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  1. Wow, this entry is not clichéd in the LEAST.


    With that warranted sarcasm aside, this actually is one of those advice-giving/"Ask Overlord" sort of blog posts. You may ask me questions about anything, including serious questions. This means that the seriousness of my answer will depend on the seriousness of your question.


    Though this may or may not be a bad idea, ask away.





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    The most common question anyone asks me is, "What's with the hair?".

    The second: "How do I (Generic Question) in Windows (Enter your favorite version)?".

    My most common response: "I don't have enough time to worry about it, let alone talk with YOU."

    Etc: "READ THE MANUAL!!!!"


    Of course, I feel bad about that, so consider this blog as an appology to all whom have ever asked me a question. If YOU have a question, feel free to ask it as a comment. Yes, I am well able to answer your questions. I have passed a training course on every major Windows distribution, as well as compiled several distributions of Linux just for the heck of it, written several programs in C++, modded Battlefield Vietnam AND torque game engine (Screenshots coming soon.), and have actually read the manual.



  2. matoro200
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    when i looked at the tv screen[since is hooked up to my computer knew my username and password[ and i never told him i just wondered how he knew it] and i saw him logging into my account! now i know why those windows were at the bottem of my screen... that was my anti-hacker trying to warn me!and i am going to make him pay for this very dearly.....

  3. Gah, I have to work on my book report for English. And then I have to do my math homework. And I have some science stuff. I hate school so much right now.... :annoyed:

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    Well, this is pretty cool, regular members getting to use blogs for BZP's anniversary week. Well, I don't blog much at all... so maybe I'll come back later and think of something to say.

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    Lord Kobold
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    visit my site to see my music. I have a grreat band. my link can be found where my site is listed.

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    K.-C. here! I decided to make one o' those new fangled blog-a-mcbobbers, and here it is!


    Right now I'm chill'n and waiting for some replies. (hint, hint)


    So, until next blog-post my observers!


    - :hau:- Koro-Chaos - :hau:-

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    me ahmad. me just maked blog. me big fan. now me run away from umbra. ...


    me now beg umbra for mercy. :begging:



    me go boom

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    In a distant corner of the Bionicle universe lies a island called Xave Nui.

    The inhabitants of this island are Ta, Ga, Le, Ko, Onu and Po matoran.

    They live in 1 big city with 6 districts and 6 smaller vilages outside the big city.

    Theres also 3 Turaga's Turaga Huga(fire), Turaga Nomi(water) and Turage Augna(earth).


    They got 3 Toa, of the elements: Fire, Air and Stone.

    They're called: Toa Tagoki of Fire, Toa Lexias of Air and Toa Potuko of Stone.


    The matorans have always been living in harmony and peace... But!... The Makuta of Xave Nui called Unigah have awaken an evil more fierceful than any other living creature in the known universe.



    Chapter 01: The Beginning of Evil

    In the depths of Unigah's cave... A monster rises before Unigah and speaks in a language that cannot be understood.


    The matoran Matilok wakes up "Man, a nightmare i had." he spoke to him self.

    He looks out the window the matorans are starting to wake up all around the big city.

    He takes his staff and goes down to the street.

    His abit late for work and his boss is not happy about it.


    He finishes his extra work with sorting the masks shipped from Metru Nui.


    After work he goes home... "Finally weekend!" he says to himself.

    He arrives at home and gos right out in bed.


    The giant monster is in a cave... It looks like its sorting some kinda eggs... It goes into a tiny light coming from a crack in the ceiling... A Bahrag!



    Chapter 02: The Scout

    Matilok wakes up!... "Another nightmare?" he says to himself.


    He goes out for work when suddenly... An explosion! "What was that?" is everyone saying.

    Now they see Lexias run towards the explosion yelling "Im coming brother!".


    Matilok gets curious and runs after him.

    At the explosion site Matilok sees Tagoki fighting a insect like creature... "A Bohrok!" yells Turaga Huga.


    Tagoki fires a fireball at the Bohrok and it gets knocked back.

