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    This blog is dedicated to Matoran of the Bionicle universe.

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    Well, seeing as i have the ability to do this for a short period of time i may aswell use it to my advantage.

    Welcome to the first entry of my blog, i'm guessing roughly 3 people will have looked at this by the time i finish having the ability to blog, and that one of them will be because someone will accidently click the wrong link on their browser. Okay then, pessimistic views over (I need a drink, I get somewhat pessimistic when dehydrated, hence the title of this blog), now time to discuss my thoughts and feelings as to several things.

    First of all are the Bioniclestory.com updates, I have recently gone through a phase of repeatedly watching the Toa Mahri short video which I found quite interesting and have recently been wondering what sofware they use to make the animation as i have been making my own 2D Animations at home and wish to try my hand at 3D. Then there's the good old nuva blog, Some nice info there.


    Seconly... I am going to have to get a job if I am going to be able to buy all this years sets, but the problem is this; I don't want to work somewhere noisy or where I have to handle food (eg. pub Kitchen staff doing washing up and making chips). I have a feeling that finding this suitable job will be a challenge.


    The summer holidays have just started here in England. I think they will be rather hectic and busy for Me seeing as I am having a lot of freinds and family over, i don't know how I'm going to survive spending 3 whole days with my fiends friends.



    Toa of Thought,

    Signing out.

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  1. Well school is coming up again...yes, yes, the dreaded 6 hours of boredom keeping me away from me and my beloved video games...*cries* :P And to get in the "spirit" I decide to make this entry...a story..when many kids died. This is a true story..just told like I was in a war :P Here it is:




    It was a cloudy..and rainy day..the last day I had to deal with school. Field Day. It might have been rainy and cloudy...but..judgement day still came. After taking a break of the constant shooting people and hiking..we went into bonce houses..I still don't remember why ( I am kinda old for them..but..they were there. :unsure: ). I was bouncing in one of these strange houses..if I knew what were to happen in this bouncing house...I wouldn't of gone near it. My friend and partner in combat was in the other bonce house..lucky him. We were all bouncing and having fun in my bounce house But then all the kids stopped bonceing..somthing..somthing was terribly wrong. We heard one of the Sargents shout "GET OUT! HURRY!" But it was to late. The bonce house was tipping. Long ways. I Jammed my hand in-between the cushions...and held on for dear life. It was a 20-feet drop to the bottom (It really was) I was hanging there..I looked down..I saw other soldiers at the bottom..if I dropped I would hit them dead on. I looked around me..very few kids were hanging over the other kids. I started to ache after about 20 seconds...I couldn't hand on. My hand slipped..I was falling Right on top of all the other people. I screamed "Move!!!!!11111!!!!!1111!!1!!12!ONE!11ONE!!11 Move!!" :P I whacked one kid dead-on in the nose. It was bleeding. "sorry, man" I said. "Its all right. Ouch.." The Sargents (teachers) had to flip the house back over...A lot of good men died that day...



    How did you guys like it? I didn't really shoot people..I was just pretending to be one of those dramatic survivors of stuffs. :P This story really happened..no lie, I swear! It was a lil' fast pasted, I know but cool right? Is there anyway to advertise my Blog better? B)



    :happydance: Well, that wraps up today's entry! :happydance:



    Lol, Like it? :)



    :wakeup2: :wakeup2: :wakeup2:

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  2. Still scares me. But it was a great movie. Oh, and here's a memorable quote from Dr. Loomis.


    "I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil."

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    Since it's Bzp's Anniversarry, We normal members get premire preks! Don't no what that means now. :???: So, let me just use this as a way to say Happy Birthday BZPower. You've always been great, giving news and reviews, so thanks for being there, seven years. Hope we all get to see you turn seventy.

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    Well, I would like to welcome all who have visited this little empire of everything random of mine, and I hope you all have a good time while reading.


    In recent news, I heard that Drew Carey is now going to host The Price Is Right. WHAT THE KARZAHNI. Doesn't he have like 72.67545 different TV shows already? I swear, he made The Drew Carey Show, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, he's going to host Power Of 10, he had a few other shows here and there, and now he's going to host The Price Is Right?! Gotta say I can't believe the whole deal of his, but whatever. Let him be happy, I guess. I would've made a MUCH better game show host.


    BZP-Wise, I am planning on resurrecting my old comic series soon (Soon meaning when I stop procrastinating, that is.), and I plan on continuing my activity in the RPG Forum in the BZPRPG, Anarchy and Atlantis. Not much else for the moment, however.


    Spoiler for tomorrow: What's Super, Wii-lly awesome, and set for release on December 3rd? Stay tuned... *Dun Dun Duuuuuuun*



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    It's anniversary week I guess. I didn't notice because I was too busy yesterday to get on BZP. I really have nothing else to say... I've never been the best at the whole blogging thing.

