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Over It.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering



Confirmed it for me.


I want to post a quick reply specifically to ChocolateFrogs: I don't have any MOCs (outside of my BrickFest badge) to post, for three reasons.

1) I'm missing a good chunk of MOCcable pieces: outside of 3 8556 sets and a pair of Nui-Jaga, most of what I have are loose Kanohi. That, and the color selection in 2002 was rather limited.

2) I lack the creativity to MOC. I like to construct the sets, but I can barely embellish here and there, like the half-pin on the back shoulder to stow Toa Nuparu's laser drill. I can do small stuff like that, but nothing truly original.

3) I don't have a digital camera. The photos in my one 8729 review were from a Saturday I came in to work to build it & take pictures. I'm not relocating my LEGO collection to my office.


Also, I was being sarcastic when I elicited the torpedo ratings Saturday night. But, it seems that was the invitation a lot of people needed, because my rating has just gone further south....


But you know what? I'm over it. So brace yourselves for my last public words on my blog rating.


Blog ratings are the reader's avenue for anonymous opinion of the blog. They range from 1 star (refuse (the noun, not the verb)) to 5 star (exemplary). Only one vote can be registered per BZP account per blog, and that vote cannot be changed once cast.


Several people have decided recently that my blog is not worth the space it takes up on BZP's servers. So, rather than drastically restarting to include some form of the inanities seen elsewhere in the BZP Community Blogs, I'm going to cut a deal with those of you who have voted down my blog:

Don't come back.


I've got a readership (albeit a small one), so it doesn't matter now if my blog is in the Top 10 or mired in the lower abcesses of mediocrity. I can go on with what I'm doing now and still get my ego stroked by those already here. Mind you, this is not to close off this blog from anyone new that would like to read it. But if this is so bad to deserve the worst rating you can muster, please, for your own sake, don't suffer any longer by waiting for me to change.


This goes for any future entries, too. What I say in the future, while obviously not the same words, will be the same ideas as have been in the past 7 months. So, if it's garbage now, it will still be garbage later. I encourage you to leave now, that my blog may not ever sully your computer screen, ever again.



Everyone else (those of you who don't think my blog is worthy of the worst rating possible, and as such not garbage), thank you for bearing with me during this involuntary metaphorical flashback to the terrible social experiment that was KIE's graded school years. Omi knows what I'm talking about; hit him up over IM if you don't get what I just said.





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If there's anything past experiences have taught me, sarcasm is not always the best option here on BZP. ;)

I'm at least glad you're not giving in and quitting. It just wouldn't be you, and we'd have to miss your entertaining and well-written entries. Some of us need examples like you, after all. :)

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You rock man. This blog is a neatly organized, well written perspective of your life, and as I said before, I suspect mean-spirited noobs who are too stupid to appreciate a good blog.
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Yeah, this is why I have never solicited ratings for my blog. But, for what it's worth, your blog is at least worth more server space than mine, and I gave it five stars to help get it up to its previous rating.





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It only occured to me as I read this entry that I hadn't rated your blog at all. I thought I had, since it was on the five-star rating up in the corner... which is what I would have rated it regardless. And did.


And not out of pity or nothing. Your blog is worth every star.

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Whatever we do, there will always be those who don't appreciate it. Same goes for blogs, no matter how thoughtful, insightful, tasteful, or entertaining the content. I guess there are just some members who think anything that takes more than ten seconds to understand can't be worth reading.


Yeah, the sarcasm was probably one of those things that seem like a good idea at the time, but aren't. I find you get what you give in this life, be it courtesy or vitriol. :)


Good to hear you're undaunted! Keep writing from your chocolate skirts or whatever. :P



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The explanation is simple: how much thought does it take to comment on stuff like that versus stuff like what we find here?



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