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An Omega Adventure: Part 2-One Down, Seven To Go



After resting in the Pokemon Center, Jim decided to try out the 'Pokemon-Amie' feature. He took several Pokemon from his party out to play, feed them Pokepuffs, and bounce yarn off their heads. Though it was strange to pet a Beldum at first, Jim soon found himself growing ever closer to his team.


Yet the fun had to end sometime, and the boy set out to Rustboro to challenge the Gym Leader, Roxanne. Everything was well and fine, until he reached Petalburg Woods. A strange man in a red outfit from a 'Team Magma' was accosting a Devon Corporation scientist. Upon his arrival, said scientist hid behind Jim, leaving him to battle the strange man who had pulled off some sort of strange dance maneuver prior to their fight.


Thanks to his strong team, Jim made quick work of Magma grunt and his lone Poochyena. Everyone on his team celebrated their victory, especially Pooch, who hated to see her kind aligning themselves with such a strange person. In return for guarding the scientist, he bestowed the EXP Share to them, allowing for quicker training in the future. With their new tool, Jim's team set out to toughen themselves up.


At the same time, the young boy began catching more Pokemon. At first he was hesitant to do so, not wanting to abandon them at the PC. But then he learned that Pokemon enjoyed having an endless, wide-open cyberspace where they could meet Pokemon from all over. So Jim went on a catching spree, Crocea Mors playing no small role in their usage of Hold Back.


Pokemon Acquired!-Tenga the Seedot

Fitting her rash nature, Tenga jumped at Jim and his team without considering the fact she was horribly outmatched. Despite that, her sturdy body made the Seedot put up a fight before being captred. Now she sits in the PC, exploring around and waiting should her time ever come to enter the team.


Pokemon Acquired!-Quickfoot the Zigzagoon

Despite his species' tendency to act scattered, Quickfoot is actually quite the timid little Pokemon. He prefers eating to battling, and so doesn't mind his position inside the PC. He hopes to learn to become more outgoing at his own pace inside the cyberspace, and sorely hopes Jim doesn't drag him out back out.


Pokemon Acquired!-Caterkiller the Wurmple

An intimidating name hides a very jolly Pokemon who likes socializing. In fact, he has a tendency to flee most conflicts he encounters, and is thankful for the PC providing a safe, non-conflictive environment.


Pokemon Acquired!-Major the Taillow

Major is a quirky Pokemon. The others find him strange, and he's strongly defiant to their charges of his opinionated nature and strange nature of said opinions, brushing them away in an instant. He does however become good friends with whomever can get past his odd personality.


Pokemon Acquired!-King Duuuh.. the Slakoth

It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that the Slakoth is rather naive, as he fancies himself a king over.... Something. Nobody knows what he 'rules' over, or even his actual name. Upon proclaiming his regality, King was unable to complete his declaration, leaving the final 'Duuuh..' uttered to be his name. He loves to laze around in the PC, but his mischievous nature manages to show itself occasionally in the rare prank.


Pokemon Acquired!-Mothra the Cascoon

Once again, yet another naughty prankster gets picked up by Jim. Though she cannot perform pranks on her own due to currently being encapsulated in a cocoon, she will collaborate with the others on brainstorming elaborate schemes. Mothra has also befriended Quickfoot due to their shared love of food.


Pokemon Acquired!-Amy the Skitty

Amy is a guy. Figured we should get that out of the way first, as those around him don't seem to recognize that. To make matters worse, his quiet personality prevents him from actively protesting against the mislabeling, though he throws silent tantrums due to his quick temper. Everyone seems to ignore those, though. Poor Amy.


Pokemon Acquired!-Muse the Whismur

Whismur are known for having sensitive ears. Muse doesn't let this bother her though, what with a hardy demeanor and whatnot. In fact, being impetuous and silly, Muse is considered the most outgoing and fun Pokemon to be around in the PC. Whenever anyone begins to feel bored, stuck in cyberspace, they can always count on a certain Whismur to cheer them up.


