Dallior Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 Welcome, one and all, to another legend of Bionicle. I am Turaga Dume, and this is a tale of the Toa preceding me, many years after the Great Cataclysm. It all started in a place not far from here, in Le-Metru. A great danger, the Ryu, were plaguing the Matoran with no end in sight. They were giant plants, who absorbed and killed Matoran, or anything else. No one - or thing - was safe. The other Toa that could help were being killed by Makuta's Brotherhood, and the Le-Matoran were losing hope fast. Until the unthinkable happened... a new Toa was born... a Toa of Fire. Would anyone like to see this story advance? Post in the comments any suggestions, declarations, or celebrations! Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Well, if the 17 views I've received in one day is anything to go off, I guess I'll continue this Epic legend! CHAPTER ONE: AN UNEXPECTED HEROOne day outside the besieged village, a Le-Matoran, Kigta, was exploring the outskirts of their not-so-safe haven, looking for a way to destroy the deadly pest, the Ryu."Uggh, I can't believe what just happened." Kigta said sullenly. "Those pesky plants attacked our chapel, destroying countless artifacts and Kanohi masks. If only there was a way to stop this endless misery..." Suddenly, a burst of lightning hit the ground just ahead of Kigta, scattering lingering Rahi and knocking the Matoran back. Dazed, the Matoran muttered: "What was that... whoa!" He saw a large figure step out of the brush... the silhouette of a Toa. Kigta promptly bowed."Great Toa, we have been awaiting your arrival..." But he was immediately stopped by another muffled crash. "Toa?" The hero had fallen over, most likely unconscious from his sudden arrival. Kigta ran over to the new hero, but he saw a strange thing... the Toa's armor was covered in red. The Toa stood up slowly and said with a sullen voice:"I am Sanguivox, Toa of Fire, and Protector of... Le-Metru." Sanguivox turned to look at Kigta, and soon fell down again."Toa of Fire"? Kigta asked himself, confused. He knew the one person he could tell of this new event: the Turaga. Whew, that was fun! What do you think will happen next? If anyone actually read this, please like and comment to this new story. Thanks! Edited October 7, 2014 by Dallior08 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted October 7, 2014 Author Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Kudos to Toa Smoke Monster for pointing out some grammar issues in the first chapter! The next installment shall be released tonight (hopefully)! Whoever can guess what relation "Sanguivox" has with a certain Latin word gets a supporting character spot in a future installment... Edited October 7, 2014 by Dallior08 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted October 8, 2014 Author Posted October 8, 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE IRRATIONAL ROCK for correctly guessing the correlation between the name Sanguivox and the Latin root word. I'm not giving the answer just yet (since it's a pretty major spoiler), but The Irrational Rock earns a place in the story, which will be released tomorrow (or tonight if i'm lucky). Thanks for the support! Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted October 8, 2014 Author Posted October 8, 2014 (edited) CHAPTER TWO: THE TOA RECOVERS Now, before this story continues, let me describe Kigta;s appearance, as it had slipped my aging memory banks last time we met. Kigta was an average Le-Matoran, with a Noble Kanohi Kualsi. He was Captain of Le-Metru's improvised guard, which was created soon after the start of the Ryu invasion. He was very social, and had befriended an outcast in the village; Irrie, a Ko-Matoran, with a powerless Kanohi Kiril and an over-powered mind. The two became good friends soon, and both will be crucial to this story. Anyways, back to it. Kigta sprinted to the safehouse that held Turaga Lamne safe from the plant menace, hard of breath but full of a story. Before reaching the gates, his friend Irrie appeared next to him."Kigta, what happened? You look like Rahi fodder!" Irrie playfully asked."Can't...talk. New... Toa. Must tell... Turaga..." Kigta managed to wheeze. Irrie stepped back, unbelieving."A new Toa? Great! Why... where is he?" Kigta merely groaned and continued on. "Kigta?" Irrie sprinted to his friend, supporting him to the Turaga's hut. Eventually, the two reached Turaga Lamne. "Turaga!" Kigta called. "I bear important news! A