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The Nightmare Is Over

5 minutes ago, the rental office of my apartment called. Saturday, 17 June, after 11 AM EDT, I can go by the office, sign the lease, pay first rent, et cetera. Monday, 19 June, I can pick up keys. ...and by the end of the day Saturday, 24 June, I should be moved back into my apartment.   My 10 month nightmare will finally end. Anti-climactic, yet, I am too drained to emoticonize it.       -KIE

Happy Birthday, Michael

My little brother turns 25 today. They grow up so fast... *sniffle*     I'm making plans to go to a baseball game. Astros vs. Phillies Wednesday, July 4, 2007. 1:05 PM CDT start. Heck, I might even get back to the apartment for midnight and go to work on Thursday, thus not taking a day of vacation! It's a win! Gonna get some good seats, too, if I can get the plans settled quickly.   (If anyone else is in Houston, and is going to go to that game, let me know.)     I'll leave you with a


Nope, not redoing my blog. I've found a nice groove here, and I will keep it in said groove. May not be a daily thing to update, but I definitely like where I sit here. The rework is where I have to re-address some comments for something that, again, someone doesn't want to do themselves. And they're not paying me any more to do it...   I would be mad and flatly refuse, but I'm too nice a guy to do it.   While I suffer through this moral quandry, I offer for you to discuss the purported best

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

No Sense In Reading This Tripe

No seriously. You, BZP, have spoken. And my blog is more dated than the 19th century.   Thursday morning: 4.6 out of 5, 27 votes Friday morning: 4.4 out of 5, 28 votes.... mathematically, this could only have been from a 1-star rating Saturday night: 4.3 out of 5, 29 votes.... again, this could have only been from another 1-star rating   .....   I never realized what I offered was so, very, lame. So, very, bad.   Do I use too many words? Do I not volunteer for questions or something? What

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Ha-haha Hahaha-ha

For the record, this entry was supposed to be made 3 weeks ago, but Michael had me busy playing Red Alert 2.   Yet another image borrowed from Wikipedia. An anime that lampoons anime. Genius.     That is all.   -KIE   Another edit for clarification: The above image is of 4 of the 9 or so major characters in the anime/manga Bo-BoBo BoBoBo-Bo, a japanese cartoon that basically gives the Scary Movie or Epic Movie treatment (mishmashing the stereotype to the point of absurdity) to anime/man

Encase Yourself!

New category!   The computer case arrived today. It's ÜBER-freakin'-spiffy. It's a Cooler Master Ammo 533 RC-533-SWN1. I bought it off of NewEgg.com.   This thing is going to rock once it's all been put together.   I could break down each angle of it, or I could just link you to a Maj gallery. In any case (), the company takes better photos than I do.   OS, check Case, check >minimum 600 W power supply >Motherboard >Dual processor (Not dual core. Two processors) >2 GB RA

Big Man On Duty

Christmas may come but once a year, but that doesn't seems to stop it from coming earlier every year. More that 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and there were already yuletide decorations this past weekend at the Mall of Louisiana. (No Google map this time, as I am lazy. However, take the Bluebonnet exit off of I-10 in Baton Rouge, and you literally can't miss it.) Anyway, I decided to get a jump start on Christmas gifts. I saw something for my mom at the Disney Store.   [secret] I don't think sh

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Sounds Of Life

Gulf Coast residents are a hardy bunch.   We put up with all manner of heat, humidity, and hurricane, just to bring the rest of you through the heart of the country a port, oil, Mardi Gras, and the best cuisine in the states, in my opinion.   And we do tolerate hurricanes. Granted, Katrina was scary. An eye-opener at the very least. Several people got spooked, much within their right, and took off for parts north, west, and northeast. Then, you have rest of us, too poor, too old, too settled,

