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Criticize Me!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am just popping in to post a quick entry here to ask you all to criticize me.


Why you might ask? Because I feel like getting the input of others will help me strive to improve myself as a person. Preferably its constructive stuff and not just "I think you're horrible human being" or something like that.


So yeah, here is your opportunity to well, criticize me. That really all I have for you guys today since I doubt you want to hear about my stressful work day today. With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. And I hope you all are doing well. Talk to later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2013


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(am i doing well?)

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You've been doing nicely later, except that you need to be more evil.
Way more evil.

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What do mean tuck in my shirt, dad? :P Last I checked its been tuck in all day.


You know that not exactly an easy thing for me do considering I have scoliosis and all. Which I am pretty sure I got from your side of the family. :P



Alright, I give you that one. I do need to comb my hair more regularly. Hm...How about I use my day off from work tomorrow to get a haircut? Sounds like a good idea, dad? :P




But father... *whimpered*

Why don't you go visit him then since I am such a disappointed to you, father?

(am i doing well?)

(Yeah, you are doing well. :P

I quite enjoyed writing my responds to your comments. XD)


@Zeene: Evil, you say? Hm...I don't know seems kind of out of character for me. Beside, I am not much for absolutes. After all, only a Sith deals in absolutes. :P


@Kahi & Brickeens: NEVER!

Actually I'll be honest I have thought about just writing in standard plain default text on BZPower before since I kind of find formatting my posts properly to be more trouble than its worth at times. Still I been writing this way on BZPower for so long now that is like second nature to me now and well, I identify with text style that I used.

Beside, I happened to like using Comic Sans font. It has been my favorite font style since I stumbled upon in Microsoft Word so many years ago. So yeah, I am not ditching it. And really I don't understand why people on internet seem to hate Comic Sans so much. *shrugs*

So tough cookies, I am still sticking with my style of writing on the internet.
Since so many people have complained about it, I decided to give up my signature way of writing here.


@Kohaku: I thought I ask for criticism, not praise. XD

But thanks, Kohaku. I am not really that great though. I am just a regular person like everyone else with all flaws and insecurities that come with being human.

- JMJ 2013

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@Kahi & Brickeens: NEVER!


Actually I'll be honest I have thought about just writing in standard plain default text on BZPower before since I kind of find formatting my posts properly to be more trouble than its worth at times. Still I been writing this way on BZPower for so long now that is like second nature to me now and well, I identify with text style that I used.


Beside, I happened to like using Comic Sans font. It has been my favorite font style since I stumbled upon in Microsoft Word so many years ago. So yeah, I am not ditching it. And really I don't understand why people on internet seem to hate Comic Sans so much. *shrugs*


So tough cookies, I am still sticking with my style of writing on the internet.


Hey, you know what'd be a great idea? Let's repeat yesterdays giant political/social warfare, but then about Comic Sans! =D

Actually, let's not go to Camelot do that. 'tis 'twas a silly place thing.


But aside from the general hatred the Internet seems to have simply because the Internet already had that hatred when they joined, the most major criticism about the Comic Sans-font, as said by comic authors themselves, is that Comic Sans basically uses the font traditionally found in comics, and messes it all up. (Don't ask me how, I'm not an expert in these things, nor do I pretend to be one)


Personally I don't use BZP's 'Customize-yer-posts'-function though, since from a webdesign-standpoint it just generally messes things up. I get why people are using it to create their own sort-of "brand", but that's rather the thing I'd like to leave to my avatar and signature.

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@xccj: Hm...I guess you have a point. *shrugs*

It is kind of difficult for me not to be hard on myself though.

@Zeene: ...

Yeah, how about we keep political/social stuff out of this? I mean seriously like you said, it is silly, especially considering we are talking about font style of all things.

Also let me clarify that I wasn't saying people hate Comic Sans because they are on the internet since honestly that idea is absurd as the internet is definitely not some type of hive mind.

But rather my point was the only people that I hear have problems with the font style is on the internet. And well, that makes sense because I only used it on the internet; so it is not like I personally discuss it with people in real life (Which again, that's silly. So why would we discuss it? XD).

My other point was they are not giving reasons to stop using it. All they are saying is I don't like that font style, so stop using it. And that's all nice and dandy, but just saying I don't like this is not going to make me stop using something that I personally like using.

I need to hear reasoning for why I should stop using a font style that I have been using for the past seven years on this site. So yeah, forgive me if I am resistant to stop using something that I personally grown attached to as a representation of myself.


