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Nui Bull (In Red And Black No Less)


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Once again sorry for the dull pictures, it literally doesn't get any brighter where I live.So here it is, a Bull, there were lots of interesting problems I came up against when I built this which I'm sure 1% of you will read and enjoy. I made the model to go with some matoran that I've never built. bull1.pngFirst issue was the head. I actually think this turned out how I liked, I used that viking wolf head for the lower jaw and some other armour piece as the skull. There's a little hole that resembles the nose hole in real skulls so that was pretty fortunate. The jaw is hinged, I cheated here because I cut my own piece to allow for this. bull2.pngHere is from the back. The bum is a bit blocky, I would've used some rounded L pieces instead of the standard L pieces but I only had one of them :C. bull3.pngThe back is hinged also. You can raise the back so that the animal doesn't look hunched over any more. I did this with a friction pin that is tucked away under the bull's body. It works pretty well. bull4.pngBwaar! Time to come clean, I cheated with the back legs too. Those hinge with some pieces that I cut myself. It does allow for very good articulation though.bull5.pngHere's the underside. I didn't make udders. As you can see the friction pin is concealed respectfully. bull6.png'Ere is the back again. 'Cept the lighting condition is worse.bull7.pngThis is matoran-eye view. Nothing to add.bull8.pngI tried very hard to keep the colour scheme black and red only, going as far as hunting down black 3x axles because those bley ones are an eyesore. If you ignore those dark grey hordika skulls in the front feet then I think I pulled it off.


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DEFINITELY reminds me of Kane-Ra..... i like the way you did that front of the back/neck section. all the parts are used very well. i give it a 8.7/10.


Hey guys, I'm making PBZPs now, so please PM me with details! You know you want one!

completed: 1

in progress: 0

pending: 1





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Well done indeed...the colors are excellent, it looks great, and overall it just flows. A few things before I go, however. I know you said you based it on an Ox, and that's fine, but the legs are still really skinny. When I first saw them, I was surprised they even held up. My suggestion is that you bulk them up, even if only a little bit.The other thing, and this is just nitpicky of me, is that I would've preferred it if you didn't cut the pieces. To me, the entire allure of MOCing and of looking at others' MOCs is that we all have the same pieces, the same components, to work with. Once you cut a piece, it's almost like cheating. (Not that I'm saying you're cheating...cutting is fine, for your purposes.) IMO it would've been nicer if you came up with a creative solution, but I'm sure you tried. (I hate that: when you try everything and it just. doesn't. work.) Very nice job anyhow, it's a great creation. Oh, and a quick comment about your pictures: they're not that dull, but if you want to improve them I'd suggest not using a window as a backdrop. Get a piece of paper or something else white, set it up next to the window, so that windows works as a light source, and maybe grab a desk lamp to brighten those photos. What camera did you use?




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The camera I used is excellent, the entire problem is the cloud cover and the fact the model is backlit. There's literally nowhere else in my room where I can take photos so that's just a bit unfortunate.About the cut pieces, yes I know it's sort of cheating but I'm sure I've seen lego to the same thing in some of their sets. It's only the plastic tubes I cut.I didn't thick the legs up too much because I wanted its coat to look shaggy, but I see what you mean. The model stands up without a problem though.


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