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Kalmah's Got Nothing On This.

shadowpirakafan, I'm doing better, although I do have half a mind to take off the last hour of work and go take a nap. Though if I do that, I should go work on my MOC for BrickFest. I might even be able to take some pictures before BrickFest, depending on what I can get my hands on and when.     In the interim, an email I got all of 35 minutes ago:     Tasty. *twitch*   -KIE, who after a week still hasn't gotten the KexPod

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The Pizza Breakfast

Yes, folks, that's right. Pizza for breakfast. Kids, later in life, there's not going to be a parent telling you that you can't eat pizza for breakfast. (Instead, there will be a nutritionist and/or cardiologist telling you that you can't have pizza for breakfast.) College students, yes, there are times after graduation that you still have to get creative with the first meal of the day. In either case, the milk smelled funky, so bacon & sausage pizza was reheated.     Amanda started her

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Beautiful Thing

I want a Pavarotti voice 'cause I'm a scary Connick A solo show with the philharmonic No fake Monet Hey the real Van Gogh A Seventeen, Cover Girl, Vogue, Cosmo (Woo hoo hoo) It's a beautiful thing (Woo hoo hoo) To be loved by you (Woo hoo hoo) Oh that'll be enough to get me through It's a beautiful thing I'll take the Rockies gift-wrapped or the Grand Tetons. Add a truckload of those cherry bonbons A '54 fire red collector's car A doggie-bag trip to the money super bar (Woo

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

A Day With No Food

Or at least it seems like it.   In the process of preparation for a procedure tomorrow morning, I've had to go the last 24 and the next 6 hours on a clear liquid diet. I get to eat Jello, broth, and sports drinks, all that aren't red or orange.   Trust me, that's not much to choose from.     You never realize how much you appreciate something until it's taken away from you.     At least I can still guzzle some broth: after 12 AM, I'm not supposed to have anything at all. And no, it's not lik

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Apocalypse Redux

I am hereby officially distracted for BrickFair. <removed, it was the track for Hurricane Gustav>    I'm hoping and praying that storm doesn't hit New Orleans. It will be big, wherever it hits. And if it hits NOLA, it will hit when my flight back from BrickFair would land.   In other words, if I can get back, I won't have long at all to get my stuff packed to evacuate.     Good God Almighty here we go again.     -KIE


No, that's not McNeese's football team's ranking in the I-AA er Football Championship Subdivision polls.   That's what number I am upon registering for BrickFair this morning.   Washington DC, here I come..... ...in about 10 months.     -KIE

One Heckuva Bo-bo

I'm still here, but boy did I have a scare the other night.   By the way, I'm working on the 2009 version of Not For Burgers, but it may be Friday before I post it.   Monday night, I was trying to make potato soup. Was more like mashed potatoes, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately, I didn't account for the saltiness of the bacon fat and oversalted the pot. Blech.   In the process of cleaning up, however, I accidentally blended the tip of my left index finger. To borrow one of

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


It's snowing outside right now.     I'm going to be late for work because of SNOW.   SNOW.     (You people up north don't realize how big a deal snow is here.)     -KIE

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

I Need A Tivo

Really. Must Cartoon Network put anime AFTER Futurama/Family Guy? I can't function on 5½ hours of sleep during the week.   At least I'm seeing the end of the GITS:SAC 2nd Gig. When I'm not sleeping through it, that is.     -KIE, who wants Saturday to be the day. Really.

The 165th Hour

*yawn*   I mentioned I play Ultima Online, right? Well, this past week, from 4 AM CST Tuesday (7 Nov) to 4 AM CST Tuesday (14 Nov) was a "Welcome back week," a period of free login for accounts in good standing. (Normally, it's a $13/month subscription service.) Thus, a friend and guildmate, whom I shall henceforth refer to as "Pike", and I had a unique opportunity to create a lasting memento of the guild's founder in-game. See, UO's been open for 9 years. Longest continously running MMORPG...c

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Slow Ride

Apparently, I rock. (I bet you thought I was posting lyrics two days in a row. Nyah. )   Easter was fun. Amanda & I went to her parents' place in West Monroe for the weekend. We left Thursday night, and I got to play photographer Friday morning at Biedenhorn Gardens in Monroe. Camelias & tulips were in bloom as the gardens were open for Easter pictures. Those of you who may have linked here otherwise (Yes, BZPower, I advertise my blog on other websites.) should see photographs loaded s

Change For Dollar Bill

*takes a page from countless international observers who appeared to have assumed a McCain-Palin victory would have meant 4 more years of backwards podunk politics in Washington, D.C.*   Welcome back to the rest of America, New Orleans.     Louisiana elects the first Indian-American to the Governor's Mansion, and the first Vietnamese-American to Congress. Heh, maybe we are on the cutting edge after all.   I am locking this before discussion begins, but I do welcome the discussion off the pu

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Vote For Bobby

In the grossly unlikely event that it should affect anyone's ballot, "From the outskirts of Chocolate City" endorses Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Republican from Kenner, for the office of Governor of the state of Louisiana. (Never mind that his polling was at 63% of the statewide vote last week....)   Oh yeah, and there's an election today in Louisiana. Go vote.     -KIE   Update at 12:30 AM CDT: With 53.9% of the statewide primary vote, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal is the governor-elect of the state of

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

I'm Feeling A Draft (2007 Edition)

Fantasy football draft couldn't have gone better, in my opinion. For one, I was the only one who didn't draft with the aid of alcohol, so that may be to my benefit.     First, the rules: 12 team league (3 4-team divisions) 14 rounds. Must have 2 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 4 RB-WR flex, 2 K, 2 D/ST on the roster. TE are considered WR. Must start 1 QB, 1-3 RB, 3-1 WR, 1 K, 1 D/ST.   Scoring: 6 points for all TDs (Rushing, Receiving, Passing, Return (D/ST)) 1 point for every 50 yards passing 1 point

No Longer Uninitiated...

