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Polychromatic Frowns

Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa


Those crazy Ambagers are at their writing-off again. This theme was "Rainbow."


Polychromatic Frowns


Rainbows make me want to cry.


Surely you’ve seen one. Surely you’ve seen how dreary they are. They’re big frowns plastered across the sky. And their bright colors are incongruently cheerful. It doesn’t make sense. It’s illogical. Irrationality in nature makes me want to weep.


The frown itself is bad enough. It makes me want to frown. But the colors mock my woes and make me want to cry. It’s like the rainbow is frowning at me, and then pretends to be cheerful just to make me feel my own grief more keenly.


A rainbow is like a sad clown. Full of color, but woeful in disposition. It only makes it all the sadder, and even a bit scary, now, because we’re talking about clowns. Clowns are terrifying. Be honest, you’re afraid of them, too. But that’s another topic entirely.


Just the other day, for instance, I was walking along a path through a meadow. Well, that goes without saying, I suppose; I wasn’t skipping along the path. Nobody really skips. Except Dorothy. And if I drove along the path I would have given a lot of people heart attacks. If you’re the sadistic sort, you might do that; but I’m not, and I didn’t. I might have been riding along the path, of course, but I don’t know how to ride a bicycle, and I never ride anything with a mind of its own.


So I was walking along this path. The ground was wet and muddy after the rain and it was dirtying my shoes and splashing all over my nice clean clothes. I hate mud, too, but that’s another story.


I was walking along this path because I didn’t like walking through the tall grasses which always make me itch, and I can’t stand the smell of flowers, and all the bugs disturb me, and of course there could always be snakes. And you never know what could be lurking in those verdant trees, like cats or angry birds or ballerinas. Ballerinas are possibly even more frightening than clowns or bugs. In fact, they probably are.


As I say, I was walking along this path. I wasn’t feeling very happy, which I might have been, if I hadn’t been feeling so sad. It’s hard to be happy when you’re very sad. You can be cheerful when you’re just a little sad, but when you’re grievous it’s hard to be even cheerful, and you can never be happy when you’re sad, of course.


Where was I? That’s right, I was walking along the path, because I don’t like walking through the meadow; and I wasn’t feeling happy, because I was feeling sad; and I looked up. I was looking down most of the way, but it’s hard to see where you’re going when you look down, so I looked up. And I saw a rainbow. It was vividly colorful and wearing an obdurately melancholy moue.


And it made me sad.



Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith



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This entry reminds me greatly of Holden Caulfield only without the phrases "phony," "that kills me," and the like. XP


(So many tangents... You know when you're friends with this guy, but he isn't really your friend because you know he's a phony, but you want to be nice so you talk to him about stuff anyway and he keeps going off on these tangents? That kills me)


Anyway, this entry cracked me up, though I don't see why you'd find a portion of a ring of light to be all that sad. And ballerinas are so not scary! Don't make me bring in Princess Tutu to dance that heart shard out of you (best anime ever, by the way).


Also, when you were talking about bugs and snakes hiding in tall grass, Pokemon was all that mind could ponder... And Garter Snakes.


I really don't have much of an opinion on rainbows myself. I'm more of a "The moon looks best when it's full and there are a ton of winter clouds surrounding it in the sky," or "Summer nights when the sky is cloudy and purple are my favorite times of year" kind of person.


Actually, there isn't a whole lot that makes me depressed when it comes to nature (at least nothing on the top of my head).


Anyway, life is what you make it. A rainbow isn't alive; it doesn't feel joy, sorrow or anything at all. Everything else is our connotation of life reflected in the mirrors of our being (or some other sentence that totally isn't as poorly written. XD).


Your life, however, seems to be filled with Ballerina clowns that drop down from trees and want to show you their collections of bugs and snakes while a rainbow is yelling at you with its giant, flamboyant frown.


It's the life many of us can only dream of.


Edit: And before I forget, this belongs to you (if you want it)



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Thank you for reminding me that short stories need to be denoted as such. XP


I was going for a Snicket feel, actually.


I'm the type who looks for metaphors and magic in everything. I assure you, however, that my reflections are typically more positive and optimistic.


But it would seem that I have wrought my simple plan, for I have gotten you thinking. I agree absolutely that the world around us is what we make of it. What we see reflects who we are.


Do I have to take it? Why in the world would I want a Miru pasted upon anything that's mine?


(In other words, thank you; I am honored.)


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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:kaukau: So much green text...Time to change that.


See, everyone who participated in the rainbow theme wrote depressing stories. Either that or they were like Eponine and made the story morbid. Or both, in the case of Zarayna.


Now regardless, I like how this story came out. I'm normally not a fan of your work (as you well know), but I'm glad that you tried a different feel. There was still some of that old feel at certain points, which made me wince, but on the other hand, it actually fit in here. I enjoyed this for the piece of comedy that this was, even if there were way too many depressing stories about rainbows that we Ambagers came up with (while I, ironically, was the only person who actually played the theme straight, when I usually read deeper into things than anyone else).


The ending was priceless. You also happened to have the shortest story. For a brief bit of comedy, I'm okay with that.


I don't get why "walking along a path" goes without saying, though. What if I wanted to run? Sometimes people run along the path. If we were to be ambiguous and just say that "I was going along a path", people's imaginations would either come up with walking or running. Certainly not skipping or biking, but because running is something that could come to mind, I would guess that you would need to clarify walking as the transportation method of choice.


Of course, given the mood, I did happen to imagine the person walking, but it's not as if you're going into unnecessarily detail by saying that, because the alternative would have being "going", which takes the same amount of syllables and just two extra letters. You might as well use those two extra letters to clarify.


Of course, that was pat of the narrative style, and I'm just being ridiculously silly in my manner of reviewing this.


I hope that more of your stories reflect this form of storytelling. I kind of prefer humor to circumlocution.



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Kraggh, I always love reading your posts because I always learn new vocabulary. XP


Anyway, Nuile, this as a short story makes a lot more sense.


By the way, I love the caption you put under my stamp. XD

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In response to Kraggh, your insertion of blue urges me, inexplicably, to sing. Only I don't quite know what I want to sing, and when I'm left to the freedom of concocting a lyrical something to suit the chimera of inspirations within me, it doesn't turn out well.


As for calling this depressing, well, I think that may be a superficial view of the story. I'd call it a satire, proving cheer through comedic melancholy. It gladdened me to write it, and it


Yes, well, if you of all people have to go to such desperate lengths to find something to criticize, that's something. Now, I'm just trying to figure out what sort of something it is. But it is nice that there's a happy medium somewhere between our highly conflictive tastes, even if it's on the field of comedy.


And I think this story abounds with circumlocution, albeit a different kind than I habitually use. ;P



As for you, my windy friend, I rather thought you would. =P


Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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