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Create A Glitch Character Contest!

Lady Kopaka


I decided to extend the deadline until the October, 10th! That means people who haven't found the time to enter, or ones who already have, can get some time to enter and edit their entries. Good luck!



Last year I held a Glitch in the System contest, and its theme was to design one of my characters--this time? The purpose of this contest is to create a character that will show up in the upcoming epic. If you win, the character will be considered canon in the GitS universe. You guys have been so kind to me with this story, so I feel I should repay you by getting the community a bit more involved. Now then, let’s get down to details.


This is not an ‘only art/story/moc’ contest. You guys get a lot of free reign in this. The purpose is to simply come up with a character of your liking, tell me about him/her in a format similar to RPG templates, and that’s it. However, it is strongly recommended that you do art/MoC so I can picture him/her clearly. The more details and depth, the better chances you have at winning (this doesn’t mean you have to have super long info, though).


Need tips on creating a character?

• The character has to fit into the theme of GitS. My story focuses a lot on a ‘cyberpunk’ theme. This epic is mainly in a city called Jiahk with the classic gangsters, funky politicians and lots of guns and explosions.

• While Toa are always nice, try to be extra creative. Do you have an idea for a spunky Matoran reporter? A mysterious diplomat? Some evil crime lord? Be creative, surprise me!

• If you’re still unsure about what to do, think of the characters in stuff like NCIS, Star Gate, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, or other crime/adventure series.


General information and rules:

• Follow all BZP rules and guidelines.

• One entry per person.

• I’m going by a judging system, not voting. I am not judging by ‘who drew the best looking character/etc’; I want originality, not necessarily artistic talent.

There will be three winners.

• Remember: if you win, that means I have full control over that character. No, I won’t make him/her be stupid, and you will have full credit of creating him/her—but be aware that this is my story, do not back-seat drive (but feel free to give me ideas or things you do not want me to do with said character).

• Please make sure the format of your entry is readable and organized. Otherwise, I’m not picky.

• I am NOT going to answer super basic questions on the story for you. If you expect to get a character in, I expect at least for you to read my story.



Q: ….what is Glitch in the System?

A: Glitch in the System is a Bionicle epic that is about a Toa named Tachi and her Partner named Komas. It’s set in a slightly futuristic setting. You can read it here.


Q: What’s the deadline?

A: OCTOBER 10TH, 2010, 11:59PM CNT. I know, it’s only two weeks, but I must begin working on this story soon. I may be flexible, though.


Q: Can the character be an alias of me/my bzp persona?

A: If you really want to. Just make sure that character will fit logically in my story.


Q: So, I can make a MoC, piece of art, or even a sprite of my character?

A: Yes. There are no limitations on this.


Q: Can my character be part of Toa Niihlus’ agency?

A: Sure. Any faction you remember, you can create a character to be part of it. You can also create your own.


Q: If I win, how important will my character be? Are there other prizes?

A: It depends. It will most likely be more than a cameo, but otherwise it depends on what the story needs. Besides getting your character canon, I am considering some cool other prizes…but still working on that.


Q: I don’t understand this in the story/I’m not sure I can do this/etc.

A: If you need any help, just ask here or PM me.



Aaaand I think that’s it. What are you still here for? Go create that character for me!


(oh and if you want to spread the word/advertise, that would be nice.)


Recommended Comments

-Can I use a pre-created character?

-Can I still have rights to said character if I give him to you to use? :P

-Is it allowed to submit multiple characters?


-Nuju Metru

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YAYAYAYAY... Well... That was an odd response... :rolleyes: Anyway, Ill be entering this, unless life gets in the way. This is gonna be fuuun.



:s: :a: :k:

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Here's the proper code for your embed thing.



As for the actual contest, I'll see if I can make something. Though, recently I've been pressed for time due to a lot of school work.

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-Can I use a pre-created character?

-Can I still have rights to said character if I give him to you to use? :P

-Is it allowed to submit multiple characters?


-Nuju Metru


-Of course! With rights, I just meant in my story. You're the original creator, do whatever you want.

-I'd rather just have one, but if you really have a idea for more, you can (but it's highly likely, that if you won, only one of those characters would make it).

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-Can I use a pre-created character?

-Can I still have rights to said character if I give him to you to use? :P

-Is it allowed to submit multiple characters?


-Nuju Metru


-Of course! With rights, I just meant in my story. You're the original creator, do whatever you want.

-I'd rather just have one, but if you really have a idea for more, you can (but it's highly likely, that if you won, only one of those characters would make it).


Shweet! :D *goes off to work*

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Well he's only the coolest charrie I have... :P

He's only like the coolest charrie anyone has. =P


But haha I knew it. Right from when you said "Can we use preexisting characters" I immediately thought Grokk. =P


Aaand I may enter someone. Who knows. Cool contest, though. Hopefully a lot of people will enter.



