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the Retreat..

I was at my church retreat this weekend, 'twas awesome. Friday night was a bonfire, which apparently still counts as one if it'd fit in a fireplace.. We got marshmallow-toasting pitchforks (They wouldn't let me use a shovel.. ), ate, and then played capture the flag (Apparently it IS possible to play it without rifles. Who knew?) Then everybody split up, I ended up playing 2 on 2 with my friend Calvin against another friend and his dad. In the end I had to explain to Calvin why a girl in our you

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Irritations, Illegality.. Good Stuff.

It's now official. If I see/hear someone use the phrase 'Why so serious?' one more time (besides the obligatory ones that everybody and his brother's uncle's dog will write here), I'm going to do something illegal.   Went to the water park yesterday with a friend who'd never been, had an awesome time, even got a decent fail pic (two rafts jammed on the conveyor with a dude up there trying to pull them out). Had a zombie crash afterwards, tho, since I was up until 2:30 the night before..   My a

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

G'day, Guvnah!

We had the governor coming to the school I do robotics at, so we got to do a demonstration for him. Me and my friend Spiffle got to drive the robot for the demonstration, so he shook our hands.   (The governor in question is Tim Kaine, btw, he may end up as vice president for Obama.)

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Hard Day's Taka-havin'

It's kind of messed up that it's a good night to me when I'm up in my room, IMing 3 different people at once, listening to La Grange, eating shock tarts, and building Takanuva. But hey, it's not like anything else I do makes sense, rite?   Anyway, Taka's awesome. Easily the best build of this year, since it's actually a body instead of a chassis. His joints do NOT slip at all, since he's got double-joints on everything. Unfortunately this results in most poses having his legs in such a way that

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Epic Win Msn Convo

So, I was having a conversation with Dorek over MSN, and we both agreed that his excerpt was epic win enough to be blogged.   Linky if ya can't read it or something   PS: And yes, for what it's worth to ya, that IS my Angel's face on my convo window.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Rpg Ideas.

I was thinkin', a Starcraft RPG in CoT would be so awesome.. Although I'm not sure how the mechanics would work. You'd probably pick a species and unit to be, and play in a Fastest-Mario type war.. idk.   And as nobody but Edapurg has known, I've got a sequel to Monster Wars in the works as well. Not telling you the plot yet. Ha!   But if anybody would like to help me run either of those, that'd be very helpful, since with school I can't run 3 and play in 1. Very well.   Be aware that I'm se

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

The Enemy Approaches.. *twitch*

The enemy will be upon me tomorrow..   *shudder* No, get away..   Who is it, you ask? Its name is scarcely uttered in whispers, in the dark corners of those 6-foot wide cubicles..   School

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fspot: There Will Be Blood.

Also, you know the Pokemon Spiritomb? Well, I hacked mine and gave it the ability Wonderguard, so it's impossible to hurt it!   Pokemon gurus will get what it means. For you common people (), Wonderguard means that only super effective attacks hurt it. But a Spiritomb has no weakness, and thus no way to be hurt.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fo' Shizzle Dizzle, Yo!

I getted Onua! Only Gorast left...   Onua's gun is really awesome, looks like some kind of bazooka or something. And the red jets complement him well. Plus there's an extra Inika knee pad and connector, so you can give him the Bitil wing as a melee weapon if you want.   ALSO! Kindly read the blog entry below, and respond if you're a frequenter.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

You're Not Gonna Read This! ... V1.2

So, the title really has nothing to do with anything. It was so you'd see it and read it.   Anyway, I just wanted to know who my consistent readers are, since nobody comments constantly except AA and Tom/Vachu. So if you have a moment, please just leave a comment saying whatever you want.   Thx!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Giraffe Beetle = Win

Bitil Get! He's awesome. His wings don't flap like the commercial, tho.. =( His long neck works great if you put him in a Krika pose, like a predator.   *protoss shields*

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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