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Okay, maybe I do... - September Haul





Yeahhh I kept playing back up this month...

  • S.H. Figuarts Naruto Uzumaki
  • Star Wars Black Series Clone Trooper
  • Transformers Generations Trailcutter
  • S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ryugen Budou Arms
  • Figma Fate/Stay Night Archer
  • Kopeke
  • Matoro
  • Hahli
  • Hafu
  • Macku
  • Jaller & Gukko
  • Takua & Pewku
  • White Miru, Red Kaukau, Orange Kaukau, Lime Rau, Tan Rau
  • S.H. Figuarts Imperialdramon Fighter Mode
  • Transformers Generations FoC Rewind & Sunder
  • Star Wars Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • McFarlane Assassin's Creed Adéwalé
  • McFarlane Assassin's Creed Aveline de Grandpre
  • Transformers Generations Jetfire
  • Transformers Generations Waspinator
  • Figma Captain America
  • Transformers Generations FoC Sidewsipe

I want to start off by saying that Reya is a total bro. Seriously man, thank you! These Matoran have been the biggest hole in my collection, IMO, for quite the long time and I'm so glad to finally have them. Well, except Hewkii. :P But I will have him one day! And the best part of them all was that they were seriously just fun to build. The last sets I got, the four Mistika, were terrifying because of obvious reasons, and overall boring because they weren't anything I hadn't seen before really. But I never had any of the '03 Matoran. So this was really fresh for me, even building 7 of them at once heh. Throw in Gukko and Pewku and I had quite the fun evening.


Transformers is where I also did a lot of catching up. Good news for my wallet is I'm considering myself nearly done doing that. Although there's a lot coming out in the future I'll be getting, most of my catching up was more recent classic-style or FOC figures. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with FOC/WFC! :D While technically I still have FOC Prime and Voyager Soundwave/SoundBlaster, I'm not even remotely interested in them. FOC Air Raid maybe... And the Wreckers/Ruination I don't much care for. So yeah. Done. Same with the classics/generations stuff really. So it's future releases for now (except for, like, two things still left high on my wanted list but one's preeeetty expensive...). Leader Jetfire warrants a special mention too for being my first Leader class toy in a long, long time. I am thoroughly impressed with everything about him... except the chrome. It was predictably flaking out of package even. If that had been left off, he'd be flawless.


Figuarts stuffs... Just a few this month, but I love them all. Naruto teeeechnically was from August, as both he and the Clone Trooper actually arrived on the 31st after I had already posted my blog entry. Which was the middle of the day on a Sunday. Just left at my door. And the delivery person did not even knock. And it was very hot that day. *sigh* I wasn't too pleased in the least... Anywho! He's cool. Much improved over my last foray into anime Figuarts of non-armored humans. Totally looking forward to Sasuke now too. And Ryugen's pretty. That's it. Just pretty. So I have Figuarts of the main 4 Gaim Riders and they look fantastic together. Then there's Imperialdramon... Oh how I love Imperialdramon. That figure delivered on everything I expected and more. While I was initially worried about his size based on being the same height as Omegamon and Dukemon, he feels just so much bigger and can pose so much better. He's just a blast.


The Clone Trooper is bad. The socket in his head is so recessed that the neck ball joints is reduced to just swiveling. His armor is so rigid that his arms can't go out the side. He seems like a step back from all the good the line was doing. Obi-Wan at least is pretty good, although mine can't hold his lightsaber too well. Speaking of rigid... Remember how last month I said I was looking forward to the upcoming Assassin's Creed figures after being impressed with the last batch's improvements? Well... :( Avéliné and Adé are great from the waist up mostly. Adé can't hold his blunderbuss at all, which is huge for his character, so that's unfortunate. But that's so incredibly overshadowed by how stupendously stiff their hips still are. These are supposed to be agile, nimble characters. Why can they still not move their legs?!


I believe that just leaves the Figmas. I want to like Archer. He's a cool character (and about to become even cooler with a proper Unlimited Blade Works route anime season starting this week) and apparently he's one of the oldest demanded/prototyped characters from Max Factory's Figma line. But he's just so awkward. You can't bend his knees without it looking like he broke his legs in half. And his coattails are atrocious in every position and angle except splayed out and from the front. I'm glad to have him, but I definitely am let down some. Now, Cap, on the other hand - I never even planned on getting him! But a cool guy on TFW decided he didn't want him and offered him at a great deal. I was fortunate enough to get in line first heh. And I'm glad I did. He looks great to me and can pull of some fantastic poses. Only problem I have is now I feel really compelled to track down a Thor and Full Spec Iron Man haha!



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Oh geez. And I thought I bought a lot of things (and I do, but I mean, still)


That Imperialdramon looks pretty good, or as good as an Imperialdramon can look. :P


Is the problem with Archer's legs like just awkward molding or...like, what? Is the joint just too visible? My figmas with pants look a bit odd when their knee joints are exposed....(especially Okabe, since for whatever reason his joints are a completely different color than his pants) Either way, it's shame to hear he's disappointing. I'm a bit interested in him, but only in passing. I haven't actually watched anything fate yet, but I suspect I'll like him, he has a pretty cool design, so it's probably just a matter of time before I end up wanting to add him to my collection.


Also argh the MCU figmas. Why must they be so expensive and have so few accessories! Sigh. Cap looks good, and as my favorite Avenger I've been more than a little tempted to get him before. However, my general dislike of the movie's helmet design has kept me at bay. I do wish they'd included a helmetless head or something.


(and I hope eventually they do GotG figmas).....

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Oh geez. And I thought I bought a lot of things (and I do, but I mean, still)



That Imperialdramon looks pretty good, or as good as an Imperialdramon can look. :P

Which is amazing! :P


Is the problem with Archer's legs like just awkward molding or...like, what? Is the joint just too visible? My figmas with pants look a bit odd when their knee joints are exposed....(especially Okabe, since for whatever reason his joints are a completely different color than his pants) Either way, it's shame to hear he's disappointing. I'm a bit interested in him, but only in passing. I haven't actually watched anything fate yet, but I suspect I'll like him, he has a pretty cool design, so it's probably just a matter of time before I end up wanting to add him to my collection.

Definitely the sculpt. It's like they took two cylinders and stuck them together at the back with a joint. And then stopped there, not thinking about the obvious gap they would make when bent.


Also argh the MCU figmas. Why must they be so expensive and have so few accessories! Sigh. Cap looks good, and as my favorite Avenger I've been more than a little tempted to get him before. However, my general dislike of the movie's helmet design has kept me at bay. I do wish they'd included a helmetless head or something.


(and I hope eventually they do GotG figmas).....


I really wish they did too! That would make him truly perfect. :( It's why I didn't get Iron Man despite really wanting him... Because I only wanted the Full Spec version for the Tony Stark head, which was just ludicrously more expensive than the regular one.


Price is a BIG reason for why I didn't get Thor or Iron Man or preorder Cap. But when somebody fairly reliable offered him for less than even AmiAmi, shipped to boot, I couldn't pass.

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I was waiting for this entry to see them again! I'm glad you like them! Take care of my, err, I mean your sets! :)

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