While they added Pokemon to the PC, the rest of the team persevered in the field and trained themselves. Everyone worked hard, though none more than Stormageddon and Gerridae, who as the two Water types of the team were the best ones to go up against Roxanne and her Rock types. Their rivalry reached new heights, neither of them becoming more powerful than the other for all the time spent training. Meanwhile, Bree and Jade knew their usage during the Gym Battle was unlikely, but they kept training anyways for future endeavors. And still, Crocea Mors eventually decided over the course of their training that a boy with no badges wasn't worthy to train such a fine Pokemon as themselves. They left to perform even more jokes against those around them, turning from invaluable ally to unwanted nuisance.


After some time, the moment of truth arrived. Jim and his team stormed through the Rustboro Gym, trampling the three trainers found inside. Things were looking good for them when they finally reached Roxanne herself. After some small talk, the battle began.


The Geodude sent first stood no chance, being wiped out in two turns, only surviving one thanks to their Sturdy ability. Victory appeared nigh, until Nosepass was sent out. The young trainer found himself against a seemingly impenetrable wall, with neither Gerridae's nor Stormageddon's water attacks doing anything to faze it. In the end, both the water types fell, and Jim was left in a bad position. Bree wouldn't last long against a Rock type, and Jade's Confusion was unlikely to faze Nosepass. With little else to lose, Pooch was sent out in the fray.


And once more, the odds made a complete 180, this time slanting heavily in Jim's favor. While the Rock Throws hurt, Pooch was able to withstand them long enough for Jim to apply Potions when needed. And no matter Nosepass' attempts at raising their defense with Harden, Howl allowed the Poochyena to strike back with greater force. With one last Ice Fang that landed a critical hit, Nosepass went down, and Jim was declared the victor.


Obtaining his first badge was nearly as defining a moment as getting his first Pokemon to Jim. Everyone succeeded-except for Gerridae and Stormageddon, who were both very unconscious.


Such euphoria was not to last however, as the same Devon scientist from Petalburg Woods had his parts nabbed by another strange man in red! Jim went after him, especially after learning Mr. Briney's beloved Peeko had been nabbed as well! Chasing the grunt into Rusturf Cave, he engaged him with Jade. For most of their trip, Jade had been the one lagging behind in hitting power. But now after learning Disarming Voice, he got to show just what he was made of. The Poochyena sent out stood no chance against the Fairy type move, and Jim retrieved the parts.


As thanks, the newly-established trainer was taken to the top floor of the Devon Corporation, meeting the CEO. He was requested to take a package to a man named Steven at Dewford, conveniently where the next Gym lay. Could it be the same Steven who sent Jim the shiny Beldum? Jim wasted no time running back to Mr. Briney, who offered to ferry him over. While on the ocean horizon, Jim looked back at his team. Bree desperately avoided the water spilling on board, Stormageddon and Gerridae continued to bicker over who was the superior water type, and Jade congratulated Pooch for winning against Nosepass while being thanked himself for taking out the Magma grunt's Poochyena. And so the team continued on, Dewford appearing on the horizon. As he smiled, Jim knew that no matter what, his team would rise to the challenges head... And succeed.


(whew, that was long. This project is probably the largest fictional writing endeavor I've ever taken. Sad, I know. Oh well, lemme know what you think in the comments, if you can make it past all that was written!)


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Once again, fantastic! Glad to see you're giving characterizations to not only your main team but the countless Pokemon that will fill up your PC (I'm already on Box 3 cause I have several repeats. Keep your eyes peeled, Wonder Trade may soon be full of Tailows, Slakoths, Numels and Swablus :P).


One thing, though, I'm pretty sure Mr. Stone doesn't mention that Steven is his son. He just says "bring this letter to a man named Steven." So unless Jim inherited Ninten's Telepathy, he shouldn't know that. ;)

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.....Did I really do that?


Argh, I'm stupid...... TIME TO EDIT!


Also, I tend to avoid repeats for the sake of saving money for stuff like potions. Although there are SOME real interesting Pokemon through DexNav sometimes I just need to catch.... Will write profiles for THOSE later.

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