new Toa has appeared to save us!" "A Toa?!" The elder exclaimed. "Wonderful! Where is he? We must herald the city!""NO!" Kigta shouted, louder than he meant."No? Why not?" asked a confused Irrie. Kigta turned to both his friend and his leader."It's a Toa of Fire." Kigta managed.Suddenly, the doors burst open, and a towering figure strode into the room. He wore a Great Volitak, wielded a Lava Spear, and was very much a Toa of Fire."Greetings, Matoran and Turaga. I am Sanguivox, Toa of Fire, and protector of Le-Metru!" The whole room was silent. No one said a word. Nervous glances were shared between guards."What is the matter? Will no one herald my arrival?" Sanguivox asked confusedly. Irrie cleared his throat."Um, to be fair , oh Great and Powerful Sanguivox..." Irrie started."Please, just Sanguivox.""OK, Sanguivox," Irrie continued, "We're all a bit confused since, well, we weren't expecting a Toa of Fire in Le-Metru.""Aren't you as out of place as me, Ko-Matoran?" Sanguivox retorted. Irrie sunk back behind Kigta, making the Matoran of Air angry.Sanguivox sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I had to c..." Suddenly, the whole building shook wildly. Cracks appeared in the walls. The guards rushed to block the door, but too late. A Ryu, looking like an over-sized Venus fly trap on a constantly growing vine, wrapped around the two guards, suffocating them. "No!" Turaga Lamne shouted. He started to concentrate on summoning a gust of air, when the Ryu released the dead guards, revealing them with infected masks and plants growing all over themselves. They shot vine whips at the Turaga, which wrapped around him. Kigta saw Turaga Lamne's mask slowly turning infected. "No!" Kigta rushed to save his elder, but it was too late. The Turaga was infected. It reached a hand toward Kigta, beginning the infection process on him too. It was at this point the Toa acted. Sanguivox leaped at the evil Turaga Lamne, frontflipping and kicking him away. The Turaga flew through the ground, plummeting to his death. Sanguivox then turned to the vine, pointed his Toa tool at it and fired a lava flow at it from the spear. The vine burned and writhed in agony, dying. Sanguivox laughed in triumph, but the end was not there yet. The two guards still remained. One leaped at Kigta, re-starting the infection process. The other grabbed Irrie and jumped through the hole the Turaga fell through. "Kigtaaaaaaaaa!!!" Irrie screamed as he fell to the ground below.Kigta was nearly gone, almost infected, when the unthinkable happened. He appeared at the other end of the room, in the exact spot he was glancing at to escape to. Revived, he kicked the guard towards the Toa, who instantly sliced the head off of the slave. Kigta rushed over to the hole, looking for the corpse of his friend who had been thrown through the hole. He saw nothing. No broken body pieces, no mask, no vines. "Irrie!!!" Kigta wailed. He had just lost his leader and his greatest friend. "It should have been me..." Sanguivox stepped gingerly toward the Matoran, offering condolence. "It's OK." Sanguivox said softly. "Whatever it takes, I will avenge your friends." Kigta turned toward the Toa, a smile on his face. "Really?" he asked, wiping away tears."Really." The Toa responded compassionately. "But, how did you teleport like that?""I... don't know." the Matoran responded. "A story for another day, then." Sanguivox responded. The two walked out, ready to herald the new Toa. But the Toa could never trust his new companion, not really. Because the mask of Kigta...was partially infected. TO BE CONTINUED... UPDATE: Sanguivox actually has a Great Calix and two Lava Greatswords. Sorry about the typo! Edited October 29, 2014 by Dallior08 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted October 29, 2014 Author Posted October 29, 2014 (edited) Welcome back, gathered friends. It is I, Turaga Dume, back to tell you of the legend of the Ryu that plagued Le-Metru so long ago. CHAPTER THREE: AIRSURFING Soon after the heartbreaking Ryu encounter, Sanguivox pulled Kigta away from the throngs of paparazzi to raise the mourning Le-Matoran's spirits."Come on, friend." The Toa patted Kigta's back. "I've got something cool to show you." Sanguivox led Kigta to a cliff near his arrival point. "I found this after you abandoned me earlier." The cliff was massive, a hundred-foot fall able to stun even Kigta, overlooking the Protodermis Sea."Wow." Kigta gasped. "Just...wow." The gaping Matoran was stunned. "I guess in the modernization