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Well he's only the coolest charrie I have... :P

He's only like the coolest charrie anyone has. =P


But haha I knew it. Right from when you said "Can we use preexisting characters" I immediately thought Grokk. =P


Aaand I may enter someone. Who knows. Cool contest, though. Hopefully a lot of people will enter.




Hey, hey V.


If ya want, me can draw for you maybe :3

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Oh dear, lol, Komas is going to have competition if Grokk comes along...


Glad you guys are interested in the contest! I'm still trying to work out other prize ideas, but I think I know what they'll be.

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Question: You say we should be submitting our character in a "format similar to RPG templates". I can't say I've made any RPG-ish templates before, are there any specific fields you'd recommend including, any sort of set of information you'd think all entries should include? Also, you want us to just put our entries here in the comments or PM them?

Also Hi. I'm sick of just lurking around and I'm trying to be more active on here again. Sorry for essentially being gone for so long. I feel kinda guilty about just leaving like that...

But yeah, I have an idea for a character I came up with while reading the story, and here's the contest for it. I'm in the process of drawin' it up now. Hopefully I'll actually make the deadline this time.

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Name: Grokk

Species: Skakdi

Alignment: Mercenary, willing to do hired violence for anyone who can pay his high rates.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dirty-brown and battered armor, lanky, clawed hands and feet. Wears an over-the-shoulder bag and a pair of silver mirrored sunglasses. Has a spiraling green tattoo over one eye. Very white teeth, sharp canines and a few gold teeth. Grokk’s armor is scratched and dented all over, due to a lack of repairs.

Weapon(s): Grokk carries a modified multi-shot Zamor Pistol in a shoulder rig. The gun is semi-automatic, with extended magazines, as well as a scope that gives it sniper capabilities. Grokk's over-the-shoulder pouch holds his gun's ammunition, with many different varieties. The list includes;

  • Metal Spheres, which serve as standard bullets.
  • Explosive Spheres, whose function is obvious.
  • Containment Spheres (his favorite to use due to their numerous functions), which basically makes a big, unbreakable bubble around his target. Spheres can be dissolved by concentrated acids or severe heat.
  • Acid Spheres, which contain a strong acid that can melt through solid metal, and also serve as an anti-Containment Sphere (they can melt the bubble).
  • Tracker Spheres, that, once hitting their target, start to send out an energy pulse that lets the target be followed or located.
  • Freezer Spheres, which can temporarily "freezes" target in time and space. Lasts about five minutes maximum.

Powers: Grokk, being a Skakdi of Gravity, has limited powers over the element of Gravity, which he can use only with another Skakdi. He also has powerful electricity vision, which allows him to spew raw electricity from his eyes - but this skill cannot be employed regularly, and never with control. Aside from these, Grokk has no other special powers, but his set of developed skills are many.


Grokk is extremely agile, able to leap and vault over obstacles in his path, and dodge attacks both ranged and melee with ease. His primary weapon being a semi-automatic pistol, Grokk's combat skills in the area of gun-fighting are heavily specialized. He is an excellent marksman and a quick shooter, as well as a lightning-quick drawer.


Traits: Grokk is well-known for his motor-mouth. He is constantly spewing gags, taunts, and other one-liners, even (or especially) in moments of tension or combat. He is self-centered, and carries very high estimations of his own worth. Grokk is clever, sly, and slippery both in personality and in physicality - he is difficult to imprison for long, or to hold in one place. Grokk deeply enjoys the sensations of empowerment and the surge of adrenaline that he gains through crime and violence, as well as the large paycheck received from his line of work. He is known for not letting anything stand in his way when on the job - bodyguards, soldiers, hired muscle, even (in one memorable job) waiters are disposed of without a second thought.


However, despite his frequent wishes to the contrary, Grokk is not mindlessly violent or ruthless. He secretly and tenaciously clings to his inner child - it is his dream to create and then manage an amusement park (Grokk-Land). He has never been truly loved (though notoriously successful and savvy with women), so any kind of feelings of true, unconditional affection are alien to him. Therefore, in the rare instance that Grokk genuinely cares about someone, he does so fully - very protective and kind, he assumes the role of loving guardian to whoever extends their love to him. Grokk will never kill a child.


Biography: Grokk is native to Zakaz, but left the island after being exiled for murdering the warlord he had sworn fealty to. Grokk, due to his criminal nature and natural abilities in the field of bounty-hunting, was noticed and then recruited by the Dark Hunters. In a short amount of time with them, he had completed many missions successfully, even on one occasion breaking out of a super-high-security prison where he had been planted to gain the Dark Hunters new recruits, taking with him a squad of many deadly convicts. Grokk was proving to be a highly valuable asset to their ranks.


But, being his characteristic loose cannon self, Grokk soon left the organization out of boredom and desire for liberation. Since then, he has jumped from employer to employer, establishing his reputation as a highly successful private mercenary. He now resides in Jiahk, looking for a new job and a new thrill.

