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No Sense In Reading This Tripe

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


No seriously. You, BZP, have spoken. And my blog is more dated than the 19th century.


Thursday morning: 4.6 out of 5, 27 votes

Friday morning: 4.4 out of 5, 28 votes.... mathematically, this could only have been from a 1-star rating

Saturday night: 4.3 out of 5, 29 votes.... again, this could have only been from another 1-star rating




I never realized what I offered was so, very, lame.

So, very, bad.


Do I use too many words? Do I not volunteer for questions or something? What am I doing wrong? What am I doing that warrants such noxious reviews?



Come on, y'all. Finish the job. Sink my rating to the 1.x level.

And get it done by January. EDIT: Sarcasm seems to be lost on the great lot of people. That, or some imps were just waiting on a literal invitation.

Let me get one thing clear: I don't mind you rating my blog 1-star if you think it's terrible. I DO mind you rating my blog 1-star because it's not your blog. Or your best friend's blog. </edit>



In other news, TubaChristmas Alexandria was great. Tomiku got the "farthest distance traveled" award when it was deemed that Metairie wasn't far enough away to be farther than "blue tarp land". ;) Still, Mr. Bott was left with just us two at 50 miles, 60 miles, 70 miles, 80 miles, 90 miles, 100 miles, 105 miles.......the correct vicinity would've been 230 miles (370 km) for the two of us, each.

Lady K didn't make an appearance at the concert, apparently she was confused about the date of the performance. Not to worry: Lord willing, we'll be back next year.


You will have to excuse me: an episode of Samurai Champloo I missed during the first run is on.




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People just don't appreciate good blogs. A blog entry that only said "lol sporK" or something similar would get more comments and stars than anything.


You mean they're showing Samurai Champloo again?! :o I thought the last good show on there was Bleach...

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Barring next Saturday (3 Inuyasha movies), Saturday night Adult Swim is


Robot Chicken ×2

Trinity Blood <----a bit too much blood for me


Eureka 7 <---- "someday, we will all have mecha"

Samurai Champloo

Paranoia Agent <---- great opening song, but it never ceases to leave me bewildered, as in what's the point, other than some kid with a bent golden bat playing grim reaper? I guess it's a study on the psyche on death, and how different people react to it.

...executed by "Little Slugger".



Weeknights Adult Swim (that I care about):

Inuyasha: Okay, sorry HH, but it's starting to really bog down. Not on the order of Dragonball Z, yet.

Full Metal Alchemist: Yay for filling in the holes!

Fooly Cooly: The ending theme is so cool. The 25 minutes before the ending theme is so.... :blink:

...really. I can't grasp that show, except that some kids have really lost their sense of innocense. I hope and pray none of you end up like them, ridiculous plot devices notwithstanding. More often than not, I just come back to the computer and go listen to the ending theme when that guitar starts.




I've got church in the morning. And I need to feign some sleep between now and then.



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Omicron's right. I favorited your blog coz I can always appreciate a good read from somebody who actually has a grip on reality. I think it's just mean-spirited noobs who are too stupid to know what you're talking about.
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Hey, my ratings go up and down as well. I've stopped worrying about it, I just update whenever and have fun with what I put up. But that's just me being chaotic. (Hopelessly so...)

I may not often reply to your entries, but I do enjoy reading them, which is why I rated your blog 5 stars back when. I'd boost it up for ya, but alas, I'm only allowed one vote. ;)

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I am so sorry. :( I asked Tomiku about the date but never got a response. I thought it was on the 17th because you two said that, and then pointed it out that it was on a Saturday, but a Saturday was on the 16th, and yeah....


Great, so now I am mad at myself, my mom who never gave me a answer(Who seemed to purposely to be avoiding answering till the last minute), and going to watch the crummy Eragon movie.


My life is so....ugh...Sorry Tomiku and KIE, my fault. :(


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I don't know who's been giving you low ratings, but, if it helps at all, I gave you a five-star rating several months ago.


This is just so annoying. You blog doesn't deserve these one-star ratings.




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*realizes he's never used rate-a-blog feature before*


*gives KIE a 5/5*


Am I free to go? :lookaround:




Your blog really is one of the more compelling ones out there.

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We love you KIE!


I like your blog. It gives me nice insite into an adult's mind. So I guess you could say I look up to you.


This is a good blog. Like I said, adult....(althought you should post some random stuff everyonce in a while, and possible a MOC)


And you know what, I don't even pay attention to ratings, as long as it is entertaining and someone is reading it. There are a couple of people that always read, and that is what is important.

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I'd seen a few Samurai Champloo DVDs around, as well as a few copies of the manga, but I hadn't really paid much attention to it. I'm watching the first episode right now, and I like what I see. They even have Kazuya Nakai voice acting Mugen, the same voice actor who plays Roronoa Zoro in One Piece. :happydance:
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