Alright, with that out of the way, I appreciated you trying to clarity where some of criticism of the font style comes from. Admittedly I kind already knew that since I did look it up once before. But yeah, thanks for trying to clarity that for me.

As for your comments on customizing your posts in general, I guess you do have a point about webdesign element. In my case, I tend to identify more so with how I post things on forums because it feels a great deal more personal to me since I take my thoughts and put into a text format to share with others, while my avatar and signature are usually not stuff that I made personally.

Like my current avatar for example, I did not make this and nor would I take credit for it because its not my work. It only represent me in fashion that I like the Kingdom Hearts series, which if you ask me doesn't tell people a whole lot about me. *shrugs*


As denoted in my previously post and below, I have now retired my classic font in favor of nothing since so many people have complain about this. :(

- JMJ 2013

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Stop using Comic Sans.


I was totally going to say this. But yeah, ditch the Comic Sans and you're gold.

Well I think that Comic Sans....screams FUN!!! ;)




I think you should use blue instead of red. Blue is a very calming color. So is pink and green. What do you think about this discovery? Also you should change your font to something fancy dancy. I retired from Comic Sans in 2005.

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@Kahi & Brickeens: NEVER!


Actually I'll be honest I have thought about just writing in standard plain default text on BZPower before since I kind of find formatting my posts properly to be more trouble than its worth at times. Still I been writing this way on BZPower for so long now that is like second nature to me now and well, I identify with text style that I used.


Beside, I happened to like using Comic Sans font. It has been my favorite font style since I stumbled upon in Microsoft Word so many years ago. So yeah, I am not ditching it. And really I don't understand why people on internet seem to hate Comic Sans so much. *shrugs*


So tough cookies, I am still sticking with my style of writing on the internet.

Hey, you know what'd be a great idea? Let's repeat yesterdays giant political/social warfare, but then about Comic Sans! =D

Actually, let's not go to Camelot do that. 'tis 'twas a silly place thing.


But aside from the general hatred the Internet seems to have simply because the Internet already had that hatred when they joined, the most major criticism about the Comic Sans-font, as said by comic authors themselves, is that Comic Sans basically uses the font traditionally found in comics, and messes it all up. (Don't ask me how, I'm not an expert in these things, nor do I pretend to be one)


Personally I don't use BZP's 'Customize-yer-posts'-function though, since from a webdesign-standpoint it just generally messes things up. I get why people are using it to create their own sort-of "brand", but that's rather the thing I'd like to leave to my avatar and signature.


Comic Sans is hated for very specific reasons in typography: First, it is not well optimized. It has really awful kerning in places, and generally the letterforms do not flow well together, especially at small sizes, where it can become nigh unreadable. In short it is designed without thought. Still, there are thousands of typefaces like that, what makes Comic Sans (and things like Curlz MT, Papyrus, Bleeding Cowboy, etc) so hated is their OVERUSE. On any given square mile you will almost always find at least one storefront using one (or more!!) of these fonts on their displays, or even as their logo. It's so polluted the world of design that it's almost an evil act to point it out - once you know how to spot one of these red letter fonts, you will never stop seeing it and it will infuriate you more each time.


In short: It is a lazily designed font, that is often used by equally lazy people not interested in visual appeal.


That's why it is hated.

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@InnerRayg: ... *sigh*


I give up. You folks win. My font & color style posts are officially retired as of this point.


I will say this though, I am not removing the font from every blog entry or post, I have made here in past. Because honestly it is more time than I would ever want to spent on this silly thing. Be happy with what you get.


Alright, that's all. I am done. *sigh*


- JMJ 2013

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It's for the best. We've all had our flirtations with Comic Sans - believe me, the reason they become so overused is because initially these fonts seem very attractive. They're often free or come pre-installed on a system, stand out from an otherwise hard to distinguish crowd, and for the uninitiated seem like a great way to stand out. The problem is that they end up doing just the opposite.

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@InnerRayg: ... Please just leave me alone, dude. You already made me cry yesterday about giving in to you. Seriously just leave me alone because honestly I did this to end this annoying argument about my font, not because I thought you were right.


Also thanks for making me all soul searching today since after reading this, I been thinking all day about how I am no one and will amount to nothing. Oh, and thanks for making the font feature, that I helped funded, completely useless to me now.


Yes, you certainly did a good job liberating me from a font style that really wasn't hurting anyone and that I was just using to represent my "voice" here. Thanks a lot, sir.


- JMJ 2013

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