    "Its not moving!" says Lexias who went over to it after it got knocked out.


    "Oh no!" yells Huga "Its a army! They sieged the city! This Bohrok was nothing more than a scout!".


    "Mata Nui save us" Tagoki says silently as he look upon the mighty Bohrok army around the city.



    Chapter 03: The Bohrok siege

    A mighty Bohrok army with atleast 10.000 Bohroks swarm around the city.


    Matilok speaking loudly says "Bohroks? What the Karzahni are they!"


    Huga who heard what he said turned around and looked into Matilok's eyes "Bohroks are a plague young Matoran... They can only destroy! And when their Bahrag feels like it, it can send massive armies out for destroying..." Huga says.


    Matilok swallows... He keeps thinking "Can i survive this war with against the Bohroks? I mean i must join the army... It's in he law!"

    He goes silently into the city for the recruitment center where all the other Matoran is heading too.


    Every Matoran who hasnt found a way out or havent fleed from the city has to report to the recruitment center.

    In the recruitment center they hand out weapons and armor: Trad. Armor, Trad. Sword/Spear, Trad. Shield and a Projectile Launcher.



    Chapter 04: Matorans in combat

    I got a set of Trad. Armor and a Projectile Launcher also they gave me Trad. Sword that i could wear on my back.

    I went out with the other matorans to fight for our city.


    We went through the streets armed for combat.

    The Toa were already having difficulties with the Bohrok.


    We arrived at the city border just in time for another attack.


    The Bohroks awrmed around.

    They were everywhere i looked.


    I was standing with the other Projectile Matorans and shooting whenever we got the chance to.


    I hit a Bohrok right on the head.


    But then i noticed Toa Potuko in the battle with a few matorans with him.



    Chapter 05: Potuko's last words

    I ran over to him and hes fellow matorans to help him but i was too late.


    A Bohrok Chieftain threw a powerfull fireball right at him.

    It was so powerful and Potuko couldnt stand the heat.


    I shot a Projectile in to the Bohrok but that didnt touch it but luckily Tagoki came and sliced its head off.


    Me and Tagoki was looking at Potuko.

    It seemed like he had passed away but he spoke to us.


    "Tagoki... I think i know where the nest is... Its in the old mountain Shaguin..." He said just as he passed away.



    Chapter 06: Escaping the City

    Matilok wonders what Tagoki is thinking about.


    Tagoki leaves Matilok and Potuko's body.

    Matilok follows but tries not to be seen or heard.


    He follows Tagoki all the way to Lexias who have just arrived with more troops.


    Matilok was close enough to hear their conversation.

    "We need to get to Shaguin, and defeat the Bahrag!" Tagoki says.

    "But we cant just leave the Matoran fighting!" Lexias answers.

    "Buy they cant win unless we defeat the Bahrag." Tagoki says.

    "You're right but how can we escape this sieged city?" Lexias answers.

    "There is a tunnel from here to a small outpost outside of the city" Tagoki respond.

    "Lets get going then" Lexias says.


    Matilok follows



    Chapter 07: The Tunnel

    Matilok followed so silently that the two Toa's didnt even notice him.


    The tunnel was long and dark...


    Matilok followed the glow from the two Toa's lightstone when suddenly behind a Bohrok came rolling towards the Toa's.

    Matilok grabbed his Projectile Launcher and shot the Bokrok right in the eye.


    Of course the two Toa's noticed the Bohrok and Matilok.



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    I'm not a subscriber or power member or whatever it is it's called; why am I able to make a blog? Is this a new perk? Or what?

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    Hey, VNT here, no I a not suddenly a premier member, but anyway today I got Matoro but as Napuru (i ordered him as well) is on backorder :angry: and I have to wait until next week... You get the idea.


    Bye :wakeup2:



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    I noticed that I misspelled the name after I had changed it.


    Now I'm stuck with a misspelled name for three months. Wheee.

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    yeay I have a blog, for the week though ._.

    welcome to my blog and feel free to annoy me in any way.


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