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Calling Out Your Name

<67 seconds of the finest down-tempo dulcimer solo ever recorded> Well the moon moved past Nebraska And spilled laughter on them cold Dakota Hills And angels danced on Jacob's stairs Yeah, they danced on Jacob's stairs There is this silence in the Badlands And over Kansas the whole universe was stilled By the whisper of a prayer The whisper of a prayer And the single hawk bursts into flight And in the east the whole horizon is in flames I feel thunder in the sky I see the s

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Ai Dake, Yume Dake, Kimi Dake

Image screencaptured from the textless opening From left: Aiesha Clanclan, Jim Hawking, Gene Starwind, Melfina, and "Twilight" Tsuzuka The third and final thing of note I picked up last weekend was something sorely coveted through the Christmas season. The Outlaw Star perfect collection box set. All 26 episodes. Character galleries. Textless openings and endings. 11 hours of Outlaw Star goodness. $60 well spent, even if I don't have a DVD player (except on the computer here at work).

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Tryptophantic Advent (2007)

No article about prescription "I don't need sleep anymore" pills.... but that article is still in the archives from last year.   No, what I learned recently is that complacency in a young relationship is pretty toxic.     Happy Thanksgiving, guys & gals.   -KIE, still not an uncle

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

I Feel Dirty

That's what my little brother says when he has to drive through Mississippi. Such a comment is usually met with "ha ha" laughter, but he's one not to find any redeeming qualities about the state to our immediate east. Certainly not with their two major college programs, being the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University. Southern Miss, he's ambivalent. (Speaking of my brother, I wish him good luck: he has an 8:11,000ish chance of getting his name pulled later today for a $160

Halfway Home

Mind you, that's me, not the US soccer team: they're coming all the way home. Man, it hurt to follow those three games here at work: a GameCenter is not a television.   Quick note: the Classic Cobb chopped flatbread salad I just got from Quizno's was the best salad I've had in 2 months. (Only salad I've had in 2 months, maybe that's why I have this gut...)   Yesterday's moving list: Most of my hanging clothes (65 shirts, 15 pairs of pants) set of cutting boards set of really really sharp kniv

Spinning Wheels

Wheels of an iPod, that is.   Just a quick note: since I finally have an MP3 player, I might as well do this:     Soundtrack of my life Opening Credits: "Holy", Nichole Nordeman Woven and Spun Waking Up: "I Need You", Jars of Clay The Eleventh Hour (I could wake up to that. ) An Ordinary Day: "Chevette", Audio Adrenaline Some Kind of Zombie (...yeah ) The First Date: "My World", Holy Soldier Promise Man (ominous beginning.) Falling in Love: "Walk on Water", Audio Adrenaline Bloom (....heh) The

Festing Of The Brick

I'd wanted to post during Brickfest, but I couldn't handle the felt-like-fragile keys of Omi's laptop, and I never really had time to think it out. It was busy, and it was a blast.   Friday, I was picked up at the airport by a family I'd met through BZP, but not on BZP. We went out for Vietnamese food for dinner, well, late lunch, as I hadn't eaten since my last blog post. Vietnamese cuisine produces the ABSOLUTE BEST spring rolls in the the world. Just enough butter/fat in the frying, just the

To Find My Way To You

Well I can't find the words to say Just to make, make this go away So you just bleed and I can't sleep tonight 'Cause it's hard to see just what you mean Across the lines that bring your voice to me But I can hear your every tear when you cry And, oh love, when you say to me That your heart breaks every time I leave I would set out across the sea Just to find my way to you Well I don't know which way to go So I search the stars, basking in the glow But they all fall down wi

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Roll The Crease

This week will be a record 6 blog entries, I can tell. More coming tomorrow & Saturday.   Just folded 70 22"×34" maps of Huntwyck Village yesterday & this morning. Huntwyck is out the door...well...it's out my door. It's in the conference room, 12 3" binder being filled via assembly line, to be taken to Baton Rouge tomorrow. But I don't have to see it for the rest of the month, so I'm happy. Right now, I'm reconstituting a manhole survey form from April that mysteriously vanished som

