“Friendly sort, isn’t he?” Burnmad asked.
“Psh. Don’t worry about him,” Demon replied, swatting the air with his hand. “His bark his worse than his bite.”
“And yet, he has The Bodyguard with him.”
Surprise danced onto Demon’s face. “Wait, Xaeraz is here?” As if in response, a black thorny tentacle dripping with shadow sprouted from Gerlicky’s back and waved an ominous greeting. “What’s he doing here? Does Lord Takuma think we’re gonna try something?”
Burnmad began walking down the hill after Gerlicky. “Xaeraz isn’t here to protect The Ranger from us.” He looked back over his shoulder at Demon. “He’s here to protect us from The Ranger.”
Nobody likes using code anymore...
Um, get hyped I guess?
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