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Garreg Mach

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A Great Book



Sometimes you find a good book because the critics of the world give it rave reviews. Sometimes it's because your friend recomended it to you. Other times it's the "it" sensation of the moment. Or maybe you've read other books by the author. Perhaps you got it as a present, and it would be rude not to read it.


Maybe your mom shoves it down your throat (I'm still choking on that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone).


But sometimes... sometimes, you'll just walk into the library.

Or the book store.

Or the bookshelf (ouch).


And you'll see the front cover of this book you previously had no idea existed (or maybe you did, but automatically labelled it as "THIS SUCKS!!!!1!11!1!!").


And it sucks you towards it, like gravity sucks you to the ground. You can't help it; something about the book causes you to make a detour, pick it up, read the back cover, decided you're interested, and begin to read it. And you read it and read it and read it until suddenly, there is no more to read. You have finished the book.


So of course you go back and this time you get the sequel, which turns out to be even better.


Moments like this are rare. Finding a decent book like this that you previously had stayed away from for years is rare enough. Finding a book you never knew existed is less than impossible.




Recently, such books I've discovered via these moments have been Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (which lead to me becoming a fan of that first series), I am Number Four (which was the same deal), and The Hunger Games (same story x3).


But I'm sure you've heard of all those. They're very popular.


However, the latest book (and subsequently the series) that I discovered like this I had never seen before in my life.

What book, you ask?


The Maze Runner. If you have heard about it, read it, and loved it- good on you.

If not, google it now and then go borrow it at the library. It's pretty sweet. The Scorch Trials, the sequel, is even better. The Death Cure (you guessed it, book 3) looks to be of the same quality.


The covers look like they should be the most boring things in the world. I dunno how or why I was drawn to it, but I was.


Thank goodness for books choosing the readers. If it was up to me, I probably wouldn't read much more than the posts here on BZPower.


And life would thus be relatively empty.


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