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No Stars in Star Wars



Have I complained about this before? I feel like it's something I've complained about here before, but I don't see it in a search.


Anyway, a crucial problem I have with Star Wars is the lack of scenes with, y'know, stars. (Not like movie stars, but the big balls of burning gas and such that give off light. For local reference, see sun... just don't look directly at it.)


I mean, a big part of this takes place in space. You see planets and big ships. You see big ships casting shadows on other ships, so you know there's a big light source nearby. And you do see the sun(s) on the planets... heck, TWIN suns.


But in no shots in the original trilogy do you actually see a full on star from space. I mean, you see the little white dots in the background... technically stars, yes. But they're moving around so many planets and such that you know they get close to real stars, and yet they're never visible from the camera angles.


I rewatched the original trilogy this weekend and confirmed this to be true... except for two cases. In "A New Hope" when the Millennium Falcon flies to the rescue in the last scene, it flies with the sun at its back... which is probably a legit tactic in space (it's hard to detect something small when you have the sunlight behind it overpowering the sensors... like your vision. I mean, it's possible... it's actually one way astronomers detect planets around distant stars... but I said it's hard for SMALL objects.) The second time happens in Empire where the Millennium Falcon again flies out of the sunlight as they escape Bespin.


So it seems that the only time you see a star in Star Wars is when the Falcon is flying out of it. Keep that in mind when you watch the new movie tomorrow. (Because of course you're all watching it tomorrow night, right?)


Also, don't ask me about the prequels, I didn't rewatch those looking for star scenes. Not that I greatly dislike the movies, but I don't feel like going out of my way to rewatch them, sorry.


No, I think this is a totally productive use of my time.



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The fact that in these supposed "Star" "Wars" no one has ever fought over stars or no stars have fought with other stars is really misleading.


Is...is that what Star Destroyers are for???

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