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Ramblings The 27th, In Which There Is A Random Recycled Image Dump

~Sol de Medianoche~


This was originally going to be an image overload post of Outbreak Sims acting cracky, but because my computer is being a stupidface (quite mature, aren't I?) I can't get the launcher with all the screenshots to pull up. So I figured, bah, since I'm in a blogposting mood and I've already got Maj up already, why not show off my own beautiful eyesores works of art? This is my blog after all. I'm allowed to be self-indulgent and think it's all about me.


So, because I am bored and because I can, please enjoy the following crude sketches. If you've already seen them because I've PM'd them to you... well, sorry. I drew them several months ago, so maybe you've forgotten about them by now already and they'll be new to you.


(I preface this with saying that I do not consider myself to be an artist. I'm simply a bored person posting this because it'd be a shame to let a year's worth of blog go to waste and I don't really have anything better to talk about except for complaining and angsting and really, who wants to hear about my problems? That said, if there's anything you think I did that could use correcting, feel free to let me know.)


Out of my original scribblings, this is probably the one I'm most proud of. Any true artist would probably laugh in my face, especially because I HAVE NO IDEA HOW SHADOWS AND SHADING WORK, HUR DUR but I like it. I had to recolor it on the computer because when I scanned it the colors came out incredibly faded, but otherwise that's pretty much all I did to it other than erasing some lines I couldn't get out on the original drawing. Oh, and they're flailing around like that because they're supposed to be dancing. Yeah.


Matthew Benton From Outbreak is copyrighted by Half-Dragon... Actually, I don't think he can be copyrighted by anybody. I apologize for the sideways-ness of this image. I tried to re-upload it the right way, but that proved to be too much effort, so you'll all just have to crank your head sideways to see it properly. I'm not quite satisfied with his face (I think it's his eyes. They're a bit too big and... bleh), but I am quite proud of his hand, even if it's a bit big, and he's actually kind of shaded, which is a huge accomplishment for me. I used pictures of Sephiroth as a model for his hair, and I had One-Winged Angel stuck in my head for I don't know how long after that.


I'm not quite as crazy about this one now as I was when I first drew it, but whatever. In case you hadn't noticed, no, those aren't my own original creations. Bleach is property of Tite Kubo and all that jazz. The things I still like about this are Rukia's hair and torso, Renji's tattoos and tiny pupils, most of Chad, and the majority of Ichigo except for his face, but I'm very proud of his one visible arm and particularly his fingers especially cuz I generally suck suck SUCK at drawing fingers. Oh, and the tiny Ishida. If you were wondering about the even more poorly scrawled heads next to the larger people.... um, it's kind of an inside joke and yeah it's supposed to look stupid. Ahh... And that's all I have to say about that.


And with that all said and done, I leave you with this. Yeah. I'm not really sure either.




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Okay; not familiar with Outbreak so I can't truly comment on how close or not close Mat is to the description. =P


However. Those drawings? They looks very, very good. Especially the Bleach ones. And of those, especially Rukia. But overall, most of them look very close to the real looks of the characters. The only one who's iffy is Ichigo, and that's only the face... And even that take on him is very nice. Kinda looks like an expression Hollow Ichigo'd have. =P


And the two original drawings are very nice as well.


Overall, good job. =)

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Thank you. =D Yeah, it is kind of a weird expression for him, but the picture of him I used for reference had a bit of an odd face on too. It was like it was halfway between a smile and a grimace and it was sorta hard to tell if he was kind of smirking cockily or just trying to imitate Shinji or something. I dunno. =P


But thank you very much; I'm glad somebody else enjoys my almost-art besides me. =P


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I know absolutely nothing about Bleach, so I don't know how the characters match up, but I do quite like the style. You've improved since the last time you showed me some drawings of yours, so that's always good. One of them look familiar, though, so I think one of them might of been something you showed me a while back.


As to Matt, it is glorious. Simple as that. Toss in the mercury-silver skin, some white eyes, and this is the Matt I've always imagined. I'll have to show this to H-D, if you haven't already.

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^ Eh, probably. Though the perpetually angry eyebrows make it kinda hard to tell sometimes=P Thanks again.


@Alex: Actually, I remember showing all of these to you at some point. XD But I'm glad you like Matt so much. I haven't shown it to HD, so if you think he'd want to see it, go ahead and be my guest.


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Thanks; it may be my favorite too. The only things I don't really like about it are the one girl's skirt (stripes still don't look quite right), the other girl's left leg (a little too skinny), the fingers, and the fact that they have no toes. -__- I am pretty happy with the way the left girl's shorts turned out though; it was really mostly a happy coincidence, but the fabric actually looks a lot like faded denim. I liked the wrinkles on the clothes too. One thing that does kind of bother me is the position of the girl on the left's necklace- it's swinging in the opposite direction of the strings on her jacket, and I'm not sure if that makes any sense... Oh well. :P


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The stripes look alright, though it kind of hurts to stare at any stripes for too long. :P I thought her left leg was smaller because it was supposed to be back farther in the picture. Fingers and toes are hard to do; I actually find fingers to be more manageable. The fabric does look properly faded, yes. I suppose it's possible that the necklace could be swinging in the opposite direction, but I guess you can't overthink things too much.[/redundancy]

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Over-thinking isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if it's your own, you can always edit it. :P Or something. I don't know.

... Probably time to stop babbling now.

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