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Captain Flowers

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MatoroClickCaptain Flowers?ClickLewaClickPridakClick

Edited by bonesiii
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They work fine for me too.Matoro:Kinda hard to review this one, since so much of it is still just a sketch, but what you've got now seems perfect.CF: I love the way he melts into the stain, it makes it look like he's rising out of the page. The helmet design also looks really cool.Lewa: I believe I've seen this one before. One thing I noticed was the yellow lines. They all have really rounded off edges, and look kind of cartoony in contrast to the sharp, angled style of the piece. Also, did you add the stain in photoshop? Or did you draw it in around the original art?Pridak:I really like the idea you've got going, but like with Matoro, it's hard to tell because of how little there is to go off of.


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I can't explain why those links don't work, but I can provide you with working links.MatoroCaptain FlowersLewaPridakNice art here. The Lewa drawing is really cool.

Thank you, I suppose it's just my computer.Matoro resembles a power ranger to me, yet one thing I really like about him is the blue shading.I like the way Captain Flowers is blended in with the watercolor, nice work.Toa Lewa looks like another power ranger, but regardless, he looks well done, also blood?The warlord Pridak seems to look like an Elite from Halo, with a shark fin.You've done well Captain Flowers, continue, and may Mata Nui guide you.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice. Not a whole lot of people use paint as their medium these days. That said, these are really nice and take full advantage of the opportunities that paint/paintbrushes present (e.g. splatters, rough strokes, washes, etc.) My only complaint is in accordance with Aibohphobia; the Matoro one fades largely into a sketch. If this was done intentionally for dramatic effect, it was a little over-exaggerated. If you just weren't finished, then disregard what I've said. Obviously, you simply needed to finish it in order for it look as good as the others!


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