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To Trick Or Treat, Or Not To Trick Or Treat?



So, the big questions comes up: Do I Trick or Treat this year?


Reasons why I should:

Free Candy




Maybe I shouldn't:

I'm 16,

Thus I'll probably get weird looks

One friend I usually go with might not be allowed to this year

(On Fun(?)) It seems easier not to worry about it, maybe buy some candy November 1st, and right now I'm thinking I don't want to. (but how do I explain that?--Seriously, what do I say to my 7 year old sister and my parents?)



So, this is a distress call to anyone with this kind of experience, maybe in the same rut. I'd appreciate any suggestions.



And in case anyone's wondering, I'm dressing up as Dark from DNAngel for Cosplaying on Monday, which I'll use for Halloween, but I'll be covering myself in Caution Tape if the school lets us dress up that day.


-CF :usa:


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I'm sure I'll be going. I'm 15, but I go because


1) I have to accompany my little brother, while my parents stay at home to distribute candy to other kids.

2) Who doesn't love dressing up and getting free candy?

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Aw, come on, free candy! How can you resist?


Of course, you could just buy a one-pound bag of your very favorite kind of candy and not have to sort through your trick-or-treat bag and find only two pieces that actually taste good...but it'll cost you money. :o




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Dude, I'm turning Nineteen in like...a week, and if I could I'd still go out Trick-or-Treating. Too bad I work ; ;



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