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Three Years Later

Remember the old days when we had rules about the combined file size of avatars and sig banners? What was it, 150kb max?

Man, I miss those days.

Hey, all y'all. Bet practically nobody here even remembers or knows me at this point. But, for those of you old codgers that do and have possibly wondered what I've been up to lately, here's the sitch.

First and probably the biggest, in the time since I was last around I've moved on from having jobs to finally landing a career. No longer do I spend my days washing dishes or flipping burgers. I am now the Product Support Manager for a company specializing in candidate sourcing and a jobs search/data engine. I spend my days managing a team of programmers including a rotating internship wherein I can help other up-and-coming developers learn some of the ins and outs of the industry. It is very stressful but very rewarding work and while I'm definitely not yet being paid as much as I "should" be, I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Outside of the job, I'm living it up as a bachelor in my own digs. Rather than sink money into nothing, I skipped the whole "apartment phase" and jumped feet-first into the world of home ownership. It's been a wild ride and I'm learning new things all the time. My neighbors are pretty swell and I'm actually surprised that none of them have really voiced any complaints about the state of my yard/lawn that I've definitely not been keeping up with (it's been a crazy year between the promotion and grandparents). Also, I didn't know this when I bought the place, but I have six frickin' fruit trees: 1 apple, 1 cherry, 2 plum, and 2 that I'm not sure if they're weird-looking apples or weird-looking pears.

Recreationally, I'm still loving my time as part of the TTV Channel. It's been a wild roller-coaster ride with all kinds of ups and downs, but we've done some great stuff (go watch Biocraft Chronicles if you haven't yet) and I've definitely made life-long friends. I also continue to play too much Warframe but I'm trying to get back into the swing of playing my ocarina too. I'm still very novice in terms of skill, but my goal is to be able to play the Ducktales theme before 2020 rolls around.

A'ight, that's me. Peace.

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Man, hard to believe it's been that long. Maybe it just doesn't feel that way because I just saw you at Brickfair.



filesize limits... kids these days don't know how good they have it eh

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