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The Okoto Scrap Bin

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Toa Helryx: Ready to compete. Mazeka's Swamp strider: Looking pretty good. But even with these two models, I still had pieces lying around! Granted, I only have six sets at the moment (Gali, Onua, Kopaka,and their respective protectors), but part of me sees legos and says "GOTTA BUILD GOTTA BUILD BUILD BUILD." So, I tried to make a few more original models.




This is what I ended up with. So, let's go from the top, shall we?




The gold-scaled rattleworm is native to both the region of stone and the region of sand, burrowing underground and preying on other, smaller diggers. The creature is fairly large, being twice as long as the average protector is tall, and the venom in its needlefang is incredibly potent. Despite this, it's one of the more peaceful inhabitants of Okoto; it never attacks Protectors unless it feels threatened, and it will warn perceived threats to back away with its trademark rattle beforehand.




The Lobster Scrubber is an enigmatic little machine, named for both its appearance and its apparent purpose. Scooching about the ancient temples of Okoto, these little machines keep the floors squeaky clean, ignoring the Protectors and other creatures that pass on through. Exactly who built them, and how they work, is a mystery that has yet to be solved; all attempts to disassemble a Lobster Scrubber have resulted in the unexplained disappearance of the curious Protector.




This... this is the final leftovers. Eighteen pellets of ammo, six masks, part of a tool, and a big hulking chestpiece. All in all, I don't think I did half bad with what I got; two real big models, two scrap models, and most of the leftovers are masks and pellets. I'm thinking of making the Lobster Scrubber into my new avatar; it's cute, strange, and something I made myself so... yeah.

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