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[Many thanks to Aaron (Keanu Reeves) for making that]


Name: Iavo

Species: Toa of Iron

Alignment: Part mercenary, but mostly just evil

Gender: Male

Appearance: A normal-sized Toa, clad completely in black with a hooded jacket and protective armor [cargo pants, too, if human -- as for human armor, it'd kinda be like Batman, but not quite so much -- basically a bullet proof vest], and an ammo belt laid diagonally across his torso, also holding his sniper rifle on his back. He carries a silenced pistol at the back of his pants, covered by his jacket. Wears Assassin's Blades on his arms.

Weapon(s): Wields an Assassin's Blade on each lower arm, as well as a personally modified rifle, specialized to his sniping strengths and weaknesses to amplify his abilities and increase his accuracy. He also wears an HUD helmet [with night vision as well]. He also carries a silenced pistol and an array of throwing knives, some of which are on his ammo belt, which has various cartridges both for his pistol and sniper rifle. When going on a specific mission, he'll sometimes bring a black duffle bag with various other equipment.

Powers: Being a Toa of Iron, he has that power. He also has the power of flight, wearing a modified Kanohi Kadin with an HUD helmet, though he prefers to not use it very often [the power of Flight, that is]. He is quite agile, and is expertly trained as a tracker and assassin -- specifically, as a sniper [Marine Special Forces Sniper for human; OOMN and Dark Hunters for BIONICLE].

Biography: Iavo keeps mostly to himself, only talking when necessary. He was trained by the OOMN, after which he served as a cop for his local city, along with Velox and Mahima. When Makuta Shakaz attacked the city, Mahima was killed. It was then revealed that he secretly had loved her, and blamed her death on himself. Driven by rage, anger, and guilt, he slowly fell away from the Toa Code, eventually becoming completely evil, taking more pleasure in taking a life than saving one. With his expert training from the OOMN, and experience with fighting criminals, he easily fit in with the criminal world. One of the first things he did, was join a street gang run by the Skakdi Krazok, but left to become an assassin, making a successful mercenary and most often hired as an assassin. The Dark Hunters recruited him, seeing his skills in assassinations.


He still works at the Dark Hunters as he is given almost a constant stream of missions -- once that stops, however, he will leave without a moment's hesitation to work somewhere where he'd be able to do more of what he enjoys best: killing with a sniper rifle.


[For your story purposes, he could be sent anywhere]




And if you're allowed more than one entry, I also have a gang/pirate-like [well, I mean kinda more like the Joker (=P) but could be considered pirates] character [along with a ship], but didn't know if you wanted that or not [not completely sure I want to enter it or not, either]. Fine by me either way.



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Great entries so far guys! Huzzah for Grokk and Iavo!


Question: You say we should be submitting our character in a "format similar to RPG templates". I can't say I've made any RPG-ish templates before, are there any specific fields you'd recommend including, any sort of set of information you'd think all entries should include? Also, you want us to just put our entries here in the comments or PM them?

Also Hi. I'm sick of just lurking around and I'm trying to be more active on here again. Sorry for essentially being gone for so long. I feel kinda guilty about just leaving like that...

But yeah, I have an idea for a character I came up with while reading the story, and here's the contest for it. I'm in the process of drawin' it up now. Hopefully I'll actually make the deadline this time.

I'm honestly not that picky--but if you want a basic gist, look at Velox's and Nuju's. That's what I meant. Feel free to add more sections to explain the character, or less. It's up to you as long as I get a good summary.


Also I'd prefer just posting them here.

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This does sound like an interesting contest, but for one, I'm not very good at drawing, MOCing I'm decent at but I don't exactly have access to my trove in California. And secondly, I can create a character, but the theme of your epic is futuristic, I'm not sure how well the characters I make would fit into it; I love creating fantasy-based characters.

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i'll do this. question though, are airship/vehicles acceptable to go with your character? (had an idea that hinges on this)

You can go ahead, but I can't make promises with it either. I may have to haggle with the winners to edit things to suit the story's needs.

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i'll do this. question though, are airship/vehicles acceptable to go with your character? (had an idea that hinges on this)

You can go ahead, but I can't make promises with it either. I may have to haggle with the winners to edit things to suit the story's needs.


ok, thats reasonable. and just to make sure, new factions are ok right?

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Great entries so far guys! Huzzah for Grokk and Iavo!


Etc. etc.

I'm honestly not that picky--but if you want a basic gist, look at Velox's and Nuju's. That's what I meant. Feel free to add more sections to explain the character, or less. It's up to you as long as I get a good summary.


Also I'd prefer just posting them here.

Wow, entries already? You guys are fast. Nice going! I wonder how many mercenary type character's we'll get? But anyway thanks, that does answer my question. For whatever reason in my mind my entry was just like a single glut of info, now I can easily see how it'd be separated in to appearance, powers, personality and so on.

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