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The Vahki Creator Factory


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Dear Brave Matoran,do you want to make your awesome vahki?Please fill this form to make it (i'm making the vahki):Vahki's hand 1:Vahki's hand 2:Vahki's head:Vahki's body:Vahki's foot 1:Vahki's foot 2:You can make this vahki with the kit!A little bit of later,when the kit is ready,you can make your vahki on your computer!


I am searching for peepol,who can program,and peepol,who have ideas for multimedia and games,to come and join the KranaNui Project
If you are one of them,please PM me! :hau: :akaku: :miru: :kaukau: :kakama: :pakari:
If you have PM from me,you are one of them!


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From the rules (pinned at the top of this forum division, which you should read before posting here :)):

3. New shops and help topics may be made ONLY with permission from staff of this forum and you must include a note in your topic who approved it.For more about how to seek approval for a new shop, please see the Shop Approval Policy [here]

That policy clarifies that you should PM me for such approval but I have not gotten a PM from you about this and haven't given permission. If you're serious about this as a shop, and would like to try for permission please read that policy and PM me. :)


If you want to make this a kit topic, you wouldn't need permission but 1) you would need to include the kit in its raw form, and 2) you would not be allowed to have the topic double as a shop, at least as far as I'm aware has ever been established (I would need to look into that further, but why would it need to be? The whole idea of kits is that they are free for others to use the pieces of by themselves). If any of this is unclear from what I've said here, feel free to PM me asking for clarification. ^_^


Topic closed.

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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