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Making A .name For One's Self

Not really local, but not life in general either.   This morning, from wired.com:   And I had wondered why all the reply email addresses from those "nice girl who want to chat" ended in .name or .info.  Bad guys win another round. Tracking.....     -KIE

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Something I'm not going to claim in Fantasy Football this year.   Give you an idea of the futility I've put forth this year: According to the breakdown rankings (where your score is pitted against the scores of the entire league, and how you'd fare if you were playing someone other than your opponent that week, and readily visible versus your actual record), in games I've played, I'm 3-6. However, against the entire league, I'm 54-43-2. That's a full game over .500, yet my winning percentage is

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Raspberry Caramel

First, I would like to call everyone's attention to the entry below, entitled "Tunnel". I'm not going to republish "Tunnel", because there is, well, information relative to the date & time it was published. (I'm glad that the data wasn't corrupted when the blogs finally did come back online: I hadn't read Bink's topic in GD before posting it.) In any case, I urge you to read that before reading this one, otherwise a bunch of this won't make sense.     Have you read it yet? Good.   Softba

Bring On Linwood

Big Test #2 was passed tonight by FBC-Kenner.... New Life   0 1 0 0 1 0 0  2 FBC-Kenner 3 0 3 0 2 1 X  9I went 0-1, pop out to the pitcher to end the second inning. I was straight-up subbed out after the third inning for Jason, who needs to get some playing time wherever.   Batting .154 on the season, it might be just as well. It's not like I'm that great at catching pitches anyway.   Like I said: all I'm good for is hustle.     In any case, we're 5-0-1, good for a .917 winning percentage.


All my life, my parents have fed me, in one way or another. Okay, not my entire life, but it has been them buying or cooking me food.   Tomorrow, the tables turn.     Amanda tells me that I now have two dishes in my back pocket, to pull out on command as it were. One is the chicken parm, which I still tweak now and then. (Once I get good at making tomato sauces, it'll probably settle.) The other is a variation on Asian short ribs. These are beef ribs cut flanken style (across the bones, as op

Digee Dime

There's a place where I come from It's the place where I belong Where you will never die Wipe the tears off from your eyes Sun and moon and stars above Never match this perfect love Just look to the painter's hands Like an ocean meets its sands. Digigee Digigee Dime Dime Digigee Digigee Dime Digigee Digigee Dime Dime Digigee Digigee Dime Twisted castles in her hair Building mountains in the air Making profits, lending loans Ancient TV's golden telephones But within this m


*giant dust cloud*   Hello.   Sorry you haven't gotten to hear about me for the past......while. I've been busy. Wedding plans & stuff.   Well, that's not wholly true: I moved at the beginning of May, and I've spent a good chunk of time unpacking. Couple that with no internet access at work (firewall in the Yenni building), and Team Fortress 2, and it's been little but cricket chirping in my blog.   One of the neat things about getting married is the registry. It's traditional to commemo


The king is dead. Long live the king.   Knowing José, I know this is not what he signed up for yesterday, but there you have it.  AB is a nice guy, really. Jovial is a very good word to describe him. He'll shake anyone's hand. Prototypical elected official. Then again, perhaps in the same prototypical fashion, the lines between public servanthood and private business blurred, and these days, such nepotistic arrangements aren't acceptable.   The king is dead. Long live the king.   -KIE

Counting Full Circles

I've been hit by the nostalgia bat recently. A few weeks ago, I was tagged (on the book of faces) in an 18-year-old photograph of my senior homecoming, well, a homecoming alternative put on by those of us (and our parents) at the church I attended at the time. I was about to turn 17 (if I wasn't already) at the time of the photograph, and I'm now more than twice as old as I was when that photo was taken.   Something else I saw on the book of faces recently: an update to something I posted 6 year


Against all manner of common sense, I am writing a blog entry at work. Right now, at 9:00 PM. On Sunday.   I should be accomplishing what I'm here for. After all, I start full-time at the Joseph S. Yenni building tomorrow, actually in 11 hours, while certain elements of a submittal are still not yet done. And yet, I feel compelled to recount the events of this weekend.   Besides, my computer is doing its thing right now, so there's not much else I can do to speed it along.     TubaChristmas

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Mardi Gras Mambo

Down in New Orleans where the blues was born It takes a cool cat to blow a horn On LaSalle and Rampart Street The combo's playin' with a mambo beat The Mardi Gras Mambo (mambo, mambo) Party Gras Mambo (mambo, mambo) Mardi Gras Mambo-ooh Down in New Orleans In Gert Town where the cats all meet There's a Mardi Gras mambo ...with a beat They shout to the Chief with the Zulu gang And truck on down where the mambo's swing The Mardi Gras Mambo (mambo, mambo) Party Gras Mambo (mambo,

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Parting The Red Sea

I'm skipping church to write this entry.   I have a good excuse, though: Amanda & I didn't get back from Lafayette this morning until 12:45. It was a football game. Yes, they play football in Lafayette, LA. Or, at least the visiting team does.   It was Red vs. Blue, round we-lost-count. McNeese, my alma mater, having paid its dues in blowout losses to Miami, Nebraska, Kansas State, nearly defeating Texas A&M, and actually defeating Northeast Louisiana ER Louisiana-Monroe, finally was

