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I don't know? This freakin' website and it's freakin' inability to keep me away from it. Okay, yeah, actually it's been doing a fair job of keeping me away from it, since it's been what, like, a year? Several years? I don't even know anymore.   So, howsabout those Bionicles?

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Just thinking.

I kind of miss you guys. I kind of miss what I used to have here, what this place used to mean to me.   I've been on Tumblr, mostly, in the SWTOR fandom mostly, and it's been good to me and I follow every BZP person that I remember exists, and I'll always love you all.   I guess this was mostly brought on by thinking about the My Little Pony fandom, and how awful it is for young people and how if I were a little girl today, I'd've been in love with that show the way I was in love with Bionicle,

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

GenCon. Also: Broken Computer.

So I've got finals like, tomorrow and after that, I'll be going to GenCon in Indianapolis for four days after that, so that'll be fun. I'm looking forward to that. (GenCon, not finals. Though I am looking forward to this class being over with.)   Also my computer's broken so there's why I haven't shown up that much except on Tumblr.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Ask A Krahka

So I'm slightly bored cough cough avoiding studying so here's your exciting opportunity to ask me anything. ANYTHING.   Nothing's off limits. My weird obsession with asexual alien frogmen? ASK ME ABOUT IT. My spiritual connection to Krahka? SURE. My spiritual connection to Petey Plane? GO FOR IT. Advice on pixel art? BRING IT. Justifications for my crack ships? AWWWW YEAHHHH I CAN TALK ALL DAY. Why I've been here for so long? MAN I DON'T KNOW ASK ME ANYWAY.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Still, I'm still an animal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVWeqAPQUXc   One of my favorite songs at the moment, and Actual!Krahka's theme song. One of these days I'll write some Krahka/Onewa based on this, but eh.   Anyway, things with class have been picking up and getting extremely confusing, so I'm a little less than present at the moment.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

A WIP and a brief explanation of a hobby of mine

Base (Pixel Princess exclusive)   So let me introduce you to the hobby of mine that I haven't been able to show off to BZP because of the advertising policy.   So dolling. Dolling is a collaborative art process that's based off of paper dolls. People make paper doll Barbie-naked bases and other people take them and add all the hair, clothes, edits, everything to make them come alive. It's a lot of fun. I could explain better but I don't feel like it. If you're interested, just contact me and I c

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

New Policy!

This change in the advertising policy is awesome. That was literally the stupidest rule on any site I've ever been on.   That being said, my main blog that I post on is full of swear words, (even though the nsfw tag has only two things in it) so I'm not linking to it. If you know me, you probably know where to find me. (HINT: I'M MOST OF THE SEARCH RESULTS FOR "KRAHKA")   But I am going to be posting so many dolls on this thing and you can't even stop me.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Ten-some years, 1000 posts.

You know that thing about how it's not about your post count, but making your posts count?   Well I've got neither, since my posts are pretty pointless.   Anyway, I'd make a retrospective, but I don't feel like it. All I gotta say is that if I joined the RPG forum sooner, I'd have a lot more posts. Or maybe not?

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Character Concepts

So I've been thinking of character concepts for the BZPRPG, since as much fun as I'm having with Iokua, I feel like I could be doing even moar.     A naive Vortixx inventor who climbed the Mountain with teamwork and ingenuity, and believes this can solve all problems! Also she has a giant mech she built herself and a calculator.   A Skakdi of Water who's a pirate with a heart of gold, which is to say, she really likes gold.   A Toa of Iron who's an expert blacksmith who only forges weapons for t

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Feeling slightly grateful

So at the moment, my family is driving me to the brink of insanity (more than the usual background insanity I've got) for reasons that I'm not really willing to go into at this time and in this place, but there are times when I am extremely grateful.   Today I was playing d20 Future, as I'm wont to do on Saturdays, and we were also playing with Legos as the GM has a bunch of Legos at his place. And among the Lego pieces was Gali's original mask. My brother and I, who both grew up with Bionicle r

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Welp I did it.

I just joined the BZPRPG. Not with a Krahka. With a Matoran. (Though I've got ideas for a Vortixx character.)   Never mind all my other responsibilities, eccentric archaeologists call to me!

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

I am slightly tempted by the BZPRPG. . .

