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Two Teachers, Both Named Mark

Inferna Firesword


So, I have two teachers. Both have Mark as their first name: my English teacher, and my Jewelry/Metals teacher.


Both are shaping up to be awesome. =D


Mark I. (English) is pretty cool; I knew him from Freshman year journalism, when he offered to teach me Photoshop if I managed to get my hands on the program myself (that never happened). So far, he's shaping up to become my favorite teacher (despite the fact he dissed Linkin Park on my first day -_-).


Mark Walker, my Metals teacher, is a pretty cool guy too, and there's a bonus: he has a ton of Bionicle pieces! :D I've got a personal goal for that class: to cast the symbol of the Three Virtues in silver. :)


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My (previous) English teacher is sexist and hate me. My current one thinks that since I'm tall and kinda tough, I'm a dimwit. :(


You get all the cool people.

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A Jewelry/Metals Teacher? That is awesome! I've just got a really great Math Teacher and a history teacher that loses every debate.

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You are so lucky! My jewelry teacher from my Senior year wouldn't let me do any Bionicle designs. (Partly because I had her for two previous classes in which I used Bionicle designs.)



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