  3. Barstarzz
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    OMG!! I've been gone so much. :( I'm so involed in the game RuneScape, I haven't been on. But, I'll try to go on more.




    I'm SO looking forward to the new sets, they rock... Gadunka... :drooling: I've been checking on sometimes for news on the sets, I'm lovin' this years canisters too, they are awesome!






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    As I told you, I have a brother who's nearly 3. Today's his birthday! We just opened prestents, and he got A LOT of paint and paint brushes. And since my other brother wants to be an illistrator for my books I'll publish when I grow up, he likes it too. I'll write again when my grandparents come for his birthday, so be ready.


    Note: This is supposed to be right after overview. I'm not sure how it got here.

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    I am here to answer your questions about life as a ko-koto skull spider.

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    Rapi-Toa of Elements
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    What can I say for this week, I've had a cold and sore throat for 2 days and I get headaches constantly...


    On a good, better note I went around the traveling fair in my town; went in the daytime and got there a bit too early.


    There wasn't anything interesting so me and friends decided to go bowling (I won a game, and nearly broke the entire game by throwing a ball with fingerholes too small for me and getting it catastrophicly stuck in the gutter... >>;;)


    Other then that I'm all good, been playing this game a whole lot and getting good levels (Lord of the Rings Online) and still trying to find a job.


    As for the title, I've been saying that alot lately, probably another word to say instead of bleh.


    Until next time, Cya!



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  4. As of last night, my BBC 45 entry Rayg and the Snake-like thing has been finished. I really like the way Rayg turned out, and I found a use for all those red viking horns from Takadox. Topic will probably be up tonight.


    `P :i: C`

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    I`m in Nevada using ny mom`s phone right now if you were wondering where I went.

  5. Will_billy
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    Why do I have a blog








    do i get a prize for bzp being offline?


    Because I hope it's permanent


  6. Hello fellow Bzpower Members


    A few update on things...


    Going to a theater Camp... Some Shakespere me thinks

    The New Toa Mahri are amazingly awesome...(even though I'm thinking abount redoing them)

    Anticipating the New Harry Potter book like most of you I'm sure are


    Other then that.... well.... Nothing I guess....



    P.S. Go Pendragon!

    P.S.S. Harry Potter Too!

    P.S.S.S. Bionicle is definitley better though!

  7. BionicleMan3000
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    Ok, right now there is a tornado moving to Fairfield!!!!! I LIVE IN FAIRFIELD!!!!! It is in Brigeport now. I hope I'm okay. I'm scared. COMING TO FAIRFIELD!

    EDIT: it's over! And has been for a while. It's all okay.

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    I've finally gotten my blog back...for a week! Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry, I don't have a banner or poster or anything to celebrate. Maybe you do...



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    Ok, so I lied. This is more than one post. But I just had to say this.



    As I was going through the Comedies forum, I wondered to myself, "what has happened?" I realise that not everybody who writes comedies is going to be absolutely hilarious (at least in my opinion. Everybody is funny to somebody else. I think). But, I was shocked at the lack of originality.


    Going the the 8 pages of various topics, I managed to find many comedies in which Bionicle characters stay at home, go to school, start talk shows, or opening restaurants. There were also many comedies in which Bionicle comedies went somehwere on Earth, somebody on earth went to someplace like Mata Nui, Bionicle characters meet up with people from some TV show or video game, etc.



    Then there are the ask comedies. The original (or at least I think it is), "Ask Tahu",m was a pretty good comedy. There is also a commen saying, "imitation is the sincerest form of flatery." However, I think it's a bit rediculous when there are more than 25 "Ask somebody" comedies in a single month, and most of them have the same kinds of jokes.


    Speeking of the same kinds of jokes, most of the comedies I went through had tons of jokes based on (or at least used several times) at least one of the following:

    • Pie
    • cookies
    • Tahu burning stuff
    • violence
    • Barney, or some other kids' show
    • steriotypes such as Pohatu having no inteligence or Takua being extremely annoying
    • Various characters (including narrators) messing up the script
    • completely random events/characters shouting random things
    • "Cool Dude"
    • Ending chapters with several questions about what is going to happen in the next chapter (I know I used this in MoL: The Musical, but I'm trying to go through different comedies and trace it back to the sourse, since I'm pretty sure that other people have used the technique before I thought of it)
    I'm sure that at one time all of these were hilarious, and I admit to using some of them in my own comedies, but when you write an entire comedy based on pie, cookies, and Tahu as a pyromaniac, things just aren't that funny any more.



    I sincerely appologize if I offended anybody, but I just had to get that out of my system.

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