But I really wanna play a Krahka for obvious reasons of Krahka. I understand that they're supposed to be super-rare and pretty much extinct, and they can be abused for powergamey purposes, but I just wanna RP a Krahka somewhere.   Bleh, I should probably keep up with the RPs I'm already involved in before setting off on a new one.     EDIT: HALP I'M MAKING AN ARCHAEOLOGIST ONU-MATORAN STOP ME PLEASE

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

So here are some sketches

This is one of my Wardens in Dragon Age, Juho Aeducan. He's pining for the fjords or something.   More Juho Aeducan. I apologize in advance for Alistair's face, when I color this, whenever that is, I'll make him a better face.   And one of my SWTOR Imperial Agents, Greenly, with her buggy huggy hubby, Vector Hyllus. They're doing spy things, but taking a break to dance.     And one of my SWTOR Smugglers, Cargryph. She's usually more cheerful than this, but some people just needa be shot.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

So I'm in a Pathfinder campaign

So tomorrow I'll be starting playing in a pirate themed Pathfinder campaign. I'll be playing a mad elven druid who's been stranded on a desert island for the past five hundred gazillion years. (He lost track at about 308). Long enough to go properly crazy and to talk to animals and plants better than he talks to people and stuff.   So should he be a shark druid? Since that's an actual thing you can be. A druid devoted to sharks. Or should he just be an aquatic druid? Or a jungle druid?

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Went to the library

Checked out a bunch of books on the Maori and their language.   I'm excited. I love languages. Each one is a treasure. I can't wait to see what treasures Te Reo holds!

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Human Planet

So I've been watching a BBC documentary called Human Planet and it makes me so happy except when it makes me sad. But humans are nuts. I love humans. I want to hug every human, but I can't. I can't hug every human.   Oh no, I'm thinking about humans again. ;A;

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Keep me from writing academic papers about Bionicle and cultural appropriation and colonialism

Should I write up about why calling the Matoran "Tohunga" was that bad and not just people getting offended over nothing?   I mean, I write enough about colonialism and its adverse effects on indigenous peoples enough for school and usually it makes me super depressed because it's a super depressing subject, but part of me really wants to write a whole paper about it and I'm already looking up sources. Most of which are behind a paywall. >_> I'm also a little afraid that it'll make me a bi


Statistics is weird. It feels like I'm interfering in the realm of the gods, and since the dice gods are the only ones I worship besides Eris and Hermaeus Mora, that's a very weird feeling.   I would pay the full price for textbooks if they were leather-bound (and you're not sure what kind of leather it is, but it ain't cow) and full of tentacles and drove you mad from the revelation. It doesn't even need to take me to Apocrypha, so long as the text moves in eerie ways across the page as I read

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Three Sentence Fic Requests

So this is a thing I did on other websites that was fun there and might be fun here.   Basically post a comment here with a pairing and/or character and an AU (alternate universe, for those who don't know) and I'll write a three sentence fic. Expect long, run-on sentences and semicolons.   So obviously you can request Bionicle fics and I'm fishing for Bionicle inspiration, but also anything from any of my other fandoms, particularly SWTOR, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. And My Little Pony.

Future Project That May Be Of Interest

So the real reason I'm coming back is that I want one last hurrah and finish my Bionicle magnum opus, which I'm just barely started on have been working on for a few years now.   So here's the pitch for what I'm writing.   A universe hopping, all-female team of Toa from different dimensions fight against a mysterious threat that nearly destroys every dimension in existence. Expect some romance, both het and femslash that'll take a back seat to action, exploration and the power of friendship.   T

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Why would anyone want to smell like Donald Trump?

So I have an issue with some of the advertisements on this site. Specifically the one selling Donald Trump's cologne. Why would anyone want to smell like Donald Trump? He smells like hairspray and crazy and sleaze and why does anyone listen to this guy and desperation for attention.   I understand the concept of celebrity inspired perfumes. I'd like to smell like Nicki Minaj, even if it'd be a hallucinogen, probably. But Nicki Minaj is amazing, not washed up and stupid. I'd mostly like to smell

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

Update on the last two, three years.

So here's what I've been up to lately, for those who haven't been following me on other websites. Been playing SWTOR. Lots and lots of SWTOR. So much SWTOR. This is probably the main thing you know if you've been following me on other websites. And uhhh, Mass Effect 3 came out. Its terrible, terrible ending was the catalyst (hurr) for my new dream to become a game developer, specifically one who can make people as passionate about language, history and culture as they are about Mass Effect.

Little Miss Krahka

Little Miss Krahka

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