Remember the old days when we had rules about the combined file size of avatars and sig banners? What was it, 150kb max?
Man, I miss those days.
Hey, all y'all. Bet practically nobody here even remembers or knows me at this point. But, for those of you old codgers that do and have possibly wondered what I've been up to lately, here's the sitch.
First and probably the biggest, in the time since I was last around I've moved on from having jobs to finally landing a career. No longer
People seem to be forgetting the blog rules going in both ways. Yes, politics are allowed in the blogs, but only in a very small capacity as follows: You would do well to read the entire entry from Blog HQ detailing politics and religion in the blogs. Now, everybody chill out for, like, a week at least. Yeesh. Sad that this is the only reason I'm making a blog entry in forever. TN
I can't believe I live in a world where I'm actually writing this blog entry. I'd like to preface this by expressing my deepest gratitude for the wonderful, generous people who have showered me with gifts over the past few years, especially during various holiday Steam Sales. That said, I have an important request to make: Don't do it anymore. Why would I ever turn down free stuff? Well, for a number of reasons. First of all, I still have a backlog of games I need to work through and I d
With the Bionicle RPG in working condition, I've come to a conclusion: It was good for a practice run. That's not to say it's bad or that I don't like it. Heck, I'm going to be recording an entire campaign spanning who-knows-how-many sessions that'll be going up on YouTube. But I've pretty much accomplished what I set out to do and, while I'm going to continue supporting it, my focus has moved on to the next big thing. As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly working on a series of three or four
Gonna keep this short and sweet for all our sakes. I won't be able to attend Brickfair VA this year. Simply put, I'll either have a new job and don't want to tarnish my reputation by asking for a week-long vacation right away OR I won't have a job and, ergo, won't be able to afford it/will be using the time to actively keep on the job hunt. Tangentially related, I'm expecting a phone interview either later today or sometime tomorrow. Wooteth. I'm starting to detect a pattern here... TN
So, go check it out. Have some fun. No really. I've spent far too much time on this for nobody to use it. OI, SOMEONE WANNA MAKE THIS A FEATURED TOPIC? THAT'D BE GREAT KTHXBAI. TN
So my Web Interactivity Tools course focused on the use of Adobe Edge AKA the Adobe Flash-killer. For our final project we had to develop a sort of sample website that used at least two animations that contained movement and/or interactivity of some kind. I decided to theme my project around a sort of proof-of-concept of what the current Bionicle website could be (because, let's face it, whoever came up with some of these design decisions kinda sucked). What I have is nowhere near a complete p
Anybody else play it? It's a game about space ninjas. F2P co-op third-person shooter with lots of slash-slash, bang-bang, and PARKOUR. I only recently picked it back up after not playing for about a year only to find there's now jet-packs in spaaaaace levels as well as other rad stuff. Anyway, I'm starting a clan/building a clan dojo for funsies. Let me know if you're interested in joining. Also, obligatory referral link because referrals can get me a chance for stuff and you get a guaranteed
This has absolutely nothing to do with my RPG; I'm not making rules for 100+ combinations. But I was still unsatisfied with not knowing how a Piraka of Psionics would combine their powers with a Piraka of a different element. Somehow, the gears in my mind finally got unstuck today and I've come up with a list of possible solutions that I think satisfy. Granted, these effects are all telepathic in nature. If you want some sort of physical manifestations go figure it out on your own. Fire: Severe
Oi. So much lifeishness. I'm leading up the web team for this last semester's Capstone Project. We'll be completely revamping the Youthway Ministries website, so if you want a "before" image in your mind, now's the time. For my internship, I'm rebuilding a LEGO community website's front end. Bionicle RPG? Never been more real, never crunched so hard, never been so close to test-driving. SOON . . . . . ish. Really happy this graphics design course is part of the Web Development and Design curr
I got sick twice over winter break and the second time around I wound up binge-watching several shows. Namely, I watched every Ninjago episode available on Netflix and finished watching the last three and a half seasons of Merlin. I have ALL the new bonkles. The Bionicle RPG is at 82 pages. With little more than power rules and some character/creature stat sheets left, it is almost ready for "beta testing". Podcasting is still fun. Got on the President's Honor Roll again last semester. T
Really though, if you need two skakdi together to make use of their elemental powers, how on earth is a Skakdi of Psionics' power supposed to manifest itself when combined with other elements? I'm so close now I can smell it TN
Quick and dirty, I want your opinions. How long would you say the effects of Enlarge, Shrink, Weaken, and Reconstitution Kanoka last? Nothing I've seen seems to indicate that the disc's power level affects the power duration. Likely, nobody sees these messages until after I'm dead. TN
Once upon a time, as such a time is when these things often occur, there was an art class. A bunch of students were taking the course. Some of the students prefer working in pen. Other students prefer working in pencil. Every day when the students take to their easels they find a fresh piece of paper. However, the teacher has drawn a few shapes and lines on the paper in the respective ink or graphite. The teacher tells the students they will be graded on their individuality. For quite some tim