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Ah, yes, the tall tale of Ninjago. It has been to some... interesting... places over the years as more and more layers continue to be added on, but to varying degrees of success. As much as I appreciate some of the segues into new themes and how they effectively build off and collectively strengthen each other, namely how the destruction of Djinnjago ties into the series' pervasive theme of responsibility and discretion... and is only ever addressed in the first few episodes and the theme just lays low for the rest of the season until it needs to permeate the setup of another season. This is precisely my main problem with the series as a whole. One could argue that a story of this magnitude and scope is already beyond the point of no return and simply doesn't need to be strengthened because it's a toyline, but forget those superfluous standards for a moment. I'm not asking to expand the story here, I'm only looking to strengthen for the purposes of making far more fluid continuities, more identifiable and characteristic... err... characters... and constructing stories that leave fewer loose ends. Here's a few of my questions in no particular order: • Is Sensei Wu ever going to bring back his tea shop? It wasn't exactly a financial failure. • Shouldn't have the other 15 Realms collapsed into oblivion after the Preeminent was destroyed? Was Djinnjago the only Realm to have disappeared? Do the Realms have to be kept at an even number? • Are you absolutely sure that the Overlord has been vanquished? • How did Master Chen find Titanium Zane and capture him before the Ninja could find him? • Who created Zane's Titanium form? Was it PIXAL? Did Cyrus Borg manufacture that form? If so, how did Zane manage to slip through his fingers? • Garmadon never really received any proper form of closure. Why hasn't he been mentioned even once after the fact? • How in the name of heck did Clouse manage escape from the Cursed Realm/Preeminent? • What's Skylor up to? She's an pretty well-written and entertaining character. Why abandon her entirely? • What ever happened to Ed and Edna Walker (Jay's parents)? I sincerely hope that they are receiving more financial support. These are just a few questions I have. So here's another question; what are your questions and how would you formally address them?
For the love of Karzahni on a pogo-unicycle eating a pizza, why is BZP seemingly such a huge target for hackers!?!?!?!? Pohatu: By the way, I love-- Every Other TNI Character: DON'T USE THAT JOKE!! Pohatu So, yeah. For all 0 of you who didn't notice, BZP got hacked AGAIN. Seriously. For a somewhat-obscure fansite for the discussion of a toy franchise that ended three years ago, we sure seem to be a giant hacker magnet...Anyway, time for the good and bad news regarding my stuff. Good news: I saved the one new bit of content (i.e. the previous blog post) via Google Caches this time around. I also double-checked Hack Wars, Mata Nova, TNI, and Ask Matau! and nothing has been lost in any of those. So we're all good there! Bad news: I am gonna have to re-repost my old comedies again from the first chapters. Meaning you'll have to wait even longer for new content. I'll start reposting tomorrow (Friday,) due to having a double shift at work tonight. Same stuff as last time, so stay tuned! Lewa0111 Nuva P.S. If anybody has anything at all saved/remembered from Comedicle/QFTCJP, Pokerahi, Pohatu Puppet Pals, or especially the GMSM series, please PM me with whatever you may have! Those are the comedies I'm missing the most content from at the moment. Thanks!
Tonight, I spent at leat 6 hours, talking with Bzp Members Kohaku and Kinali. GREATEST. NIGHT. EVER. Nostalgiaing about Bionicle. Playing Light Vs. Dark on Kid Icarus. Making plans to hang out in real life. It was a blast and it was worth the sleep deprivation! Alku
You will be kissed next Friday by a Muaka posing as the love of your life. Your next wish will come true if you post this on your blog. You've started reading now you can't stop. Matoro will die in two days but you will find out whether Hahli and Jaller really love each other or not. Hold on this is really cool cause it works you will live happily ever after if you repost this on your blog press Alt-F4 and Makuta's Kraahkan will appear on your desktop it's scary cause it works. All hail the Master of Shadows...?