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Goblins and Ghosts and some Magical Feasts

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Hogwarts. (Ran out of tags).


I was merely continuing off of Sisen's blog title.


But yeah, lately I have watched a Very Potter Senior Year and then I thought "Let's rewatch the trilogy!"


All of my love. I think A Very Potter Sequel is my favorite. And now I am conflicted. I want to finish reading the Harry Potter series, but it has been soooo long that I am tempted to reread the entire series. The main issue there is that I am currently reading a few things and I am not much of a reader all things considered, so it will take me a while until I actually find out who killed Dumbledore. In my adolescence I read through book four and around a third or so of book five. Right now I just want to finish King Lear and abandon my other reading projects and read Harry Potter over the summer. My other projects were a couple Agatha Christie novels (one which I barely began anyway and the other which I got fairly into, but the culprit's identity was revealed to me on the internet so that's not as fun to read anyway).


Rich boy Billy gonna buy a rocket ship...




~Tekulo <3


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