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Texas Weather Is Weird



One day, it's extremely hot and super dry in the low 100s. And then the next, without warning, is completely perfect weather in the low 60s to mid 70s, with perhaps an occasional rain shower to help wetten things up a bit. And then after that we get super cold weather that makes you wish it was the in the 100s again, despite however much you may have been cursing the hot weather in the last few months.


That's the best way I can describe Texas weather. Snow? What's snow? We don't get that down here, no sir. Well, occasionally, but it's more like a light covering than real snow that quickly melts away and leaves the grass and ground all wet and muddy and stuff.


But I would never trade this weather for anything else in the world, bizarrely enough. So I'm weird, too. Texans in general are weird, in fact, so I suppose that's why we get weird weather that can't decide if it wants to rain or not for several weeks and then out of the blue decides it would rather be illegally hot for the next couple of months :P .




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Dun get me started on Louisiana and Tennessee weather, those states are just crazy.


But random weather is cool, it keeps things unexpected.

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i hated living in texas


I love it, despite the odd weather.



everyday was like living in an oven where i was at


Yes, the heat does get unbearable at times. But today it was pretty nice out. Maybe it was just where you were living at the time or something. I don't know.



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Everyone says they get the weirdest weather. Everyone. Michigan still wins though, due to its schizophrenic non-existent Springs that are basically the weather not being able to decide whether it's the dead of Winter or the middle of Summer yet, with the plants trying and occasionally failing to find the bit where it decides to be Summer for good.


Also: Snow? What isn't snow?

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