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Epic. Apocalyptic. Dream.

Yup, the Zealot had another dream. Here 'tis, it's even longer than the other. And more epic. ----- This one happens all at the state fair, although it looks nothing like the state fair did. There was a dock, like the kind they park battleships at, a stadium worthy of a sports team, and lotsa random houses and lodges (one of them was my house). Anyway, our roboticspeeps was going, like it was in real life, but the only ones who were going were me, Mom, Mrs. T (the lady who runs it, she's blond

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Decisions, Decisions..

I've decided to keep my name Ferhago (something). I'm thinking now whether to change it to just 'Ferhago' so I can have my theme whatever I want it to be. And right now that would be Seether =P.   Now, there's another major 'Wuttheheckdoido' situation I'm in, but I'm kinda of afraid Mom or Dad will read this, so.. Behold! My security countermeasures! Mods, please let this stay, it's a matter of well-being. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «» Click to show Spoiler - click again

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

I Just Realized..

THIS IS SPARTA!   Ok, but seriously. A few days ago I PMed people with my hastily updated blog approval, and I'd have to tell them all to switch back, which would look pretty silly..   And does anybody like this purple better, since it's not ripping of Turakii, and it's closer to Seether purple?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


If I can hold to it, I'm'a post in Seether purple from now on. Does anybody know how to do colors in fast reply, tho? I'm far to lazy to wait for it to load TWICE.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Then She Told Me

I guess you know I'm faking when I tell you I love you, Guess you know that I am blind to everything you say and do, Must be something on my mind, something lost and left behind, Do you know I'm faking?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

The Golden Paper Towel Roll! ^_^

As I never told anybody until I got back, I went to the Robot Rumble at the Virginia State Fair. 'Twas fun, and awesome, and tiring. I had to drive the robot the whole time, which was tense. I single-handedly broke 2 gripping halos, and a third that was somewhat of a joint effort. We ended up winning, tho, we were picked by the #1 team at the beginning of the championship rounds. One of the stations to plug in your controller to competition controls was frying control systems, and we blew ours,

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

'nother Dream.

I had this one Friday night, I've been in Richmond winning the Robot Rumble at the state fair. I'll write about that later, I have to achieve enough sentience to write coherently. Anyway, here's the dream. I don't think it takes Tom to figure this one out if you know enough about my life..   Most of this one happened at my church; I was there with my friend Caleb for setting up some kind of dinner, we put a lot of tables in a big room; I also left my Through the Fire and Flames mp3 (DragonForce

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

My Best, Longest, Awesomest Dream. Ever.

So, at the beginning, I don't remember much.. I remember a trailer, darkness, and an old man I think I know in real life, but I can't quite identify. My friend Calvin was there was well. Then we came to my church, which had something different about the lights.. and the back part, which has a lot of halls, seemed endless, like a maze. Stuff happened back there that I don't remember, still with me and Calvin. Then this low-pitched trumpet sound sounded (for lack of a better word), and we went int

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

All For Naught

When you see me cut me down, and I will force it under ground, There's no one left to hurt but me, and it's because of me, right?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Are You Breathing?

Can you imagine how good going through with this will make you feel? No one will ever know. There will be no chance of you ever getting caught. They never loved you anyway, So come on, be a man and do what you are compelled to do.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fspot Double Feature: Up To No Good

Harry Potter, anyone?   Second one's another from my personal experience. I really don't know how long this has been going on, but here: Oh, and Tom, your Lolcat gallery is on the front page, for now..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I CAN FINALLY TALK ABOUT SKRALL! WHOOOO! He's definitely my 1 canister set for next year. A black lizard with a sword and a buzz saw. How much more awesome does it get? My little dude will be Zesk, definitely. His mask looks a lot like LoMN Makuta's, if you think/look about it.. BUT WE CAN FINALLY TALK ABOUT SKRALL! Spoilers, you were duly warned. But come now, do you really want to wait and have all of BZP knowing things you don't? Does that

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Let's Put A Smile On That Face.

I finally am worthy to join the vast ranks of the seers of The Dark Knight. To tell the truth, the Joker didn't really disturb me that much, he has a surprising resemblance to Hakann and Zaktan, if you think about it. Except slightly less sane. I have to say, 'Why so serious?' was far less epic than all you people made it out to be. I owe some of you some annoyance. Just need to think of a good time to collect.   One thing I didn't understand, tho. Batman has armor. Near the end, he is attacked

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Take A Guess.

Hello, hello, hello, how low, Hello, hello, hello, how low, Hello, hello, hello, how low, Hello, hello, hello, how low.   (Tom, if you give it away I'll.. Just don't.)

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Dreams Of War, Dreams Of Liars, Dreams Of Dragon's Fire, And Of Things That Will Bite.

If you get the title, you win something.   Anyways, it has come to my recent attention that some of my friends thought that they have weird dreams. I'm here to dispel that. Here's the 3 that I remember vividly. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tom, I told all but the last one to him the day they happened. There've been MANY more as/more weird than these, I just don't remember them well.   First one: There was dinner at some place, and I got to sit with Angel.. And after dinner I left th

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

The Game

It has come to my attention that a disturbingly small amount of people on BZP know about The Game. If you already know, you just lost Hence, I explain. There's only 3 rules.   1. You're always playing the game. 2. When you think about the game, you lose the game. 3. When you lose the game, you must tell someone else.   Just clearing that up. Oh, and you just lost the game!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fspot: Sumthin..

This'n be my favorite lolcat ever. And I've official word from Omi that lolcatspeak is ok.   Oh, and check this topic out: (topic link inserted here)

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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