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Hello everyone!


I know it's been a million and a half years since I've been around here, but unfortunately I was dealing with some real-life-things so BZP took a backseat for a while. Thankfully, now all that has mostly passed over and school is done so I have literally nothing to do. So, I have decided to be active more. I don't know how many--if anyone--will remember me but hopefully I can make a positive impact while I'm back. :)


I was going to make a post a while ago, saying I was sorry I was gone, but for a while I thought it was fitting that my last blog post was the last chapter of my last epic. That said, I looked it over before I started writing this. Whatever that is, unfortunately the BZ-Metru Story is complete garbage. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed of themselves!


...Ehehe well anyway to that end I really do not like what I have gone out on and because of that I have decided to go out in one last blaze of glory. Well, when I say go out I mean that presumptuously--I head out to college September 22, and I don't foresee much free time for BZP after that unfortunately :/ I'm going to a rather rigorous school so I doubt I could fit it in with all the other stuff I plan on getting involved in. But who knows, hopefully I can still be a little active after that!


So, tonight, June 13 (well, it turned over into the 14th while I was typing), I have started writing one last epic. It is not going to be an action-centered story like the BZ-Metru Story was. Obviously there will still be action--and I anticipate lots of it--but I hope to make it much more focused on the characters and specifically the relationship between a core group.


I hope to use this blog for (among just everyday thoughts and updates) the creation of that epic. I know what I want the setting to be, I know where I want it to start, and I know where I want it to end. I don't know how to get there quite yet. My goal is to have this thing be MAX twenty chapters, roughly 2000 to 3000 words each--even more. 10-12 longer chapters would be much more preferred. I intend to start posting July 14th and post one chapter each Sunday from then until I'm done (obviously I'll adjust as needed).


So, for anyone who's made it this far, I ask one question to get things rolling: let's say you're on Mata-Nui. You have the original six Turaga: Vakama, Nuju, Whenua, Nokama, Onewa, and Matau (I'm proud of myself, I remembered 4 of 6 :P ). Which one is you're least favorite? Which one would you least like to have as a leader?


Thanks, and makes sure to leave any comments, suggestions for the epic, or general thoughts in the comments. :)


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Of course I remember you. Dang man, it's been a long time. XD Good to see you back!! As for the Turaga, man I have no idea I don't completely remember what all of them were like. =P Maybe Matau?

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Who are you, and why am I apparently still following your blog? :P


Cool, I'll have to check back and see how your story turns out. As for Turaga who would be worst leader... I'll just say Nuju. :D



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