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Dust: An Elysidontknow whatsit





So, Steam Summer Sale and stuff. This game popped up on the "featured" page for 50% off, and I've heard a ton of good stuff about it. I'm always up for a good RPG and a good platformer, and from what I've heard, this game is both. Unfortunately, the game is Windows only, I am still running the MacBook Pro I bought back in 2010 for music and art, and, considering audio production and graphic design are both minors for me in college, I still need it for both of those.


So, in a nutshell: How is the game/what is it about? Is it worth the $7.50 to have it if/when either I get Windows again, or a Mac port is released of it? And why is it spelled "tail" instead of "tale"?


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Hmm, have you ever heard of the game Muramasa for the Wii and now for the PS Vita? It's essentially like that. It's a side-scroller with heavy emphasis on sword play and combos. It's about...well, the trailer can probably tell you more about that than I can. And it's spelt "tail" because the characters are anthropomorphic and bad puns are great, apparently. Which makes it weird, because it sounds as though the subtitle is talking specifically about Dust's tail.


I don't really know whether it's worth it, but it was my must-have of the summer sale so I just bought it as well, and if I went around criticising a game I just bought I'd be a strange one.

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Thanks for the info guys. Game bought, now sitting in my steam library until either this thing can play it, or I get something that can.

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