet), then click "View Raw." To download this and three more Bionicle fonts (metrumatoran, voyamatoran, okoto2016, okoto [outdated]): visit the latest release and choose your preferred download link. Credit goes to jed1ndy for actually creating the glyphs. The original glyphs are here: jed1ndy's Complete Okoto Alphabet + Okatan Symbols. I just made the glyphs into vectors and used Fontello to make them into a font. Also in the newest version I changed the C/c glyph a bit and added the creature symbol as the 8 glyph. The okoto2016 font has glyphs for a-z, A-Z, 1-9, and [space]. Numbers correspond to the following symbols: 1: Lewa 2: Pohatu 3: Gali 4: Tahu 5: Onua 6: Kopaka 7: Elemental Creatures 8: Umarak 9: Ekimu Thanks for looking!
Among the Dark Hunters' ranks stand some of the cleverest spies and backstabbers the universe has ever seen. But sometimes The Shadowed One just wants to break stuff. That's when he calls in Rampage. Flickr album Gear function! (gif) My entry to BBC #73. Few things stand out as more quintessentially G1 to me than the models from the 2006 Dark Hunters book. I tried to replicate that unpolished mechanical style here. In fact, as far as I know all the pieces in Rampage except the upper arms were available in 2005 when the Dark Hunter contest took place. I'd love to hear your comments and criticism! Edit 2016-07-17: Gear function instructions!
- 10 replies
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- BBC Contest 73
(and 3 more)
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An ancient Toa of Iron who watched over Nala Nui long ago. While he has not been seen in ages, the forges of time have not yet fully wrought this hero’s journey… Flickr This guy was originally an Inika build that I made several years ago. I decided to revamp him recently and added some bronze to his color scheme. He's also my entry into this month's Flickr contest. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I started this a while ago but SPIRIT's topic inspired me to finish it. --- Alright everybody, this is pretty outlandish but bear with me. If we make a big assumption then a lot of the post-SM material ties together nicely. Orde is Marendar. (Note I'm referring to Marendar as a "he" because using "it" gets confusing.) Marendar was designed to eliminate Toa if they did not behave as expected. In other words, the Toa are a buggy program and Marendar's job is to terminate it. If Marendar had psionic powers, he could scan through Toa's minds (step through the code, find the error) and then kill them (terminate the program). A Toa of Psionics would be the perfect cover then; Marendar could integrate with the Toa and scan their minds without raising any suspicion. By skimming people's minds, Marendar could also build up a working knowledge of the MU that would allow him to come up with a convincing backstory. Whether Marendar was created as a Toa of Psionics or whether he can shapeshift doesn't matter too much, although if he could shapeshift that would explain the gender issue; Marendar could have shapeshifted into a male Toa of Psionics and rushed in among the Toa before learning Psionics was a female element. By the time Chiara asked Orde why he was male, he already had had several days to scan her mind for info that allowed him to cover up his mistake. Now, why would Marendar join Chiara and Zaria's party? Simple: they were searching for the GBs. The GBs were SM's leadership and were also Marendar's creators. If the GBs, Glatorian, and Agori were all in danger, it would make sense for Marendar to prioritize the GBs' lives over the Glatorian and Agori's. Chiara and Zaria threatened the GBs, so Marendar tagged along to kill them. Several things might have happened when the party was captured by the Vorox. I think the most likely possibility is that Orde never revealed himself to the Vorox and didn't know about Velika's power dampeners (in which case his line “You can’t shut off a Toa’s power. That’s like shutting off the ability to breathe!” was genuine). Whatever happened, Orde expected the Toa to be eliminated by the Vorox. And when Orde finds out about Velika: Orde has been programmed to wipe out all Toa and to protect the GBs. Not only is there a GB disguised as an MU inhabitant (!!) but, as we learned later, that GB wants to rule over SM (!!). That totally goes against Marendar's programming to eliminate the Toa. Once Orde and Velika's true identities are revealed (maybe after Velika fails to kill Lifer and co. and Orde kills Chiara and Zaria?), we have a good lead-in to... ...the hinted-at GB civil war! On one side is Angonce and the MU inhabitants, who want a peaceful SM society. On another side is Velika, who dislikes the GBs' leadership and wants to rule over SM with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Marendar runs around killing Toa against both sides' wishes. What Angonce doesn't know is that Velika is responsible for the MUians' sapience, and what Velika doesn't know is that Angonce accidentally released Marendar. Really, their goals aren't that different: after all, they both want the MU inhabitants alive, they just want to rule them differently. The two sides at least temporarily settle their differences (with the help of Takanuva perhaps?! his destiny has something to do with the war after all), and they ally to destroy Marendar. Maybe Velika agrees to end his power grab as long as the GBs agree never to interfere with the new SM society? That's speculation of course, but it would tie up the threads nicely—by the end the GBs, Velika, and Marendar would be a non-issue. As for Kopaka and Pohatu, who knows? At the end of all of this, you might be thinking Greg never planned for Orde to be Marendar. AFAIK you're right. But did Greg plan for Velika to be a GB? Of course this theory isn't to be taken too seriously, but do feel free to poke holes in it! Edit: Hi all, I'm gonna be gone without internet for a couple weeks. If you post any feedback and you don't get a response, I'm not ignoring you! I'll respond when I get back. Also I just noticed that it's actually fitting that marendar means "salvation" in Agori. If Marendar weren't a threat, then following this theory Velika and Angonce wouldn't ally and the civil war would potentially last much longer than it would otherwise.