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I chose the name "Bfahome" in a desperate fit of non-creativity as I was signing up for the Kanoka Club on bionicle.com in 2004.  Maybe I should've thought about it a bit more, because in the following 16 years it remained my primary handle on pretty much any site or service that anyone here would find relevant. (It stands for "BIONICLE fan at home", loosely inspired by the "Adam@Home" comic strip I remembered seeing in the newspaper.  I was told not to use the @ symbol because it tended to




Prototype #1 of a life-sized articulated Gali hook.  Rough vector design in Inkscape and laser cut on 5 layers of 1/8 inch plywood.  The two pivot points aren't actually connected yet, the idea is to have pvc pipe segments through them so it'll act as a hinge while preserving the hollow nature of the original pin connections. At some point I need to figure out a good 2d design program that'll let me do actual measurements and put some m e c h a n i s m s into it.



On an actual note,

I've been a busy boy.  Slowly chipping away at making my Mandalorian armor and my Spirit costume.  I want to have Spirit done by Halloween and I might even be able to do it. I've also been making a vacuum forming box for the makerspace.  Been mulling over cool BIONICLE stuff to make with it.   Oh and my LEGO Ideas project finally got approved.  You can find it at ideas.bfaho.me.  Check it out if you like Miraculous!  Or even otherwise.



the new blogs

i like how this one line is still cut off in the blog list, modern web design is so great you guys



Fun get

Recently came into possession of all these. They were all empty, though one had a fun surprise inside. No idea what I'm going to do with them but the possibilities are exciting.



Dark age

So I've made my way into the real world and with that comes restrictions, in this case space restrictions. I'm not living in a place where I have enough space for everything, including my LEGO collection. So for the moment it looks like I'm going to be prioritizing other hobbies and creative outlets over my LEGO stuff. Gonna see if I can get back on that Mandalorian armor and some other things I'd abandoned.   Basically I came to this realization when I decided to plan a short trip back home




Got the Darth Maul set today and man am I looking forward to using those "cloth" shoulder shells in a bunch of ways.   First time I've actually built something in a while. Feels good.




I've mentioned in a couple places that I'm not really a fan of the big Apocalypseburg set, and I just realized what the best comparison to make would be. This is pretty much how it looks to me: too structured to be a properly "chaotic" environment, but with a bunch of stuff on it making it look just kinda messy.   In the words of Annie Hughes, "it seems kind of slapped on".



Up Goer going up

I guess one of the few perks of a retail job is that sometimes you can buy things like this for nearly half off.   I'm building it one bag per day and I'm tweeting it out as I do.



Overwatch w/ the Boston Uprising

So I went to an event for the Boston Uprising (Boston's Overwatch League team, of which I am a fan) and was one of the raffle winners to be part of the 3v3 mystery hero matches with some of the players. I was on Blasé's team and we won against NotE's team. I got play of the game... as Bastion. It was hard because the controls were not set up the way I was used to and also the game was in a different language.   Anyway hung out with friends got some autographs and had an all around nice time.




I have this wallet and I want to make it a BIONICLE wallet. Should I just put a general BIONICLE design on it or should I match the design to the color and put like Vakama's disk design or something?




wrote up a whole entry about how I wanted to enter this BBCC but couldn't because my convention circuit returns arrived a day later than they were scheduled to and by that time I had to devote all my time to finishing my Halloween costume for a party that was tonight, but my computer has not been on very good speaking terms with the internet lately and the entry got eaten so here we are   it's a Kylo Ren costume and it's infinitely better than the garbage one I made three years ago



Been a busy boy

Just recently got an apartment and now I have a place to put these posters I won a while back.   Also been working a lot and doing a bunch of stuff at a makerspace I'm also volunteering at. Haven't done much that I felt merited a big post so most of my content is little blurbs on Twitter. Lots of stuff done with a laser cutter or vinyl cutter.   Anyway I hope some day to have all my pieces with me again so I can get back to building, it's been far too long.



The Clone Wars

oh heck yeahhhhh and you know what this means: if there's any constraction in LEGO's future we may be getting Clone Wars era figures.



The Glitch Mob

Went to their show on Thursday, in Boston.   It was a very good time. I love watching those boys touch the rectangles.




1. yes   2. they're gonna make me buy the $150 set for the minifigures with the cool skins aren't they   3. collectible minifigure series when   4. just give me junkrat   4.5. and orisa   5. CONSTRACTION WHEN   6. please make a set with the ilios well map, or nepal sanctum, or any of my favorite boop spots please



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