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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

Takumacraft Reboot Survey

Right, so, the "in favor"s have been overwhelmingly the only response I'm getting. We're going through with it.   That said, I'd like to keep the carry-over to a minimum (kinda defeats the purpose otherwise. If you'd like to have a building, items, or some-such carried over to the new world, you may request it and I'll do my best to take care of y'all.   Anyways, what would you guys like to see/get out of the do-over? Mods are out of the question, before you ask. Either way, I'll start us off on

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Q for Takumacrafters

Don't get too excited, this is just kind of being thrown out there to see what bites.   Given how outdated the majority of settled land on the server is and how gosh darned far apart everyone's base is (which basically destroys any sort of community feeling we may have left), the question has been asked: What if we reset?   Yes, losing all the awesome stuff we've already built would suck, but it would mean that we can now build closer together without infringing on the land of people who may nev

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


doodz half-life 3 we know it is going to happen soon     TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

TakumaCrafters Fall In...

It's "pay the rent" time, guys. That time when everyone gets to tell me about how much they've been using the server lately.   On the one hand, I hate paying $20.49 every three months for a game I don't play anymore and I don't know if I'll ever get that much back into it. On the other hand, I'd hate to pull the rug out from under you guys. Sure, it's less than seven bucks a month, but that money adds up over time...   Heh. Too bad I can't start charging for premier membership Supreme Access Pri

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

The Premise of My Book

So here's the basic idea. Typical cyberpunk fare where megacorporations have more power and control than the goverment, private militias, all that stuff. Now picture that certain people begin developing a skin condition whereupon they get patches of reptilian scales. In a place like our future where a lust for power is fueled by a lust for knowledge, these emergent "scaled" people are subjected to several rights-violations. They're required to be registered, they must attend mandatory experiment

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Will Not Be Attending BF VA 2013

Title pretty much speaks for itself I guess.   Words don't really cover how upset I am.   Somebody cheer me up. Post ponies or go comment on my last blog entry or something. ;.;   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Books Part 1: Crafting A Universe

The thing I always loved about Bionicle was the unique nature of the universe and the way it started out. Robots/Cyborgs making a living on a multi-biome island in a tribal setting while employing elemental powers and using magical masks but still making use of advanced machinery. It seemed, to me, the perfect blend of science fiction and fantasy. I mean, who even thinks of something like this?   When I decided I wanted to write a book of my own I knew straight away I wanted to create a Science-

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Writing a Book is Hard

I've just spent so much time trying to piece together this plot and it is driving me crazy. It's like some sort of crazy three-dimensional puzzle where I have to reconstruct half the pieces along the way.   But I'm determined. I'll get this thing down if it takes my whole life. TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Project Sigma

Guys.   Remember "Project Sigma"?   It's a new Toast Busters comedy.   SHH! DON'T TELL NOBODY!     TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


So I did...   Also, holy crud, I just noticed I've got the Faxon spinny. Goes to show how much I pay attention...   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

It Pains Me To Say It...

...but for several reasons that shall not be mentioned (though, surprisingly, laziness isn't one of them this time), I'm afraid I'm calling it quits on the Call of Evil series.   I would like to take the time, however, to thank each and everyone of you who read and/or reviewed my work. This was a big learning experience for me and there's knowledge I shall certainly be taking with me forward. I consider this my biggest and most important step into the writing foray since all that time ago when I

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

I wasn't going to do a Christmas/birthday "stuff gotten" entry...

...but I didn't want to repeat myself for those few I'd bother telling.   Tom/Apollomahri gave me a box of Tyranid Gargoyles. Ironically enough, my parents almost did the same thing.   Avohkah Tamer gave me a Fluttershy plushie. She sits in a place of honor now (read: sitting amongst the pile of other various stuffed animals on my bed along the wall).   My stocking had a couple pieces of candy, A $10 iTunes gift card (I don't like buying through iTunes, but this'll for sure be going to Cryoshell

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


The more life goes on, the more I get the feeling that I've bitten off more than I can chew. This is especially true of writing projects. I've got so many lined up and in various stages of progress it is ridiculous.   I have the MMN entry to do.   I'm working on super-secret project #1.   I've barely started super-secret project #B.   More Call of Evil short stories.   The Call of Evil epic.   Steak Boy goes to Brickfair   I've just discovered a file on my computer titled "Steak Boy Buys a Plane

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

MMN Cards Have Been Dealt

Alright, I finally had time to sit down and shuffle out those story ideas sent in.   Now, while y'all get to typin', I have a question for you. Should I have a separate entry where everybody stops by later to leave links to the topic/blog entry where they wrote their story?   Or should we just have everybody run willy-nilly all over BZPower looking for them?     TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Mysterious Mata-Nui Stories Holiday Exchange

So, I just had this brilliant idea.   Okay, maybe I didn't JUST have it. This was actually an idea I proposed to Hahli Husky but she is unable to host it at this time.   So here's the idea. You know those "Secret Santa" things where everybody gets a gift for some other random person in the pool? I thought it would be a neat idea to do something like that on BZPower, only stories.   So, here's the idea. When you sign up, you send in the premise for a short story/comedy. Anything you can conceive

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

My Bro Brickeens

He really, truly is one of the best guys on here. One of those rare few people that I can really talk to about whatever's on my mind and know he's listening.   He deserves so much better than what he is dealing with right now.   So here's to you, Birks. God bless ya. B)           Semi-related.....       TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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