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Today is my eighteenth birthday.


According to the government, I am eighteen years old, but that's actually not quite true. I'm still seventeen until around 7:30 PM.


So for around nineteen and a half hours, I'm in the twilight zone - both a legal adult and not.


Also, general update because last I told anyone here it was still before the concert on the third. That went extremely well and actually had a pretty decent turnout, mainly because they stuck a few string players on the program between my performances, which gave me some time to relax backstage. There was some fun with getting a substitute page-flipper, and I talked about the music of Sorabji at length with the John Green lookalike who ended up filling in at the post. I also gave a brief speech before my second onstage appearance to discuss the selections I played next - that they were dedicated to a young legally blind piano-violin prodigy.


The second concert, featuring works from everyone in the workshop, actually had less turnout than mine but was still a grand success despite the technical difficulties that arose. I returned the favor by flipping pages for the fellow who filled in for me, and I played the piano part of a piece that was originally going to be for viola, piano, and percussion but ended up just being for viola and piano because a percussionist could not be procured, leading me to make some last-minute edits to the piano part. Though there were a few slips, they sounded less like mistakes and more like intentional gorgeous messes.


Also I wrote and performed a rap at an open mic night (a performance impressive enough to accrue compliments over multiple days), played ultimate frisbee up a hill in pouring rain while enjoying a concert of flamenco music (the encore was a cover of Hotel California that was, in my opinion, better than the original).


Today/Tomorrow (it's late) I'll be at my grandmother's house for my birthday, eating ice cream cake (accept no substitutes), drinking one of the few blueberry sodas left from our adventures in Maine, and beginning to figure out what life is like as someone who is legally allowed to drink alcohol in Canada.

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I'm in the twilight zone



Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
The place is a madhouse, feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go, now that I've gone too far
Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone
The place is a madhouse, feels like being cloned
My beacon's been moved under moon and star
Where am I to go, now that I've gone too far
Soon you will come to know,
When the bullet hits the bone
Soon you will come to know,
when the bullet hits the bone
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For some reason I thought you were eighteen already! :o Anyway, happy birthday, and enjoy the celebration with some LEGO sets! ^_^


-Gata signoff.png

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Happy Birthday!


Tip on figuring out drinking in Canada: thus far you can only drink in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec. Hopefully a year is enough time to thoroughly enjoy all three before the entire country is open to you

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