of Le-Metru and the Ryu attacks, I was never able to explore the place as much as I used to." "I was meaning to ask about that." Sanguivox said. "So I figured we could talk alone...while we fly over the cliffs." Kigta was confused."F-fly? I know that this is Le-Metru, but you're a Toa of Fire!" Sanguivox just chuckled. "Don't worry. Just watch this". He put his Toa tools, two Fire Greatswords, together, and and they combined into some sort of board. Sanguivox started mumbling: "The air currents are especially strong around here, so I should be able to..." He threw his new surfboard off the cliff, winked at Kigta, and jumped after it. "Sanguivox!" Kigta shouted. "I can't lose you too!" Suddenly, the Toa flew up, riding his Lava Greatswords."See?" Sanguivox yelled joyously. "Thank Mata Nui for this Kanohi Calix! Hop on!" The Matoran seemed to instantly appear on the board just behind the Toa of Fire. The pair cut through the sky, straddling the air currents enveloping Le-Metru. As they passed the overgrown city's town center, Sanguivox asked: "So what's the story with those vines... the Ryu?" Kigta sighed and explained. "The Ryu first appeared on a Naming Day many cycles ago, after the modernization of the city. Afterwards, some people swore that they saw moving plants among the junk heaps. Those Matoran were never heard from again." Kigta shuddered and continued: "Soon more Matoran disappeared, new buildings were destroyed, other things that generally weren't good. We blamed it on the Burnaks, but when we went to capture some, the vines...came alive. They somehow absorbed the Rahi, placing them under the vine's influence. Those Burnak are used to absorb more, our warriors, our workers, now our Turaga..." "So why do you call them 'Ryu?'" Sanguivox asked, skillfully avoiding a flock of Gukko birds. "It's from an old tribal language. It means 'ninja', or 'one who hides in shadows'." Kigta responded. The pair stopped (as much as the wind let them) so that they could see the ruined Turaga's palace. They were both filled with sad memories. Sanguivox finally asked the one question that had been nagging on his mind. "So, how the heck did you teleport in that battle, and on my board earlier? I was just as confused as those people reading about us right now..." Shh! Sanguivox, you're breaking the fourth wall! Do you want me to kill you off too? "OK, OK, fine." Sanguivox responded sorrowfully as he recognized the narrator's ultimate superiority. Kigta cleared his throat and answered to the Toa: "I don't know exactly. My Noble Kualsi may have something to do with it." Sanguivox pounded his head and interjected, "Of course it did! That's the Mask of Quick-Travel! The fact that you have a Noble mask, though..." Kigta was shocked. He realized that he had mask powers just as powerful as a Turaga's! He adjusted himself on the board, Sanguivox discreetly avoiding his infected mask. "OK, we're going in for a landing." the Toa shouted. He flew down to the island the the Turaga and Irrie had fallen to. "Let's do some investigation!" The pair jumped off the Toa tool as Sanguivox broke it back into it's original swords. Kigta looked around, walking backwards. "There's nothing here. No masks, no vines, no hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The last part was the yell of the Matoran as he began to fall down a hidden hole. Sanguivox leaped down after the falling Matoran, catching him mid-fall. "I've got ya!" Sagnuivox grunted. "You've got me?" Kigta shouted. "Who's got you?!" The pair continued to fall, bracing for impact. They collided with... a vine trampoline. "Well, that means that Irrie could still be alive." Kigta groaned as he lay on the floor. A passage continued horizontally toward the mainland. Snaguivox grabbed for his swords, wary of Ryu. The duo slowly walked on to a startling plot development. Sanguivox whispered, "It's an underground city...below Le-Metru...controlled by the Ryu." TO BE CONTINUED... Thanks for reading again, guys! Sorry bout the long break, but I've been tweaking and editing this chapter for a while! Edited October 29, 2014 by Dallior08 Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
Dallior Posted January 16, 2015 Author Posted January 16, 2015 Please close this topic, mods. I'm going to re-do the comedy, so if you could close this one, that would be great! Quote "Remember when the comics forum had a lot of good stuff? Let's make that a thing again." -Kazi the Matoran
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