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Old Age



My house is over the hill. Not physically, mind you, but in age. And because it is so old, various things decide to die at inconvenient times. Last year, it was the air conditioner and the pool heater, in the winter, the roof kicked the bucket, and now the phone-line is down.


But then how am I posting this? Well, when my family first moved here, we had a second phone-line put in for the dial up modem. When we got high-speed, we just left it there and never used it. Now, though, we had a guy from the phone company come in and he's switched our phone-line to that one temproarily. Unfortunately, this phone-line only has one jack which would normally mean no Internet (IPB Image), but I luckily noticed that the modem is able to hook up to the Internet and to a phone at the same time and so I ended up saved the day *stands with hands on hips majestically, while the Canadian flag billows in the background*.


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Poor SPIRIT. :P My house is sorta old, but nothin' like that ever happens... The siding just rips off during every single storm.

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Oh, geez. I know how you feel. When I lived in Minnesota, our house was a good 100 years old, and it had definitely seen its better days, what, with being through about a dozen tornadoes while we lived there. We had to get the roof fixed often, and the septic system kicked the bucket several times. ><


Yep, that can't be fun.


*oos and aas at SPIRIT being majestic*



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