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Create A Glitch Character Contest!

Lady Kopaka


I decided to extend the deadline until the October, 10th! That means people who haven't found the time to enter, or ones who already have, can get some time to enter and edit their entries. Good luck!



Last year I held a Glitch in the System contest, and its theme was to design one of my characters--this time? The purpose of this contest is to create a character that will show up in the upcoming epic. If you win, the character will be considered canon in the GitS universe. You guys have been so kind to me with this story, so I feel I should repay you by getting the community a bit more involved. Now then, let’s get down to details.


This is not an ‘only art/story/moc’ contest. You guys get a lot of free reign in this. The purpose is to simply come up with a character of your liking, tell me about him/her in a format similar to RPG templates, and that’s it. However, it is strongly recommended that you do art/MoC so I can picture him/her clearly. The more details and depth, the better chances you have at winning (this doesn’t mean you have to have super long info, though).


Need tips on creating a character?

• The character has to fit into the theme of GitS. My story focuses a lot on a ‘cyberpunk’ theme. This epic is mainly in a city called Jiahk with the classic gangsters, funky politicians and lots of guns and explosions.

• While Toa are always nice, try to be extra creative. Do you have an idea for a spunky Matoran reporter? A mysterious diplomat? Some evil crime lord? Be creative, surprise me!

• If you’re still unsure about what to do, think of the characters in stuff like NCIS, Star Gate, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, or other crime/adventure series.


General information and rules:

• Follow all BZP rules and guidelines.

• One entry per person.

• I’m going by a judging system, not voting. I am not judging by ‘who drew the best looking character/etc’; I want originality, not necessarily artistic talent.

There will be three winners.

• Remember: if you win, that means I have full control over that character. No, I won’t make him/her be stupid, and you will have full credit of creating him/her—but be aware that this is my story, do not back-seat drive (but feel free to give me ideas or things you do not want me to do with said character).

• Please make sure the format of your entry is readable and organized. Otherwise, I’m not picky.

• I am NOT going to answer super basic questions on the story for you. If you expect to get a character in, I expect at least for you to read my story.



Q: ….what is Glitch in the System?

A: Glitch in the System is a Bionicle epic that is about a Toa named Tachi and her Partner named Komas. It’s set in a slightly futuristic setting. You can read it here.


Q: What’s the deadline?

A: OCTOBER 10TH, 2010, 11:59PM CNT. I know, it’s only two weeks, but I must begin working on this story soon. I may be flexible, though.


Q: Can the character be an alias of me/my bzp persona?

A: If you really want to. Just make sure that character will fit logically in my story.


Q: So, I can make a MoC, piece of art, or even a sprite of my character?

A: Yes. There are no limitations on this.


Q: Can my character be part of Toa Niihlus’ agency?

A: Sure. Any faction you remember, you can create a character to be part of it. You can also create your own.


Q: If I win, how important will my character be? Are there other prizes?

A: It depends. It will most likely be more than a cameo, but otherwise it depends on what the story needs. Besides getting your character canon, I am considering some cool other prizes…but still working on that.


Q: I don’t understand this in the story/I’m not sure I can do this/etc.

A: If you need any help, just ask here or PM me.



Aaaand I think that’s it. What are you still here for? Go create that character for me!


(oh and if you want to spread the word/advertise, that would be nice.)


Recommended Comments

Yea verily, we shall wait until the LK returns! She did say she'd be offline for a bit after getting back.

Also, I'm fairly confident LK would be willing to except an entry that's only a little bit late, she did it with her last contest, and she's not even around right now. And besides, I was only an hour late! That's me, always a deadline pusher...

So, uh, in the meantime, we could discuss our favorite entries, maybe? While I don't want to look like I haven't read anything else, I have to admit to especially liking the previous two before mine. Los Vog seems like a nicely rounded character, and a character who has a lot of character. Tredxx, I really like the concept of. The idea of someone who fought and killed and stole, just like everyone else around him, only to realize he just likes traveling and peace. Sort of like a character slowly becoming enlightened and wise.


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Yea verily, we shall wait until the LK returns! She did say she'd be offline for a bit after getting back.

Also, I'm fairly confident LK would be willing to except an entry that's only a little bit late, she did it with her last contest, and she's not even around right now. And besides, I was only an hour late! That's me, always a deadline pusher...

