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I Hate Parental Controls

Inferna Firesword


. . . I don't care that it's the school year now. I should at least be able to help pick and choose the times I'm allowed on the comupter. Is four hours a day so unreasonable?


Apparently for my mom, it is. Two hours a day. That's how long I can have access to the Internet at home.


Expect me to be on a lot less. <_<


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I'm allowed to stay on for as long as I want. At least up until midnight.


I'm serious. o_o


But sorry to hear that,


And Takuma, Half an hour? Wow. That's...Bad, to say the least. :P



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I have my own computer that doesn't have parental controls. The Vista computer does but my mom my turned off the time limits since I rarely ever use it and when I did need to use it the computer wouldn't let me so she had to come and change the time settings.

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Same here-- all I want, within reason.


You know, there are ways to neutralize parental controls... :P




"Is there a way to learn this power...?"


"Not from a Jedi..."




Yeah, this sucks. Hope your parents let up!

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That's no fun, but yeah, a few years back I only was allowed thirty minutes for the longest time, and it was miserable.


I've learned though a lot of times, if you try not to complain and work with your parents on the issue, after awhile they can let up. My dad is extremely harsh, so I never expected it when they finally chilled about the issue.

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I used to have K-9 Security for about 6-8 months, which was a total pain in the butt blocking all the popular sites (including Photobucket). Mothers... <<


Then after we installed XP Service Pack 3, my dad was gonna install the real deal - KASPERSKY. Much to my luck, it was already tested in the USA and thus couldn't be installed here.


Since then I've had no parental control.



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Two hours is a decent amount of time if you can learn how to maximize your time. I used to be allowed only 45 minutes of Internet access, and I quickly formed habits that helped get the most out of my time.


And, as EW said, there are ways to get around parental control prgrams.

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