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Legends of Okoto- Fire Tears: A Bionicle 2015 Story

Flex Lord Splash

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Fire Tears Part 1


It was a normal night within Ta-Koto, the capitol city of the Fire Region that consisted of one massive black castle with many spires and adjacent towers. Kaeren stood within one of those towers, staring down at a map of Okoto. A taller Ta-Matoran stood across the table from Kaeren staring down at the maps.


"We've noticed concentrations of Skull Spiders here and here in our region..." he jabbed a crimson finger at two points on the map.


"Are you going to order the Guards to try to search for a nest Jakab?" Kaeren asked earnestly, trying to learn as much as he can.


"Yes, I think that would be the right move little brother." Jakab nodded. Jakab looked much the same as kaeren, except his standard Matoran mask was a bit scarred.


Kaeren was about to say something to his older brother when suddenly horns began to sound throughout the castle.


"We are under attack!" Jakab shouted. He drew his twin lava swords from his back in one smooth motion, before turning towards the open window.


Kaeren rushed over to the window to see Ta-Koto guards raising the main gate to the city, except that Skull Spiders were still streaming in over the gate as it was slowly closing.


"I have to go, stay here Kaeren." Jakab said.


"No! I'm coming with you! I can fight! I'm old enough to fight now, you've been training me!" Kaeren said defiantly.


Jakab turned back to Kaeren. "No little brother, it is not your time yet to test your worth in battle. You will be an official Ta-Koto Guard in a few days. Which means you will be under my command since I am Captain of the Guard. Stay here brother, that is an order." with that Jakab threw open the door and dashed down the stairs...


Kaeren stood by the window, feeling extremly helpless as more Skull Spiders began to stream into Ta-Koto. The gate finally closed, but there was still a good deal inside. He watched as Ta-Koto guards began to fight hard against the creatures, using their spears as they defended their home.


He even saw his brother down at the forefront, slashing at Skull Spiders with his swords. That's it I'm going down there to help. Kaeren thought. He turned away from the window and moved across the room where several Ta-Koto Guard spears were being hung against the wall.


Kaeren grabbed one of the red two-pronged spears and lifted it up before he also grabbed a shield with the flame insignia of the Ta-Koto guard across the front. He turned and dashed through the open door before heading down the stairs. Even as he moved through the tower, making his way to the fight he could still hear the sounds of battle.


The Ta-Matoran threw open the door to the tower and stepped out into the courtyard. It was chaos, red armored Ta-Koto guards were everywhere attacking Skull Spiders. A Skull Spider scuttled towards Kaeren and jumped at him, Kaeren lifted his shield, deflecting the Spider and launching it into the air.


Bolts of flame burst into several Skull Spiders and Kaeren turned to see The Protector of Fire, Vakama joining the fight also, his black cloak swirling behind him as he used his elemental blaster. Kaeren jumped into the fray then, using his spear as he struck at several Skull Spiders, taking three out this way.


That was when Kaeren looked up, only to notice a large group of Skull Spiders crawl over the wall before launching themselves onto a group of the Guard' heads. "Watch out!" Kaeren shouted but it was too late, the Skull Spiders latched onto the Guards masks. They went rigid before they turned and began attacking their own comrades.


Kaeren looked up to see his brother surrounded by piles of unmoving Skull Spiders, it gave him new found motivation in his attacks.


The battle wasn't going well, it was obvious to Kaeren as he fought for his life that the Ta-Koto Guards were overwhelmed by the Spider threat.While he was busy fighting he heard his brother Jakab shouting commands at his men constantly.


More and more Matoran were falling, Skull Spiders hugging their face before they rose with a new sinister purpose. The infected Matoran then began to do something organized. They swarmed the Guards booth on the side of the courtyard, grabbing the controls for the massive gate into the city, and releasing it so the gate would now open.


Kaeren stood still with fear as the gate fell open, allowing passage for more Spiders to come through. Except there were no more Skull Spiders outside the gate, there was nothing except the Fire Region countryside and the massive lava moat that surrounded the castle.


Then the infected did something Kaeren almost couldn't comprehend. They began to walk out onto the gate which served as a bridge across the lava moat before they stepped off the edge, willingly dropping themselves down into the lava.


"By Ekimu don't!" Kaeren shouted, but it was too late, he watched as other Ta-Matoran threw themselves into the molten lava. Ta-Matoran were more heat resistant then any other Matoran, they could survive maybe a few seconds or even a few minutes in the lava, and still with severe injuries. That was why lava surfing was such a dangerous sport, most Ta-Matoran practiced first in water so they learned to never fall of their board.


He charged through the crowd, running out into the gate and looking over the side to see if there was anyway to help the Matoran. Some of their arms were reaching upwards out of the lava as they slowly sank beneath its depth, he could see a few of their masks, still with a Skull Spider attatched above the surface before they sank as well.


Fury overtook Kaeren as he got to his feet. He turned towards the nearest Skull Spider and unleashed a blast of flame from his palm, knocking it into the lava.

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