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Tale Of Five Nations: Nations Introduction

Toa Genris

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Tale of Five Nations

Five countries, One Destiny...

The continent of Elderon has been at peace for 3 years since the great war between Argoth, Fushigi, and Ilyan.But now that time is over. The Fabled Temple of the Sky is found along with a legend of the mythical Weapons of Fate, hidden in the Sky Shrine. The Weapons of Fate contain the greatest power on the face of the continent and could further the designs of any nation or make one and unstoppable foe.

Word of the legend spreads like wildfire and races across all the land. Each nation begins its search for the one man, a Scholar, who knows the only way to the Chamber of Transfiguration, the only way to the Shrine. The scholar also holds the only key to unlock the vault to the Weapons,. and has gone into hiding to protect himself from the hands of the different nations.

All of the nations come to a stalemate when the each discover that this shall become all out war as each is determined to have the weapons for themselves and no other. All of the Nations prepare for what may be the end of everything on Elderon as all of the forces get ready for the battle of Destiny...

(I will be posting several topics on the different sets about Tale of Five Nations over the next while, depending on when I finish each set. I should be posting the first few sets soon. Enjoy!)

The 5 nations of Elderon are as follows: Argoth, Fushigi, Ilyan, Arulia, and the Great Wood.

One of the oldest of the Nations, Argoth is the father of all the other Human nations. They are a just, noble, and loyal people. They seek the Weapons of Fate to forever protect and unite the nations in peace.

Vikings and Samurai of Fushigi:


Once, these people were two seperate nations, but after years of war over the land they shared, they joined together into a deadly force of power and swiftness. The search for the Weapons of Fate to protect the peace they share and avenge the loses caused by Ilyan.

They were once at peace with their brethren the samurai, but were split when the Sun and Moon Blades were found. Each group wanted the power of both swords, leading to the war and separation of the groups. The Ninjas want the Weapons of Fate to end the Samurai, regain the Sun Blade, and be unquestioned in power.

Mythological creatures of the Great Wood:


These beings were once part of the legends and tales of old, but now they have emerged to claim the land that is theirs. This group consists of many different races, all united to claim the Weapons of Fate that were once theirs many centuries ago

Enchanted Armors of Arulia:


Created by the infamous Pestilence Flamewhip, these mindless creatures follow him without question. Pestilence and his loyal follower General Bane search vigourously fro the Weapons of Fate so they can destroy those who oppose them and enslave the world under their power.

Fates of the Sky Shrine: (haha I'm not going to post pics yet. Stayed tuned to fined out what they look like!)

These mythilogical creatureshave only been seen once before in ancient times. They protect the fabled Weapons of Fate.

I'll be posting the first set of Tale of Five Nations soon. Stay tuned! Please Comment!

Edited by Toa Genris
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