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Les Misèrables



So, I went to see ​Les Misèrables last night.


Let's just say that it didn't disappoint. It was an emotional roller coaster of a ride that did justice to the play and to the book. I'm not much of a cry-er, but let me tell you: I was blinking back tears several times.


Highs: Anne Hathaway as Fantine. She stole every scene she was in (which numbered too few, IMO... but that's how the story goes), and I honestly would have paid full ticket price just to see and hear her sing "I Dreamed a Dream", which was my absolute favourite scene in the film. Absolutely phenomenal; she deserves every award it's possible for her to win.


Pretty much everything else. Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe was absolutely fantastic as Jean Valjean and Javert respectively, as everyone knew they would be. :P Samantha Barks played Éponine brilliantly, so much so that I would say I almost enjoyed her scenes more than Jackman's. The Thénardiers (oh, Bonham Carter <3), Cosette (both young and old), Marius... oh, everyone was amazing. Absolutely amazing.


Lows (which I am spoilering so you won't have to read them if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to judge before you get to watch it):

Javert's death. I've always been a fan of him falling backwards into the river, arm outstretched. In the film, he fell face first, and, instead of entering the water with a splash, he hit concrete, which was accompanied by a loud, sickening crack that completely distracted from the emotion of the scene.


Many of the male singers went overboard with their vibrato, IMO. I realize this sounds like a minor nitpick, but it really got quite distracting at points, especially when their characters were singing from a point of sadness and despair. It didn't feel like it fit the scene.



Overall, though it was fantastic. I saw the musical on stage in the summer, and you can't beat Les Mis live, but this film comes pretty close. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it in a heartbeat. Do yourself a favour and go see ​Les Misèrables.




Seriously, go see it now! What are you waiting for?


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I, too, saw it live and enjoyed this adaption enough to watch it a second time and would do so again if I could afford it. Some of the singing was a little awkward and the first time through I cringed a little, but the form more than makes up for it.


Also, The Confrontation between Valjean and Javert was magnificent, and also Crowe looks stunning in dress uniform. <3

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[3:48:51 PM] Aderia: Does anyone talk to Eyru?
[3:48:53 PM] Aderia: "Samantha Barks played Éponine brilliantly, so much so that I would say I almost enjoyed her scenes more than Jackman's."
[3:48:58 PM] Aderia Because I want you to send him my love.
[3:49:07 PM] Aderia: He's my new favorite person.

^skype log, after i read this entry. thought i'd share. =3

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