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A Funny Thing Happened On the Way Home From BrickCon



So BrickCon is over. The weekend really went by way too fast… it seems like a blur of fun and friends. At some point (maybe next weekend) I'll write a more detailed review. But it was a lot of fun and there were some amazing creations and fun times had by all.


But there's a cool story I have to tell about our trip back. Pat and Maddison (AKA DV and Nukaya) came up for the Sunday public hours and checked some stuff out. I guess afterwards they chilled out in Seattle for a while, and the rest of us packed up. Later, after the events, Velox and I started driving back to Portland, but partway down we got caught up in traffic. There had been an accident of some kind, and we were being redirected to the off ramps to go around the affected area. I don't know exactly what happened, but I think a car might have driven off the overpass and crashed onto the freeway below. Like, seriously, driving over the edge of the overpass. We didn't see a wreckage or anything because they had already cleaned it up a bit, but for the cops to direct up to the off ramp, it had to be something unusual.


But anyway, Andrew and I were stuck in the far right lanes, so we started to merge left with everybody else. We were almost in the last one, and I glanced over to see if the car beside us would let us in. And then I thought "Hey, that woman in the passenger seat looks kind of like Maddison. And that guy looks like Pat. Holy cow, is that Pat and Maddison!" Apparently I shouted out like "What the!" in a way that made Andrew think a car was about to hit us. But then he looked over and recognized them too.


Suffice to say, they did not let us merge in.


But then we got in behind them and followed them up the off ramp around the accident. We took my phone and texted them, saying we were right behind them. It took a few texts to let them know that, yes, we were in the car right behind them. :P But yeah, totally crazy coincidence on the drive back from BrickCon.


More pictures, stories, animated gifs to come. Until next year / convention.





Recommended Comments

Hey, the police officer wouldn't let you merge in. It was kind of funny because Pat was like,"oh man, I'm glad we're not that car behind us, because that police officer just stopped them and wouldn't let them go behind us. I wonder if they're going to get searched", and then like 3 minutes later he gets a text from you and is like "oh wait, that was Jason behind us."

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