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

To Find My Way To You

Well I can't find the words to say Just to make, make this go away So you just bleed and I can't sleep tonight 'Cause it's hard to see just what you mean Across the lines that bring your voice to me But I can hear your every tear when you cry And, oh love, when you say to me That your heart breaks every time I leave I would set out across the sea Just to find my way to you Well I don't know which way to go So I search the stars, basking in the glow But they all fall down wi

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Nope. I wasn't in an accident or anything.   I got an interesting piece of email the other day. It's funny, but in a tongue-in-cheek, Toaraga's finest dry wit, way. Double-dose of funny email...I gotta do something to perpetuate the Blog of the Week XXVII traffic. I shall not yield my fame so easily!     It's also worth reading and taking to heart. Because, y'know, there's truth there.     -KIE, whose bracket is riding on Butler upsetting Florida and Southern California NOT upsetting North


My life Has led me down the road that's so uncertain Now I am left alone and I am broken Tryin' to find my way Tryin' to find the faith that's gone This time I know that You are holding all the answers And I'm tired of losing hope and taking chances On roads that never seem To be the ones that bring me home Give me a revelation Show me what to do 'Cause I've been trying to find my way I haven't got a clue Tell me should I stay here Or do I need to move Give me a revelatio

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The Chophouse Rules

Rule #1: Order the beef, not the vegetarian plate. This does not preclude ordering a side of asparagus, though. Rule #2: Don't lose your coat claim check.     I have an expense report to take care of today.   One of the drawbacks of being field personnel is how very far away from your home office you can find yourself sometimes. For instance, when the annual Christmas party came to pass 7 evenings ago for the New Orleans office of Modjeski & Masters, at Angelina's in Metairie, Amanda &am

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Brace Yourselves....

Two really big items of note:   1) Yesterday was the yearly performance review at my work. Between merit & cost-of-living increases, I got a 14% raise in my annual salary. I now make almost 2/3 what my parents make on the year. Which is a lot, considering I don't have a house note. Or kids.   2) Since I now have more money than sense, I will be going to Brickfest for the first time. Expect to be meeting up with Kaiapu, Omicron, Black Six, Cajun, Smeagol4, and Bionicle Rex. Anyone else g

Pride In Humility

(This entry is mostly for the benefit of my friends who know of this blog through Ultima Online.)   I've been spending time re-playing Ultima IX: Ascension.   I've referenced this game before, both the game and the series from which it comes: it's the lead item in my BOTW 27 "acceptance entry".   The game itself is not very playable right now: one of the major goals of the game is the cleansing of 8 shrines of virtue in the game world. Once the Avatar (you, the player) collects the mantra, to

A Manual Pump ....literally

La la laaaaaa   Storms that ruined the weekend on the southern Atlantic coast [of the US] blew throuh the Gulf coast during the week. Three things to take from this, in addition to how Yale Street turned into a makeshift canal. Flash floods are fun! Lightning is dangerous: A thunderstorm early Friday morning caused a power hiccup on the server, thus voiding the previous two days of computer run. Another setback...blah. Also blew out a network hub. It was an old hub, but it's now going to need

Lombardi Gras

Amanda & I saw a parade 43 years in the making tonight. We saw the Super Bowl XLIV victory parade from the plaza outside my office in downtown.   The parade would've been better if the ##### in front of us hadn't been such a #####, but when he left, no one but new found fellow friends were near. (Words fail to describe how "cool" this ##### was.)   What they say is true: no NFL fan base has a love affair with their team quite like the Saints & New Orleans. It's the common thread that

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

...but Can I Shave With It?

I'm getting that sense of impending doom once again. I promised, more or less, the last of the model, the parts that weren't rushed to get done back in the spring, for the end of August. Not just the model, but a completed report on improvement runs made on a calibrated model.   I just started the subcatchments for Bridge City today.   Couple that with the fact that I'm spending 20 hours a week at the Yenni building and this "doth not bode well." Looks like I might be spending Friday afternoo

Observation And Deduction

I could say something about the new traffic I've gotten in the Voting Booth, but I've got softball on the brain, can't shake it.   FBC-Kenner won tonight in the first elimination game. We play tomorrow morning, in less than 11 hours, actually, and whoever wins that game gets to turn around and play again, in another knockout game. See the "Playoffs?" entry for more details.   Anyway, about Observation and Deduction. I'm borrowing a line from The Eleventh Hour, a book by Graeme Base. Wonderfu

Wingate Is The Winner

Bah.   I tried to force myself to write this entry Saturday night before heading to bed, but then I realized it was 1 AM Sunday morning. So, this had to wait until I got back tonight.   Let me tell you about my weekend. *collapse*   The fun started awful early, as Wednesday afternoon found me in an auto accident. Nothing major: the other driver (who was in his first accident in 45 years) clipped me in the process of avoiding me. We're both fine, but I still haven't had time to start to file

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

This Is Who I Am

I'm a son of a good man I'm the child of an angel I'm the brother of a wild one And I'm looking for direction I'm the lover of a beauty (not quite yet) I'm the father of blessings (not just yet) I'm a singer of a love song But is that all I'm good for This is who I am Oh, this is who I am So take me and make me something so much more This is who I am Oh, this is who I am So change me and make me someone better than before I'm a saint and a sinner I'm a lover and a fight
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