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

The Chocolate-house Rules

Rule #1: Eating chocolate on February 14 breaks no diets or New Year's resolutions. Lenten fasts are under debate.     I'm trying to wrap stuff up in Kenner today, so I'm here to type out a blog entry. Tonight promises to be quite interesting: I'm cooking Ecuadorian tilapia tonight, in lieu of placing reservations at some place I won't afford (Well, I could afford, but then I wouldn't be able to go to a Brewers' game the first weekend of May.)   Quick comment: Gosh, I'm glad my name isn't Rog

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Here Fishy Fishy

Mardi Gras was great. Amanda & I caught 5 parades all told: Excalibur, Atlas, d'État, Isis, and Zeus. We could have caught 7 more (Hermes, Morpheus, Muses, Napoleon, Argus, Elks Jeffersonian, and Jefferson), but circumstances didn't allow for it. Specifically, we were too late for Hermes, Morpheus and Muses were taking too long, Napoleon broke down, and after Zeus, Amanda was just plain Mardi-Gras'd out. Pictures are in the process of being uploaded to my maj folder. (I'm just uploading them

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I expect derision for this entry.   Not because this is not anime, mind you. I concede this does not fall under the category, but the "oversized eyes" category had collected a lot of dust. It needed a little activity.   No, I expect the derision to arise from the general subject matter.           I became a Mo Willems and Tom Warburton fan back in the days of Sheep in the Big City. GREAT little show on Cartoon Network that didn't get nearly enough air-time; I wish I could buy the entire serie

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Parting The Red Sea

I'm skipping church to write this entry.   I have a good excuse, though: Amanda & I didn't get back from Lafayette this morning until 12:45. It was a football game. Yes, they play football in Lafayette, LA. Or, at least the visiting team does.   It was Red vs. Blue, round we-lost-count. McNeese, my alma mater, having paid its dues in blowout losses to Miami, Nebraska, Kansas State, nearly defeating Texas A&M, and actually defeating Northeast Louisiana ER Louisiana-Monroe, finally was

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I need to talk to my brother, yet when I called last night, I completely forgot what it was I was going to say, and ended up just chatting about Team Fortress Classic. Yes, I'm as well-versed as any in using the detpack, a timer-set bomb (5-second, 20-second, and 50-second timer varieties only) capable of clearing enviromental barricades and killing any enemy within blast range (and the demolitions man that set it, if he's still within line-of-sight) in one blow, as an offensive weapon. Still, t

The End Of The Fantasy

Baseball Season is upon us.   Amanda & I went to watch the New Orleans Zephyrs, AAA affiliate of the New York Metropolitans, play in their season opener tonight against the Nashville Sound, AAA affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers. It was the first minor league baseball game for either of us: I'm an Astros fan, and I might have gone back when they were the AAA of the Astros franchise, but now they're not. (That's the Round Rock Express, also in the Pacific Coast League.) We went because ther

A Sense Of Powerlessness

Don't mind me, just taking a cue from Turakii. *drumroll for the huge weekend recap*     Philosophical question: What would you do if you had more money than you, your brothers & sisters, parents, aunts & uncles, your kids (regardless of whether you have any now) and your grandkids could ever hope to spend, combined?   One answer: build a ridiculously tall skyscraper.   The lunchtime speaker at the Tulane Engineering Forum on Friday was the lead designer of the Burj Dubai (برج دبي ,

Brace Yourselves....

Two really big items of note:   1) Yesterday was the yearly performance review at my work. Between merit & cost-of-living increases, I got a 14% raise in my annual salary. I now make almost 2/3 what my parents make on the year. Which is a lot, considering I don't have a house note. Or kids.   2) Since I now have more money than sense, I will be going to Brickfest for the first time. Expect to be meeting up with Kaiapu, Omicron, Black Six, Cajun, Smeagol4, and Bionicle Rex. Anyone else g
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