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Entries in this blog

Artr (and The Four-year Drawing)

Jus' realized I haven't really posted any of my artwork on the BZP for a while since none of it is Bionicle-related.   So here you go. This is what I based my latest MOC design off of, for anyone who saw it on TBB or Flickr. (link)   And of course the four-year project. As the title implies, this was a character I had floating around in my head for the past four nyears. Alas but that back then I didn't possess the skill to adequately convey the concept on paper. So I tried again, and the re



I Give Up

Everyone keeps passing me.   And now Velox is a staffie. D=




I don't want to update my blog, and so I am not going to.   Honestly though, I'm really starting to lose interest in the BZPower online community. It's all very well IRL, but I find that I have to force myself to log in against my will and I have a guilty, nagging feeling in the back of my head when I don't. I guess I've really just grown tired of it. The fads and contests come and go, as do the fanfics and fanart. I no longer feel interested in reading the boards or racking up my 'post count'



So, 2010

My trip to BrickCon 2010 was recently confirmed, and ever since, I've been having dreams about it and seeing all my BZPer friends again. So what is it, like eight months?   I'm gonna go crazy.



Let's Have A Show Of Hands

My day consisted of waking up, listening to techno, playing The Orange Box, interweb surfing, and reading manga.   How many people did something similar, and how many people think I should get a life?



Just A Thought

Nicolas Flamel had to have something to make the Philosopher's Stone out of... So, what happens to the kids not accepted into Hogwarts?



Orange Box Omg

I cannot find a way to turn off blood and gibs in Half-Life 2 for PS3. This is extremely inconvenient since I don't like seeing the blood of people I have to kill. The best I can do is close my eyes and fire at random, which is an effective way to get myself killed.   Portal is still good though. =3



Word Filter Buddy

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but did anyone else notice that Kohaku edited this entry for bypassing the word filter? Removed. And I just noticed that you bypassed the filter. Don't try that again or I shall lock this entry. - Kohaku   also Bionicle Legends



I'm Actually Working

...on my story! Yes, after nearly three months of not being able to get anything done concerning the plot, concepts, characters, outline, etcetera, I've actually found inspiration! And comes from many sources: My sister, who's first story ever written was only twenty pages long and at the time I deemed her the best author ever, (she's second best now, Dekker aside.) the fact that my hometown has spawned at least six or seven published authors, the fact that the guy who wrote Eragon was only fif



Social Experiment

GENERATION 94,221: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.   This oughta screw it up good.



My Head Hurts.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing headache and no connection to anything that might have caused it, save dehydration. Now anytime my head makes even a very small involuntary movement it hurts like karzahni.   In other news, I got my precious, precioussssss Pandora Hearts manga. I'm so happy! <3



Who Wants Blog Contest?

This might be concerning mostly members of the Doukutsu Monogatari Fanclub, but anyone is welcome to join. If you express any interest in MOCING an 8-bit pixelated game for minimal or no real-life prizes, just post here.   ...




"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein



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