I know, I said I wasn't gonna post until Saturday, but I just had to pass this along: Lovely.     That is not, however, why I dub myself "no longer uninitiated."   I bought my computer about 3 weeks before joining BZ. Or it might have been a year before. Or the year after. I can't really remember, just that it was for my birthday. $800, and it's not worth half that much now. When I evacuated my apartment ahead of Katrina (August 27, 2005), I unplugged the CPU and left with it, but not the m


The KexPod arrived yesterday. After about 5 months of waiting (Okay, you can scratch all of that before January: I was holding hope that I'd get one for Christmas.), several PMs and hint-dropping blog entries, the KexPod has arrived.   Yeah, it was only 4 business days, but what it took to get it mailed was ridiculous. (By the way, I still owe Kex $50 (or lifetime premier membership) for the iPod, but that's on hold until his PayPal account is un-hung-up.)   Kex left me a smattering of hits

Tryptophantic Advent

I'm going home tonight, and don't look to be back until Saturday or Sunday. So, I'll leave you all with a very long, but truly fascinating article that just came in my email, for you all to discuss, of course.   I do care about my rating, by the way, and I'm not happy about people torpedoing it: I've gone from 4.7 to 4.4 to 4.6 to 4.5 right now: if my blog is that bad, please tell me via PM what's wrong with it before bludgeoning the rating.   -KIE  

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Two And Barbecue

The 2008 FBC-Kenner season is over. It's been over for, about 30 hours, actually, but I've been busy playing TF2 with my brother to actually post about the events of the playoffs.   For starters, "softball" is a misnomer.   We had a game against a team that blew us out 13-2 in the regular season on Friday night. We didn't fare much better this time, falling by a score of 16-3. The worst part, however, was that before the game got out of hand, I had the opportunity to make a play at the plate.


For a while this past winter (What? Winter's over, right?), the IAFF and the JP council were up in arms about issues like firefighter pay and leave. At least, that's what I think it was. I'm pretty sure that, when approached with a petition in January, the petition, what the off-duty firefighter who explained the situation said, and the resolutions that signaled the end of threats of firefighter strikes at the council meeting a month ago, said three different things. For a while, things got awf

Now At A Remote Location...

Well, remote relative to New Orleans. I was the only person I saw today with any kind of New Orleans Saints shirt/jersey/something on. Could it have anything to do with being 2 timezones away? Nah. Black & Gold nation all the way.   Why didn't I post about BrickFest, CF? Well, for starters, I don't have my own computer up here: I either have to borrow Omi's laptop or use something in the hotel lobby, the latter being the current mode of typing.     It's 1 AM here in Portland. I just got

Partridges In Pear Trees For All!

That's today, by the way.   "What?" you say. "Christmas is December 25!"   While the date is correct, today is the first day of the Twelve Days of Christmas, the stretch of time from Christmas (yesterday) to Epiphany (January 6). Without delving too deep into religion (those that do celebrate Epiphany aren't even my own), Epiphany commemorates, I THINK (don't quote me on this), the advent of the deity of Christ.   Myself, I believe Jesus was born 100% God and 100% man, thus making the Epipha

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Appeal To Lapels

This would end up in Office Hijinks, if only that it were something light-hearted. No, this is much more life-altering than that.   For the past 7 months, I have been mired in an application process to take the Principles and Practices of Engineering Exam, in hopes of gaining my licensure as a professional engineer. For the past 7 months, I have been tracking down references from the past 7 years, hoping to get all the paperwork together in time. For the past 7 months, I have been reliving t


Somewhere out there in the vast nothingness of space somewhere far away in space and time Staring upward at the gleaming stars in the obsidian sky, we're marooned on a small island in an endless sea confined to a tiny spit of sand unable to escape. But tonight on this small planet on Earth We are going to rock civilization

Sound Boy

I am a bad person.   Today I received a letter from the Louisiana Department of Revenue. Apparently, the server connection reset when I e-filed my state taxes last year meant I did not file for the 2006 year.   This makes me a very bad person. Nigh a felon, for a slam-dunk case of tax evasion.   A dentist in Slidell recently was convicted for tax evasion. Refused to file taxes for about 9 years, was fined something like $400,000 (in addition to the taxes he never paid) and sentenced to 10 yea

A Winner Is Me

It came in today's mail.   Also included were two copies of WoW 2008 and a LifeSongs sticker.  Why am I burning this great title on something so petty? Simple: as often as I win stuff, it'll be a long time before it's needed once more. Now if you'd excuse me, I must bask for a bit.     -KIE, who found a way to get himself killed by the first enemy in the Easy mode of Ghost Recon last night.

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

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