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Death/EP/Unity Duty Destiny

Takuma Nuva


So, you people don't like the ending to Bibble then, eh?


Perhaps you want to hear another snippit about the RPG, eh?


I think I've a decent idea of how I'm going to work the elemental powers and death mechanics.


After a character reaches 0 hp, they have to worry about unconsciousness and injury. To remain conscious, the character has to pass a Toughness Roll each round -10 times Injury Level. If they fail they pass out for some amount of time. Injury level is tracked as the amount of damage taken beyond the character's HP pool with a maximum of 10. Each level of injury incurs some sort of effect depending on the body region that was hit. (Note: These do not yet account for Fatigue/Stamina)

  • Injury 1 -- Numbness: 1 round penalty. Limbs, make respective tests at -30; Head, make all tests at -10 (except Toughness); Body, lose 1 AP (action point)
  • Injury 2 -- Disabled: 1 round penalty. Arms, lose use of limb; Legs, half movement; Head, Blind and Deaf; Body, knocked down
  • Inury 3 -- Severe Pain: 1 round penalty. All, stunned
  • Injury 4 -- Inury 2 and Injury 3 combined
  • Injury 5 -- Limbs, halve effectiveness for 1d10 rounds and drop held item; Head, Blind and Deaf for 1d10 rounds; Body, knocked back and stunned for 2 round
  • Injury 6 -- Permanent Damage: Limbs, disabled if a Toughness Roll is failed (until fully healed); Head, Stunned for 1d10 rounds and Mask/Headgear is knocked off; Body, knocked back and stunned 1d10 rounds
  • Injury 7 -- Wounded: Limbs, permanently disabled; Head, Death if a Toughness Roll is failed (otherwise Injury 6); Body, character must lay still or risk a 20% of Death each round
  • Injury 8 -- Amputation: Limbs, permanently lost and Death if a Toughness Roll is failed; Head, Death; Body, instantly unconscious
  • Injury 9 -- Death.
  • Injury 10 -- Violent Death.

Note that you only take the effects for the injury levels you hit exactly, not everything leading up to that level.


For elemental powers I will be implementing an EP pool of some sort. However, while other attacks are based on attributes that can have points assigned (e.g. strength increases melee damage) a character's aptitude with the elements will be based on their level. Just to make up a random example, a standard elemental blast -- like a fireball -- might do 1d10 + half your level in damage. This way, your elemental powers will always be an effective option in your toolbox.


Finally, as a bonus, I will be implementing a lite Unity/Duty/Destiny system where each player gets one point of each per session. Unity I'm still working on, but initial ideas for the other two are Duty points prevents that character's death once and Destiny points allow that character to re-roll any one roll.


These two developments are not yet included in my latest version of the WIP documentation, but a lot of other stuff has been added. LINK

Is it just me or is there a LOT more interest in a Bionicle RPG now?



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