So, uh, in the meantime, we could discuss our favorite entries, maybe? While I don't want to look like I haven't read anything else, I have to admit to especially liking the previous two before mine. Los Vog seems like a nicely rounded character, and a character who has a lot of character. Tredxx, I really like the concept of. The idea of someone who fought and killed and stole, just like everyone else around him, only to realize he just likes traveling and peace. Sort of like a character slowly becoming enlightened and wise.

Thank you. I think your character entry is also a bit interesting, being a part soulless being part computer virus.... interesting concept. I wonder if only one of these characters can be choosen or if two or three are allowed in?



-Toa Deserok
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Personally, I liked all the entries - you guys had great ideas, IMO. :)


But the ones I liked the most were those who hadn't already undergone a major character development - I think it's more interesting if one leaves a character not fully formed at the beginning; if the author gives some tools and traits that will be used to morph the charrie into something that they weren't before over the course of the story, then their progress will be a lot more enjoyable. But geez, we sure got a lot of mercs/shady characters... almost makes me wish I'd entered a good guy. XD


-Nuju Metru


EDIT: And Deserok, Lady K said in the entry post that there will be three winners, for clarification.

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Thanks Des! I'd point out that LK stated there'd be three winners, but NM beat me to it...

Personally the thing I still find the most interesting as a concept is the idea of a Toa using their powers to make a body out of their element. It's something that hasn't been done before in the Bionicle story, strangely enough. Also I just realized there's some stuff I could have clarified a bit in my entry... Hm, LK's not here yet...

But geez, we sure got a lot of mercs/shady characters... almost makes me wish I'd entered a good guy. XD

I noticed that too! Any idea why? I guess they're just a tempting character type, or something.

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Well, technically I was the first entry... so the record here is that THEY copied ME, got it? *glances around shiftily*


But in seriousness, the many-merc thing makes sense. Rogues, renegades, the like are popular and diverse characters, also very well-suited to the world LK crafted with GitS. Therefore it's understandable for so many to have freshly made them, or entered old ones.


-Nuju Metru

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Yea verily, we shall wait until the LK returns! She did say she'd be offline for a bit after getting back.

Also, I'm fairly confident LK would be willing to except an entry that's only a little bit late, she did it with her last contest, and she's not even around right now. And besides, I was only an hour late! That's me, always a deadline pusher...

So, uh, in the meantime, we could discuss our favorite entries, maybe? While I don't want to look like I haven't read anything else, I have to admit to especially liking the previous two before mine. Los Vog seems like a nicely rounded character, and a character who has a lot of character. Tredxx, I really like the concept of. The idea of someone who fought and killed and stole, just like everyone else around him, only to realize he just likes traveling and peace. Sort of like a character slowly becoming enlightened and wise.

Thanks for mentioning my character. Yours is quite nice to, and I'm sure LK will accept it anyway.

After seeing the mass amount of Mercenaries, and entries with basically the same sort of background, I was determined to go the opposite way.

So, kinda like I made a Firefighting Toa of Water for the EM Denizens contest, I went with a character who should have an every day job, a cook.

Hopefully, my simplicity will catch the eye of our judge.


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Thanks for mentioning my character. Yours is quite nice to, and I'm sure LK will accept it anyway.

After seeing the mass amount of Mercenaries, and entries with basically the same sort of background, I was determined to go the opposite way.

So, kinda like I made a Firefighting Toa of Water for the EM Denizens contest, I went with a character who should have an every day job, a cook.

Hopefully, my simplicity will catch the eye of our judge.


Well thanks! I can only hope it's accepted...

Anyway, I'd say that's pretty cool, intentionally going against the grain. I definitely think the simplicity of it is in it's favor. Having characters like yours really adds to the depth of the world. It shows you what sort of other things happen in the world, besides the fighting and action and freelancing. ... That's actually a really good idea, now that I think about it. I've never really considered before how important characters are in the context of background/less active roles.

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Hey guys, sorry for the lag on my part. Really crazy week. Don't worry, I'm already going through the entries carefully, and maybe we'll have a winner on Sunday?

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Hey guys, sorry for the lag on my part. Really crazy week. Don't worry, I'm already going through the entries carefully, and maybe we'll have a winner on Sunday?

Yeeaaaahhhhh! Now this is going to get good.


-Toa Deserok
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